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Created June 30, 2010 21:27
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# Copyright (C) 2009 Quentin Sculo <>
# This file is part of Gmusicbrowser.
# Gmusicbrowser is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation
=gmbplugin LOG
Logging plugin
Put now-playing info in a file, and log recently played info in a file.
package GMB::Plugin::LOG;
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant
my $handle;
my $lasttime;
::SetDefaultOptions(OPT, nowformat => '%t by %a', recentformat => '%t by %a', maxlines => 10, timeformat => '%c');
::SetDefaultOptions(OPT, nowfile => '/mnt/ramdisk/now', recentfile => '/mnt/ramdisk/log');
sub Start
{ $handle={};
sub Stop
{ ::UnWatch($handle,'Played');
sub prefbox
{ my $vbox=Gtk2::VBox->new(::FALSE, 2);
my $sg1=Gtk2::SizeGroup->new('horizontal');
my $sg2=Gtk2::SizeGroup->new('horizontal');
my $max=::NewPrefSpinButton(OPT.'maxlines',undef,1,0,1,1000,1,10,_"Maximum number of lines in the recently played file",undef,$sg1,$sg2);
my $nowfile= ::NewPrefFileEntry(OPT.'nowfile', _"File for now-playing :", undef,undef,undef,$sg1,$sg2);
my $nowline= ::NewPrefEntry (OPT.'nowformat', _"Line format for now-playing", undef, $sg1,$sg2);
my $recentfile= ::NewPrefFileEntry(OPT.'recentfile', _"Recently played file :", undef,undef,undef,$sg1,$sg2);
my $recentline= ::NewPrefEntry (OPT.'recentformat', _"Recently played line format", undef, $sg1,$sg2);
my $time= ::NewPrefEntry (OPT.'timeformat', _"Time format", undef,$sg1,$sg2, undef, _"\$starttime / \$endtime will be replaced by the starting/ending time in this date format");
my $invert= ::NewPrefCheckButton(OPT.'invertorder', _"Most Recently played song on top");
# for v1.1.x
#my $file=::NewPrefFileEntry(OPT.'file',_"Log file :", sizeg1=>$sg1,sizeg2=>$sg2);
#my $entry=::NewPrefEntry(OPT.'format', _"Line format", sizeg1=>$sg1,sizeg2=>$sg2);
#my $time=::NewPrefEntry(OPT.'timeformat', _"Time format", sizeg1=>$sg1,sizeg2=>$sg2, tip=> _"\$starttime / \$endtime will be replaced by the starting/ending time in this date format");
$vbox->pack_start($_,::FALSE,::FALSE,2) for $nowfile,$nowline,
Gtk2::HSeparator->new, $recentfile,$recentline,$max,$invert,
Gtk2::HSeparator->new, $time;
return $vbox;
sub Changed
{ return unless defined $::SongID && $::TogPlay;
return if $lasttime && $::StartTime==$lasttime; #if song hasn't really changed
my $ID=$::SongID;
my $file= $::Options{OPT.'nowfile'};
my $format= $::Options{OPT.'nowformat'} || '%t by %a';
my $timeformat= $::Options{OPT.'timeformat'} || '%c';
return unless $file;
my $line= ::ReplaceFieldsAndEsc($ID,$format)."\n"; #the fields are escaped with g_markup_escape_text
my $starttime=::strftime($timeformat,localtime($::StartTime));
$line=~s/\$starttime/$starttime/g; #escape ?
open my($fh),'>:utf8',$file or do { warn "Can't open $file for writing : $!\n"; return; };
print $fh $line;
close $fh;
sub Played
{ my $ID=$::PlayingID;
my $file= $::Options{OPT.'recentfile'};
my $format= $::Options{OPT.'recentformat'} || '%t by %a';
my $max= $::Options{OPT.'maxlines'};
my $timeformat= $::Options{OPT.'timeformat'} || '%c';
my $invert= $::Options{OPT.'invertorder'};
return unless $file;
my $newline= ::ReplaceFieldsAndEsc($ID,$format)."\n"; #the fields are escaped with g_markup_escape_text
my $starttime=::strftime($timeformat,localtime($::StartTime));
my $endtime= ::strftime($timeformat,localtime);
$newline=~s/\$starttime/$starttime/g; #escape ?
my @lines;
if (-e $file)
{ open my($fh),'<:utf8',$file or do { warn "Can't open $file : $!\n"; return; };
close $fh;
if ($invert) { unshift @lines,$newline; $#lines=$max+1 if @lines>$max; }
else { push @lines,$newline; splice @lines,0,@lines-$max if @lines>$max; }
open my($fh),'>:utf8',$file or do { warn "Can't open $file for writing : $!\n"; return; };
print $fh $_ for @lines;
close $fh;
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