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Created August 3, 2010 06:08
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# ==== twisted/plugins/ ====
# This snippet shows how to configure Twisted plugins to use custom logging.
# This is a modification of a 'finger' example by Chris Miles at
# It's kind of a dirty monkey patching hack, but I don't know how to
# configure logging in plugins until this ticket is resolved:
# I change logging from the default LogFile to DailyLogFile, and also
# install a custom log observer.
# - Zope modules -
from zope.interface import implements
# - Twisted modules -
from twisted.python import usage
from twisted.application.service import IServiceMaker
from twisted.plugin import IPlugin
from twisted.python.log import ILogObserver, FileLogObserver, textFromEventDict
from twisted.python.logfile import DailyLogFile
from twisted.python import util
# - Finger modules -
from finger import finger
class Options(usage.Options):
synopsis = "[options]"
longdesc = "Make a finger server."
optParameters = [
['file', 'f', '/etc/users'],
['templates', 't', '/usr/share/finger/templates'],
['ircnick', 'n', 'fingerbot'],
['ircserver', None, ''],
['pbport', 'p', 8889],
# adding new 'logfile' option. The original -l options of twistd
# will not be used
['logfile', 'l', 'finger.log'],
optFlags = [['ssl', 's']]
class MyLogObserver(FileLogObserver):
# This is my custom log observer. What it does is it avoids printing
# the 'system' component of the log
# It can basically do whatever you want with your logging
def emit(self, eventDict):
text = textFromEventDict(eventDict)
if text is None:
timeStr = self.formatTime(eventDict['time'])
util.untilConcludes(self.write, timeStr + " " + text.replace("\n", "\n\t") + "\n")
# wrapper for the setServiceParent method of t.a.s.Service
def wrap_setServiceParent(func, config):
def decorator(app):
logfile = DailyLogFile(config["logfile"], "/tmp")
app.setComponent(ILogObserver, MyLogObserver(logfile).emit)
return func(app)
return decorator
class MyServiceMaker(object):
implements(IServiceMaker, IPlugin)
tapname = "finger"
description = "Finger server."
options = Options
def makeService(self, config):
s = finger.makeService(config)
# Here's the monkey patching trick:
# we hook into setServiceParent of the service to execute some code
# in the context where twisted application object is accessible
s.setServiceParent = wrap_setServiceParent(s.setServiceParent, config)
return s
serviceMaker = MyServiceMaker()
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