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Last active September 21, 2024 15:42
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d3-graphviz Demo
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="graph" style="text-align: center;"></div>
var dotIndex = 0;
var graphviz ="#graph").graphviz()
.transition(function () {
return d3.transition("main")
.on("initEnd", render);
function render() {
var dotLines = dots[dotIndex];
var dot = dotLines.join('');
.on("end", function () {
dotIndex = (dotIndex + 1) % dots.length;
var dots = [
'digraph {',
' node [style="filled"]',
' a [fillcolor="#d62728"]',
' b [fillcolor="#1f77b4"]',
' a -> b',
'digraph {',
' node [style="filled"]',
' a [fillcolor="#d62728"]',
' c [fillcolor="#2ca02c"]',
' b [fillcolor="#1f77b4"]',
' a -> b',
' a -> c',
'digraph {',
' node [style="filled"]',
' a [fillcolor="#d62728"]',
' b [fillcolor="#1f77b4"]',
' c [fillcolor="#2ca02c"]',
' a -> b',
' a -> c',
'digraph {',
' node [style="filled"]',
' a [fillcolor="#d62728", shape="box"]',
' b [fillcolor="#1f77b4", shape="parallelogram"]',
' c [fillcolor="#2ca02c", shape="pentagon"]',
' a -> b',
' a -> c',
' b -> c',
'digraph {',
' node [style="filled"]',
' a [fillcolor="yellow", shape="star"]',
' b [fillcolor="yellow", shape="star"]',
' c [fillcolor="yellow", shape="star"]',
' a -> b',
' a -> c',
' b -> c',
'digraph {',
' node [style="filled"]',
' a [fillcolor="#d62728", shape="triangle"]',
' b [fillcolor="#1f77b4", shape="diamond"]',
' c [fillcolor="#2ca02c", shape="trapezium"]',
' a -> b',
' a -> c',
' b -> c',
'digraph {',
' node [style="filled"]',
' a [fillcolor="#d62728", shape="box"]',
' b [fillcolor="#1f77b4", shape="parallelogram"]',
' c [fillcolor="#2ca02c", shape="pentagon"]',
' a -> b',
' a -> c',
' b -> c',
'digraph {',
' node [style="filled"]',
' a [fillcolor="#d62728"]',
' b [fillcolor="#1f77b4"]',
' c [fillcolor="#2ca02c"]',
' a -> b',
' a -> c',
' c -> b',
'digraph {',
' node [style="filled"]',
' b [fillcolor="#1f77b4"]',
' c [fillcolor="#2ca02c"]',
' c -> b',
'digraph {',
' node [style="filled"]',
' b [fillcolor="#1f77b4"]',
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Capstan commented May 22, 2018

Seems to still work with modern versions:

<script src=""></script>
<script src="" type="javascript/worker"></script>
<script src=""></script>

Not sure how to make pull requests to gists, so sorry if this is bad form.

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