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Created March 2, 2013 02:14
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How V8 computes Math.cos and Math.sin, on an ia32 system.

void Assembler::fcos() {
EnsureSpace ensure_space(this);
void Assembler::fsin() {
EnsureSpace ensure_space(this);
void TranscendentalCacheStub::GenerateOperation(
MacroAssembler* masm, TranscendentalCache::Type type) {
// Only free register is edi.
// Input value is on FP stack, and also in ebx/edx.
// Input value is possibly in xmm1.
// Address of result (a newly allocated HeapNumber) may be in eax.
if (type == TranscendentalCache::SIN ||
type == TranscendentalCache::COS ||
type == TranscendentalCache::TAN) {
// Both fsin and fcos require arguments in the range +/-2^63 and
// return NaN for infinities and NaN. They can share all code except
// the actual fsin/fcos operation.
Label in_range, done;
// If argument is outside the range -2^63..2^63, fsin/cos doesn't
// work. We must reduce it to the appropriate range.
__ mov(edi, edx);
__ and_(edi, Immediate(0x7ff00000)); // Exponent only.
int supported_exponent_limit =
(63 + HeapNumber::kExponentBias) << HeapNumber::kExponentShift;
__ cmp(edi, Immediate(supported_exponent_limit));
__ j(below, &in_range, Label::kNear);
// Check for infinity and NaN. Both return NaN for sin.
__ cmp(edi, Immediate(0x7ff00000));
Label non_nan_result;
__ j(not_equal, &non_nan_result, Label::kNear);
// Input is +/-Infinity or NaN. Result is NaN.
__ fstp(0);
// NaN is represented by 0x7ff8000000000000.
__ push(Immediate(0x7ff80000));
__ push(Immediate(0));
__ fld_d(Operand(esp, 0));
__ add(esp, Immediate(2 * kPointerSize));
__ jmp(&done, Label::kNear);
__ bind(&non_nan_result);
// Use fpmod to restrict argument to the range +/-2*PI.
__ mov(edi, eax); // Save eax before using fnstsw_ax.
__ fldpi();
__ fadd(0);
__ fld(1);
// FPU Stack: input, 2*pi, input.
Label no_exceptions;
__ fwait();
__ fnstsw_ax();
// Clear if Illegal Operand or Zero Division exceptions are set.
__ test(eax, Immediate(5));
__ j(zero, &no_exceptions, Label::kNear);
__ fnclex();
__ bind(&no_exceptions);
// Compute st(0) % st(1)
Label partial_remainder_loop;
__ bind(&partial_remainder_loop);
__ fprem1();
__ fwait();
__ fnstsw_ax();
__ test(eax, Immediate(0x400 /* C2 */));
// If C2 is set, computation only has partial result. Loop to
// continue computation.
__ j(not_zero, &partial_remainder_loop);
// FPU Stack: input, 2*pi, input % 2*pi
__ fstp(2);
__ fstp(0);
__ mov(eax, edi); // Restore eax (allocated HeapNumber pointer).
// FPU Stack: input % 2*pi
__ bind(&in_range);
switch (type) {
case TranscendentalCache::SIN:
__ fsin();
case TranscendentalCache::COS:
__ fcos();
case TranscendentalCache::TAN:
// FPTAN calculates tangent onto st(0) and pushes 1.0 onto the
// FP register stack.
__ fptan();
__ fstp(0); // Pop FP register stack.
__ bind(&done);
} else {
ASSERT(type == TranscendentalCache::LOG);
__ fldln2();
__ fxch();
__ fyl2x();
void LCodeGen::DoMathCos(LUnaryMathOperation* instr) {
TranscendentalCacheStub stub(TranscendentalCache::COS,
CallCode(stub.GetCode(), RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET, instr);
void LCodeGen::DoMathSin(LUnaryMathOperation* instr) {
TranscendentalCacheStub stub(TranscendentalCache::SIN,
CallCode(stub.GetCode(), RelocInfo::CODE_TARGET, instr);
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