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Created July 31, 2010 20:46
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# Copyright (C) 2010 Quentin Sculo <>
# This file is part of Gmusicbrowser.
# Gmusicbrowser is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as
# published by the Free Software Foundation
=gmbplugin MPRIS
name MPRIS v1
title MPRIS v1 support
desc Allows controlling gmusicbrowser via DBus using the MPRIS v1.0 standard
req perl(Net::DBus, libnet-dbus-perl perl-Net-DBus)
package GMB::Plugin::MPRIS;
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant
my $bus=$GMB::DBus::bus;
die "Requires DBus support to be active\n" unless $bus; #only requires this to use the hack in so that Net::DBus::GLib is not required, else could do just : use Net::DBus::GLib; $bus=Net::DBus::GLib->session;
my @Objects;
sub Start
{ my $service= $bus->export_service('org.mpris.gmusicbrowser');
push @Objects, GMB::DBus::MPRIS->new($service);
#push @Objects, GMB::DBus::MPRIS::TrackList->new($Objects[0]);
#push @Objects, GMB::DBus::MPRIS::Player->new($Objects[0]);
push @Objects, GMB::DBus::MPRIS::TrackList->new($service);
push @Objects, GMB::DBus::MPRIS::Player->new($service);
warn $_->get_object_path for @Objects;
sub Stop
{ ::UnWatch_all($_) for @Objects;
$_->disconnect for @Objects;
sub prefbox {}
package GMB::DBus::MPRIS;
use base 'Net::DBus::Object';
use Net::DBus::Exporter 'org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer';
sub new
{ my ($class,$service) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($service, '/');
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
dbus_method('Identity', [], ['string']);
sub Identity
{ return 'gmusicbrowser '.::VERSIONSTRING;
dbus_method('Quit', [], [],{no_return=>1});
sub Quit
{ ::Quit();
dbus_method('MprisVersion', [], [['struct','uint16','uint16']]);
sub MprisVersion
{ return [1,0];
package GMB::DBus::MPRIS::TrackList;
use base 'Net::DBus::Object';
use Net::DBus::Exporter 'org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer';
use Net::DBus ':typing'; #for dbus_uint32, dbus_double
sub new
{ my ($class,$service) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($service, '/TrackList');
bless $self, $class;
::Watch($self,Playlist => \&TrackListChange);
::Watch($self,Sort => \&TrackListChange);
return $self;
sub GetMetadata_from
{ my $ID=shift;
return {} unless defined $ID;
my %h;
$h{$_}=Songs::Get($ID,$_) for qw/title album artist comment length track disc year album_artist uri album_picture rating bitrate samprate/;
my $r=delete $h{rating};
if (defined $r && length $r) { ::setlocale(::LC_NUMERIC, 'C'); $h{rating}=dbus_double($r/20); ::setlocale(::LC_NUMERIC, ''); }
if (my $pic= delete $h{album_picture}) #FIXME use ~album.picture.uri when available
{ $h{arturl}= 'file://'.::url_escape($pic); # ignore picture embedded in mp3/flac files ?
$h{mtime}= $h{'length'}*1000;
$h{'time'}= delete $h{'length'};
$h{location}= delete $h{uri};
$h{tracknumber}= delete $h{track};
$h{'audio-samplerate'}= delete $h{samprate};
$h{'audio-bitrate'}= delete $h{bitrate};
$h{$_}=dbus_uint32($h{$_}) for qw/time mtime year audio-bitrate audio-samplerate disc/;
return \%h;
dbus_method('GetMetadata', ['int32'], [['dict', 'string', ["variant"]]]);
sub GetMetadata
{ my ($self,$pos)=@_;
my $ID= $::ListPlay->[$pos];
dbus_method('GetCurrentTrack', [], ['int32']);
sub GetCurrentTrack
{ my $p=$::Position;
$p=::FindPositionSong($::SongID,$::ListPlay) unless defined $p; #random mode or song not in playlist
$p=0 unless defined $p; # fallback to 0, not really a good idea, but don't know what else to return if current song is not in playlist
