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Created June 18, 2010 14:53
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This is ref-vim plugin for Twitter Search.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Encode;
use Net::Twitter;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Readonly;
Readonly my $START_HIGHLIGHT => color('red');
Readonly my $REST_HIGHLIGHT => color('reset');
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
if (@ARGV == 0) {
print "usage: $0 [search query]\n";
my @args = map {Encode::decode('utf8', $_)} @ARGV;
my $query = join '+', @args;
my $nt = Net::Twitter->new(traits => [qw(API::Search)],);
my $r = $nt->search($query);
for my $result (@{$r->{results}}) {
for my $key (@args) {
$result->{text} =~ s/(${key})/${START_HIGHLIGHT}${1}${REST_HIGHLIGHT}/ig;
print colored($result->{from_user}, 'magenta'), "\n";
print $result->{text}, "\n\n";
let s:save_cpo = &cpo
set cpo&vim
if !exists('g:ref_twitter_encoding')
let g:ref_twitter_encoding = &termencoding
let s:source = {'name': 'twitter'}
function! s:source.available()
return 1
function! s:source.get_body(query)
let cmd = split(
\ ' ' . s:iconv(a:query, &encoding, 'utf-8'), '\s\+'
\ )
let res = ref#system(cmd).stdout
return s:iconv(res, g:ref_twitter_encoding, &encoding)
function! s:source.opened(query)
execute "normal! 1G\<CR>"
call s:syntax()
function! s:source.normalize(query)
return substitute(substitute(a:query, '\_s\+', ' ', 'g'), '^ \| $', '', 'g')
function! s:iconv(expr, from, to)
if a:from == '' || a:to == '' || a:from ==# a:to
return a:expr
let result = iconv(a:expr, a:from, a:to)
return result != '' ? result : a:expr
function! ref#twitter#define()
return s:source
function! s:syntax()
let register_save = @"
let color_map = {
\ 0 : 'Black',
\ 1 : 'Red',
\ 2 : 'Green',
\ 3 : 'Yellow',
\ 4 : 'Blue',
\ 5 : 'Magenta',
\ 6 : 'Cyan',
\ 7 : 'White'
\ }
while search('\[[0-9;]*m', 'c')
execute 'normal! dfm'
let [lnum, col] = getpos('.')[1:2]
let pos = len(matchstr(getline('.'), '.', col('.') - 1)) + col - 1
let len = len(getline('.'))
if len == col || len == pos
let col = 1
let lnum += 1
let syntax_name = 'ConsoleCodeAt_' . bufnr('%') . '_' . lnum . '_' . col
execute 'syntax region' syntax_name 'start=+\%' . lnum . 'l\%' . col . 'c+ end=+\%$+' 'contains=ALL'
let highlight = ''
for color_code in split(matchstr(@", '[0-9;]\+'), ';')
if color_code == 0
let highlight .= ' ctermfg=NONE ctermbg=NONE'
let highlight .= ' guifg=NONE guibg=NONE'
elseif color_code == 1
let highlight .= ' cterm=bold'
let highlight .= ' gui=bold'
elseif 30 <= color_code && color_code <= 37
let highlight .= ' ctermfg=' . (color_code - 30)
let highlight .= ' guifg=' . color_map[(color_code - 30)]
elseif 40 <= color_code && color_code <= 47
let highlight .= ' ctermbg=' . (color_code - 40)
let highlight .= ' guibg=' . color_map[(color_code - 40)]
if len(highlight)
execute 'highlight' syntax_name highlight
let @" = register_save
let &cpo = s:save_cpo
unlet s:save_cpo
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