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Created January 11, 2009 15:48
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(ns com.jalat.fluid
(:import (java.awt Color Graphics Dimension)
(java.awt.image BufferedImage)
(javax.swing JPanel JFrame)))
(def grid-size (int 100))
(defn make-grid []
(make-array Float/TYPE (* (+ grid-size 2)
(+ grid-size 2))))
(def density-grid
(def tmp-density-grid
(def density-source-grid
(def x-vel-grid
(def tmp-x-vel-grid
(def x-vel-source-grid
(def y-vel-grid
(def tmp-y-vel-grid
(def y-vel-source-grid
(defn cell [#^Integer x #^Integer y]
(+ x
(* y
(+ (int grid-size) (int 2)))))
(defn add-source [#^floats grid #^floats source-grid #^Float dt]
(dotimes [n (alength grid)]
(aset-float grid n (+ (aget grid n)
(* (aget source-grid n)
(defn diffuse [type #^floats grid #^floats diffused-grid diff-ratio dt]
(let [a (float (* dt diff-ratio grid-size grid-size))
a4-1 (float (+ 1 (* 4 a)))]
(dotimes [n 20]
(dotimes [x grid-size]
(dotimes [y grid-size]
(let [c (int (cell (inc x) (inc y)))]
(aset diffused-grid c
(float (/ (+ (float (aget grid c))
(float (* a
(+ (+ (aget diffused-grid (int (dec c)))
(aget diffused-grid (int (inc c))))
(+ (aget diffused-grid (int (- c (+ grid-size (int 2)))))
(aget diffused-grid (int (+ c (+ grid-size (int 2))))))))))
(set-bnd type diffused-grid)
(dotimes [n (alength grid)]
(aset grid n (aget diffused-grid n)))))
(defn advect [type #^floats grid #^floats tmp-grid #^floats x-grid #^floats y-grid dt]
(let [a (float (* grid-size dt))]
(dotimes [x grid-size]
(dotimes [y grid-size]
(let [c (int (cell x y))
i (max (float 0.5)
(min (float (+ (float grid-size) (float 0.5)))
(- x (* a (aget x-grid c)))))
j (max (float 0.5)
(min (float (+ (float grid-size) (float 0.5)))
(- y (* a (aget y-grid c)))))
i0 (int i)
i1 (inc i0)
j0 (int j)
j1 (inc j0)
s1 (- i i0)
s0 (- 1 s1)
t1 (- j j0)
t0 (- 1 t1)]
(aset tmp-grid c
(+ (* s0
(+ (* t0 (aget grid (int (+ i0
(* j0
(int 102))))))
(* t1 (aget grid (int (+ i0
(* j1
(int 102))))))))
(* s1
(+ (* t0 (aget grid (int (+ i1
(* j0
(int 102))))))
(* t1 (aget grid (int (+ i1
(* j1
(int 102)))))))))))))
(set-bnd type tmp-grid)
(dotimes [n (alength grid)]
(aset grid n (aget tmp-grid n)))))
(defn project [#^floats x-vel #^floats y-vel]
(let [h (float (/ 1 grid-size))
div #^floats (make-grid)
p #^floats (make-grid)]
(dotimes [x grid-size]
(dotimes [y (int grid-size)]
(let [c (int (cell (inc x)
(inc y)))]
(aset div c
(float (* (float -0.5)
(+ (- (aget x-vel (inc c))
(aget x-vel (dec c)))
(- (aget y-vel (+ c
(+ (int 2)
(int grid-size))))
(aget y-vel (- c
(+ (int 2)
(int grid-size)))))))))
(aset p c (float 0)))))
(set-bnd 0 div)
(set-bnd 0 p)
(dotimes [n 20]
(dotimes [x grid-size]
(dotimes [y (int grid-size)]
(let [c (int (cell (inc x)
(inc y)))]
(aset p c
(/ (float (+ (+ (+ (aget div c)
(aget p (dec c)))
(+ (aget p (inc c))
(aget p (+ (int c)
(+ (int 2)
(int grid-size))))))
(aget p (- (int c)
(+ (int 2)
(int grid-size))))))
(float 4.0))))))
(set-bnd 0 p))
(dotimes [x grid-size]
(dotimes [y (int grid-size)]
(let [c (int (cell (inc x)
(inc y)))]
(aset x-vel c
(- (aget x-vel c)
(float (/ (* (- (aget p (inc c))
(aget p (dec c)))
(float 0.5))
(aset y-vel c
(- (aget y-vel c)
(float (/ (* (- (aget p (+ c (int 102)))
(aget p (- c (int 102))))
(float 0.5))
(set-bnd 1 x-vel)
(set-bnd 2 y-vel)))
(defn set-bnd [type grid]
(dotimes [n grid-size]
(aset grid (int (cell 0 n))
(if (= 1 type)
