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Created July 19, 2010 14:48
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$INC{''} = '-';
package Util;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter qw/import/;
our @EXPORT = qw/comp nt_nt T_nt nt_T/;
sub comp($$){
my ($arrow1, $arrow2) = @_;
return sub {
return $arrow1->( $arrow2->(@_) );
sub nt_nt{
my ($nt1, $nt2) = @_;
# 各対象に対するコンポーネントを合成(今回は全部同じコンポーネント)
comp $nt1, $nt2;
sub T_nt{
my ($T, $nt) = @_;
return $T->($nt);
sub nt_T{
my ($nt, $T) = @_;
# 対象TAによる$ntのコンポーネントだが、
# 任意の対象について同じコンポーネントとしているので何もしなくていい
return $nt;
package Monad;
use Any::Moose;
use Util;
# 自己関手 (射の写像)
has T_arrow => (
isa => 'CodeRef',
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
# モナドの単位元となる自然変換 (ID -> T)
has eta => (
isa => 'CodeRef',
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
# モナドの乗法となる自然変換 (TT -> T)
has mu => (
isa => 'CodeRef',
is => 'ro',
required => 1,
sub flat {
my $self = shift;
return sub {
my $arrow = shift; # A -> TB
# TA -> TB
return comp $self->mu, $self->T_arrow->( $arrow );
no Any::Moose;
package main;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Util;
sub just(@) { [@_] }
sub nothing() { 'NOTHING' }
my $list_monad = Monad->new(
T_arrow => sub {
my $arrow = shift; # A -> B
return sub {
my $tx = shift; # TA -> TB
ref $tx or return nothing;
return just $arrow->(@$tx);
eta => sub {
return just @_;
mu => sub {
my $ttx = shift;
ref $ttx or return nothing;
return wantarray ? @$ttx : $ttx->[0];
use Coro::Generator;
use Devel::Caller qw/caller_cv/;
sub do_monad(&$){
my ($code, $monad_class) = @_;
return sub {
my @args = @_;
my $result_as_monad;
my $instruction_iter = generator {
$result_as_monad = $code->(@args);
yield undef while 1;
my $next_kleisli = sub {
my @val = @_;
my $monad = $instruction_iter->(@val);
return $monad_class->flat->(caller_cv 0)->($monad);
return $result_as_monad;
return $next_kleisli->();
sub retrieve($){
my $monad = shift;
return yield $monad;
my $kleisli_div = sub {
my ($x, $y) = @_;
return $y ? just($x / $y) : nothing;
my $kleisli_divs = do_monad {
my $v1 = retrieve $kleisli_div->(3.0, 1.0);
my $v2 = retrieve $kleisli_div->(2.0, 1.0);
return $kleisli_div->($v1, $v2);
} $list_monad;
my $maybe_value = $kleisli_divs->();
print +(ref $maybe_value ? @$maybe_value : $maybe_value), "\n";
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