return $p;
dbus_method('GetLength', [], ['int32']);
sub GetLength
{ return scalar @$::ListPlay;
dbus_method('AddTrack', ['string','bool'], ['int32']);
sub AddTrack
{ my ($self,$uri,$playnow)=@_;
$uri=~s/ /%20/g; #Uris_to_IDs split spaces FIXME Uris_to_IDs shouldn't do that
my ($ID)= @{::Uris_to_IDs($uri)};
return 1 unless defined $ID;
::Select(song => $ID, play=>1) if $playnow;
return 0; #success
dbus_method('DelTrack', ['int32'], [],{no_return=>1});
sub DelTrack
{ my ($self,$pos)=@_;
dbus_method('SetLoop', ['bool'], [],{no_return=>1});
sub SetLoop
{ my ($self,$on)=@_;
dbus_method('SetRandom', ['bool'], [],{no_return=>1});
sub SetRandom
{ my ($self,$on)=@_;
my $israndom= ($::RandomMode || $::Options{Sort}=~m/shuffle/);
::ToggleSort() if $israndom xor $on;
dbus_signal(TrackListChange => ['int32']);
sub TrackListChange
{ $_[0]->emit_signal( TrackListChange => scalar @$::ListPlay );
package GMB::DBus::MPRIS::Player;
use base 'Net::DBus::Object';
use Net::DBus::Exporter 'org.freedesktop.MediaPlayer';
sub new
{ my ($class,$service) = @_;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($service, '/Player');
bless $self, $class;
::Watch($self, PlayingSong => \&TrackChange);
::Watch($self, $_ => \&StatusChange) for qw/Sort Playing Lock Repeat/;
::Watch($self, $_ => \&CapsChange) for qw/Sort Repeat Playlist CurSongID/;
return $self;
dbus_method('Next', [], [],{no_return=>1});
sub Next
{ ::NextSong();
dbus_method('Prev', [], [],{no_return=>1});
sub Prev
{ ::PrevSong();
dbus_method('Pause', [], [],{no_return=>1});
sub Pause
{ ::Pause();
dbus_method('Stop', [], [],{no_return=>1});
sub Stop
{ ::Stop();
dbus_method('Play', [], [],{no_return=>1});
sub Play
{ ::Play();
dbus_method('Repeat', ['bool'], [],{no_return=>1});
sub Repeat
{ my ($self,$on)=@_;
dbus_method('GetStatus', [], [['struct','int32','int32','int32','int32']]);
sub GetStatus
{ my $playstop= $::TogPlay ? 0 : defined $::TogPlay ? 1 : 2; #0 = Playing, 1 = Paused, 2 = Stopped
my $israndom= ($::RandomMode || $::Options{Sort}=~m/shuffle/) ? 1 : 0;
my $repeat= ($::TogLock && $::TogLock eq 'fullfilename') ? 1 : 0;
my $loop= $::Options{Repeat} ? 1 : 0;
return [$playstop, $israndom, $repeat, $loop];
dbus_method('GetMetadata', [], [['dict', 'string', ["variant"]]]);
sub GetMetadata
{ GMB::DBus::MPRIS::TrackList::GetMetadata_from($::SongID);
dbus_method('GetCaps', [], ['int32']);
sub GetCaps
{ my $go_next= @$::ListPlay>1 && ( $::RandomMode || $::Options{Repeat} || $::Position<$#$::ListPlay);
my $go_prev= @$::Recent && ($::RecentPos||0) < $#$::Recent;
my $pause= defined $::SongID;
my $play= defined $::SongID;
my $seek=1;
my $provide_metadata=1;
#my $has_tracklist= $::RandomMode ? 0 : 1;
my $has_tracklist=1;
my $caps=my $i=0;
for my $cap ($go_next, $go_prev, $pause, $play, $seek, $provide_metadata, $has_tracklist)
{ $caps+= 1<<$i if $cap;
return $caps;
dbus_method('VolumeSet', ['int32'], []);
sub VolumeSet
{ ::UpdateVol($_[1]);
dbus_method('VolumeGet', [], ['int32']);
sub VolumeGet
{ return ::GetVol();
dbus_method('PositionSet', ['int32'], []);
sub PositionSet
{ ::SkipTo($_[1]/1000)
dbus_method('PositionGet', [], ['int32']);
sub PositionGet
{ return ($::PlayTime || 0)*1000;
dbus_signal(TrackChange => [['dict', 'string', ["variant"]]]);
sub TrackChange
{ $_[0]->emit_signal( TrackChange => GetMetadata() );
dbus_signal(StatusChange => [['struct','int32','int32','int32','int32']]);
sub StatusChange
{ $_[0]->emit_signal( StatusChange => GetStatus() );
dbus_signal(CapsChange => ['int32']);
sub CapsChange
{ $_[0]->emit_signal( CapsChange => GetCaps() );
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