(- (aget grid (int (cell 1 n))))
(aget grid (int (cell 1 n)))))
(aset grid (int (cell (+ grid-size 1) n))
(if (= 1 type)
(- (aget grid (int (cell (int grid-size) n))))
(aget grid (int (cell (int grid-size) n)))))
(aset grid (int (cell n 0))
(if (= 2 type)
(- (aget grid (int (cell n 1))))
(aget grid (int (cell n 1)))))
(aset grid (int (cell n (+ (int grid-size) 1)))
(if (= 2 type)
(- (aget grid (int (cell n (int grid-size)))))
(aget grid (int (cell n (int grid-size))))))))
(defn print-grid [grid dim]
(dotimes [x dim]
(dotimes [y dim]
(print (aget grid (cell x y)) " "))
(def scale 5)
(defn fill-cell [#^Graphics g x y c]
(doto g
(.setColor c)
(.fillRect (* x scale) (* y scale) scale scale)))
(defn render-grid [#^Graphics g grid]
(let [scale (int scale)
img (new BufferedImage (* scale grid-size) (* scale grid-size)
(. BufferedImage TYPE_INT_ARGB))
bg (. img (getGraphics))]
(doto bg
(.setColor (. Color black))
(.fillRect 0 0 (. img (getWidth))
(. img getHeight)))
(dotimes [x grid-size]
(dotimes [y grid-size]
(doto bg
(.setColor (Color. (int (min 255
(max 0 (* 10000 (aget grid (+ x (* y (+ (int 2) (int grid-size)))))))))
(int 0) (int 0)))
(.fillRect (* x scale)
(* y scale)
scale scale))))
(. g (drawImage img 0 0 nil))
(. bg (dispose))))
(def panel (doto (proxy [JPanel] []
(paint [g]
(render-grid g density-grid)))
(.setPreferredSize (new Dimension
(* scale grid-size)
(* scale grid-size)))))
(def frame (doto (new JFrame)
(.add panel)
(def boring-grid
(let [x (make-grid)]
(dotimes [n (alength x)]
(aset x n (float 1)))
(def animator (agent nil))
(def running true)
(def animation-sleep-ms 100)
(defn animation [x]
(when running
(send-off *agent* #'animation))
;density solver
(add-source density-grid density-source-grid (float 0.001))
(diffuse 0 density-grid tmp-density-grid (float 0.0025) (float 0.001))
(advect 0 density-grid tmp-density-grid x-vel-grid y-vel-grid (float 0.001))
;velocity evolver
(add-source x-vel-grid x-vel-source-grid (float 0.001))
(add-source y-vel-grid y-vel-source-grid (float 0.001))
(diffuse 1 x-vel-grid tmp-x-vel-grid (float 0.00025) (float 0.001))
(diffuse 2 y-vel-grid tmp-y-vel-grid (float 0.00025) (float 0.001))
(project x-vel-grid y-vel-grid )
(advect 1 x-vel-grid tmp-x-vel-grid x-vel-grid y-vel-grid (float 0.001))
(advect 2 y-vel-grid tmp-y-vel-grid x-vel-grid y-vel-grid (float 0.001))
(project x-vel-grid y-vel-grid )
(. panel (repaint))
(. Thread (sleep animation-sleep-ms))
(defn restart []
(def running nil)
(. Thread (sleep 5000))
(dotimes [n (alength density-grid)]
(aset density-grid n (float 0))
(aset tmp-density-grid n (float 0))
(aset density-source-grid n (float 0))
(aset x-vel-grid n (float 0))
(aset tmp-x-vel-grid n (float 0))
(aset x-vel-source-grid n (float 0))
(aset y-vel-grid n (float 0))
(aset tmp-y-vel-grid n (float 0))
(aset y-vel-source-grid n (float 0)))
(def running true)
(dotimes [n (alength x-vel-grid)]
(aset y-vel-source-grid n (float -10))) ; general updraft
(dotimes [n (alength x-vel-grid)] ; little bit of sidewind to make it a little more interesting.
(aset x-vel-source-grid n (float (* (float -0.5) (. Math sin (* 0.001 n))))))
(dotimes [y 20] (dotimes [n 10] ;stronger updraft around the "fire"
(aset y-vel-source-grid (cell (+ 45 n) (+ 75 y)) (float -100))))
(aset density-source-grid (cell 50 90) (float 80)) ; smoke..
(send-off animator animation))
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