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Created August 7, 2010 13:39
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# firewalls.pp - configure firewalls
# Copyright (C) 2007 David Schmitt <>
# See LICENSE for the full license granted to you.
# Common infrastructure
class firewall {
$mta = exim4
include dbp
include backuppc::client
include ssh::server
include firewall_class
include david::sudo
# The firewall at my parents place. Has the IP of the primary nameserver of all
# our domains.
node fw-schmidg {
$nagios_parent = "router-schmidg"
$ssh_port = 2200
$dhcp_subnet = "10.10.7"
$uplink_speed = 2048
$downlink_speed = 2048
$ntp_servers = [ "", "", "" ]
$bind_type = 'master'
$bind_bindaddress = ""
$dnsmasq_interface = 'lan'
$dnsmasq_listen_address = "${dhcp_subnet}.1"
$edv_bus_ns = 'master'
include edv_bus_nameserver
include asterisk
include firewall
include shaper
include bind::master
ifupdown::interface {
ipaddress => "${dhcp_subnet}.1",
netmask => "",
macaddress => "00:40:63:e9:11:10";
ipaddress => "",
netmask => "",
macaddress => "00:40:63:e9:11:11",
gateway => "",
up => [
"iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --source --out-interface tun0 --jump ACCEPT # Accept packages to uni-ak without NAT",
"iptables --table nat --append POSTROUTING --source --out-interface uplink --jump SNAT --to-source # SNAT everything else to our external IP"
down => [
"iptables --table nat --delete POSTROUTING --source --out-interface uplink --jump SNAT --to-source",
"iptables --table nat --delete POSTROUTING --source --out-interface tun0 --jump ACCEPT"
ipaddress => "",
netmask => "";
exim4::relay_from { [ "", ""]: }
package { "openvpn": ensure => installed }
service { "openvpn": ensure => running, pattern => '[o]penvpn' }
config_file {
content => "dhcp-host=00:30:6e:d2:91:d9,\n",
notify => Service["dnsmasq"];
source => "puppet://$servername/files/openvpn-uni-ak.conf",
require => Package["openvpn"];
file {
content => file("/etc/puppet/secrets/fw-schmidg/keys/p0002046-diode.key"),
mode => 0640, owner => root, group => root;
source => "puppet://$servername/files/fw-schmidg/keys",
recurse => true,
mode => 0640, owner => root, group => root;
node fw-maria {
$nagios_parent = "router-mariatreu"
$ssh_port = 2200
$dhcp_subnet = "192.168.1"
$uplink_speed = 2048
$downlink_speed = 2048
# stable low-load server should have a lower strastum, so we have a local
# master if all falls apart
$ntp_local_stratum = 11
$ntp_servers = [ "", "", "" ]
$bind_bindaddress = ""
$dnsmasq_interface = 'lan'
$dnsmasq_listen_address = "${dhcp_subnet}.1"
$manage_dns = 'manual'
include firewall
# manually configured in /etc/openvpn
include openvpn
include shaper
# $edv_bus_ns = 'slave'
# include edv_bus_nameserver
include bind::master
package{ samba: ensure => installed, }
service{ samba: ensure => running, pattern => "[sn]mbd" }
config_file { "/etc/samba/smb.conf": source => "puppet://$servername/files/fw-maria/smb.conf", notify => Service["samba"] }
file { "/var/local/samba_netlogon": ensure => directory, mode => 0755, owner => root, group => root, before => Service["samba"] }
ifupdown::interface {
ipaddress => "${dhcp_subnet}.1",
netmask => "",
macaddress => "00:40:63:e9:16:2e";
ipaddress => "${dhcp_subnet}.2",
netmask => "";
ipaddress => "",
netmask => "",
macaddress => "00:40:63:e9:16:2f",
gateway => "",
up => [
"iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -p tcp -d --destination-port 25 -j ACCEPT",
"iptables -t filter -A FORWARD -p tcp -s --destination-port 25 -j REJECT",
"iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o uplink -j SNAT --to"
down => [
"iptables -t nat -D POSTROUTING -s -o uplink -j SNAT --to",
"iptables -t filter -D FORWARD -p tcp -s --destination-port 25 -j REJECT",
"iptables -t filter -D FORWARD -p tcp -d --destination-port 25 -j ACCEPT"
ipaddress => "",
netmask => "";
bind::a2 {
rrname => $hostname,
domain => $domain,
ip => "";
exim4::relay_from { [ "", ""]: }
file { "/media/externe_platte": ensure => directory }
mount {
device => "LABEL=EXT",
ensure => mounted,
options => 'defaults',
fstype => 'ext3',
atboot => true;
device => "/media/externe_platte/samba",
ensure => mounted,
options => bind,
atboot => true,
fstype => 'none',
require => Mount["/media/externe_platte"],
notify => Service["samba"],
## Additional IPs for Door
config_file {
ensure => absent;
content => " door1\n192.168.1.125 door2\n192.168.1.126 door3\n192.168.1.123 accesspoint123\n192.168.1.122 accesspoint122\n192.168.1.121 accesspoint121\n192.168.1.3 fw-treu\n",
notify => Service[dnsmasq];
content => "# load additional hosts into DNS:\naddn-hosts=/etc/additional_hosts\n",
require => File["/etc/additional_hosts"],
notify => Service[dnsmasq];
node fw-treu {
$nagios_parent = "fw-maria"
$ssh_port = 2200
#$dhcp_subnet = "192.168.130"
#include firewall
include dbp
include ssh::server
include backuppc::client
include david::sudo
ifupdown::interface {
ipaddress => "",
gateway => "",
netmask => "",
macaddress => "00:40:63:e9:1b:94";
#$edv_bus_ns = 'slave'
#include edv_bus_nameserver
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