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Created August 7, 2015 03:13
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Scale an SVG path element with a simple javascript function
function scalePathUp(path, num) {
// make sure num is > 0 and DOM element path has "d" attribute
if ( num <= 0 || typeof path.getAttribute("d") !== "string" ) {return false;}
var coords = [],
fragmentsAr = [],
lettersAr = [],
pattern = /[achlqstvz]/gi,
pathD = path.getAttribute("d"),
start = 0,
subfragAr = [];
// preserve original d
path.setAttribute("originalD", pathD);
// Find fragments of d starting at any of the following letters: A,a,C,c,H,h,L,l,Q,q,S,s,T,t,V,v,Z or z (see SVG Path spec). First fragment can start with anything (M or m expected).
// start by listing each occurence of one of these letters
lettersAr = pathD.match(pattern);
// slice d into fragments, each of which starts with one of these letters
for (idx = 0; idx < lettersAr.length; idx++) {
fragmentsAr.push( pathD.slice( start, pathD.indexOf( lettersAr[idx]) ) );
start = pathD.indexOf( lettersAr[idx] );
// don't forget the last one...
fragmentsAr.push( pathD.slice( start));
// for each fragment that doesn't start with M or m, create an array of strings that were separated by spaces; the first one should just be a letter, but the others are expected to be floating-point numbers (typically 2) separated by a comma(s)
for (idx = 0; idx < fragmentsAr.length; idx++) {
if (fragmentsAr[idx].charAt(0) === 'M' || fragmentsAr[idx].charAt(0) === 'm') {continue;}
subfragAr = fragmentsAr[idx].split(" ");
// split up the pairs (or larger groups) of numbers
for (jdx = 0; jdx < subfragAr.length; jdx++) {
coords = subfragAr[jdx].split(",");
// finally do the multiplication on each number; ignore non-numbers
for (kdx = 0; kdx < coords.length; kdx++) {
if ( parseFloat(coords[kdx]) == coords[kdx] ) {
coords[kdx] *= num; // AT LAST!
// squish new numbers back together into comma-separated groups (typically pairs)
subfragAr[jdx] = coords.join(",");
// squish strings back together separated by spaces
fragmentsAr[idx] = subfragAr.join(" ");
// assemble new "d" from updated fragments
pathD = fragmentsAr.join("");
path.setAttribute("d", pathD);
return true;
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