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Last active December 15, 2015 00:49
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Read and manipulate .tsv data files.
Read in a TSV (tab-separated values) file as an array of dicts.
r = Reader('tests/tsv/init.tsv')
print r
print r.rows
print r.column('name')
for v in r.values('name', 'age'): print v
for row in r: print row
print r.insert_sql(table='sample')
print r.batch_insert_sql(table='sample')
print r.batch_update_sql(table='sample')
import sys
from string import Template
from csv import DictReader
class Reader(object):
Read in a TSV (tab-separated values) file as an array of dicts.
The file should include a header line consisting of column names.
Each dict represents a row in the table, with column names as keys.
def __init__(self, filename, delimiter="\t"):
file = sys.stdin if filename == '-' else open(filename)
reader = DictReader(file, delimiter=delimiter)
self.rows = (r for r in reader)
self.columns = reader.fieldnames
self.filename = filename
def __iter__(self):
'''Yield row values.'''
for row in self.rows:
yield row
def __str__(self):
'''Pretty print the table.'''
lines = ["\t".join(self.columns)]
for row in self.values():
return "\n".join(lines)
def values(self, *columns):
'''Yield column values of rows.'''
if not columns:
columns = self.columns
for r in self.rows:
yield tuple(r[col] or '' for col in columns)
def column(self, name):
'''Return list of all values for column name.'''
return [row[name] for row in self.rows]
def convert_quotes(self, d):
Convert inner single quotes of dict values to sql standard.
So, a dict value of ...
"i'd love foo's bar."
... will be converted to ...
"i''d love foo''s bar."
This allows the dict values to be embedded within single-quotes
within a SQL statement:
UPDATE utterances SET p_utts = 'i''d love foo''s bar.' WHERE id = 5;
return dict([(k,(v or "").replace("'", "''")) for k,v in d.items()])
def insert_sql(self, table):
Return sql statement for batch inserting into table.
For example, if we read in a data file called "insert.tsv" which
had columns for "id", "name", and "age":
>>> r = Reader('insert.tsv')
>>> insert_st = r.insert_sql(table='people')
>>> insert_st
INSERT INTO people (id, name, age) VALUES (:id, :name, :age);
The resulting sql statement embeds named parameters. Such
statements can be used with the execute method of the sqlite3
API cursor object:
>>> import sqlite3
>>> con = sqlite3.connect('data.db')
>>> cur = con.cursor()
>>> cur.execute(insert_st, {"id": 2, "name": "Mary", "age": 22})
Likewise with the executemany method:
>>> cur.executemany(insert_st, r.rows)
insert_st = 'INSERT INTO {0} ({1}) VALUES ({2});'
vals = ", ".join(':{0}'.format(c) for c in self.columns)
cols = ", ".join(self.columns)
return insert_st.format(table, cols, vals)
def batch_insert_sql(self, table):
'''Return string of sql statements for batch insert into table.'''
insert_st = 'INSERT INTO {0} ({1}) VALUES ({2});'
vals = ", ".join("'${0}'".format(c) for c in self.columns)
cols = ", ".join(self.columns)
temp = Template(insert_st.format(table, cols, vals))
inserts = ['BEGIN TRANSACTION;']
for dict in self.rows:
dict = self.convert_quotes(dict)
return "\n".join(inserts)
def update_sql(self, table, pk='id'):
Return sql statement for batch updating table.
pk - primary key to use for updating.
For example, if we read in a data file called "update.tsv" which
had columns for "id", "name", and "age":
>>> r = Reader('update.tsv')
>>> update_st = r.update_sql(table='people')
UPDATE people SET name = :name, age = :age WHERE id = :id;
update_st = 'UPDATE {0} SET {1} WHERE {2} = :{2};'
eq = '{0} = :{1}'
columns = [c for c in self.columns if not c == pk]
mapping = ", ".join(eq.format(c, c) for c in columns)
return update_st.format(table, mapping, pk)
def batch_update_sql(self, table, pk='id'):
Return string of sql statements for batch updating table.
pk - primary key to use for updating.
eq = "{0} = '${1}'"
update_st = 'UPDATE {0} SET {1} WHERE {2} = ${2};'
columns = [c for c in self.columns if not c == pk]
mapping = ", ".join(eq.format(c, c) for c in columns)
temp = Template(update_st.format(table, mapping, pk))
updates = ['BEGIN TRANSACTION;']
for dict in self.rows:
if not pk in dict: continue
dict = self.convert_quotes(dict)
return "\n".join(updates)
if __name__ == '__main__':
r = Reader('tests/tsv/init.tsv')
print r.rows
print r.column('name')
for v in r.values('name', 'age'):
print v
print r
for row in r:
print row
print r.insert_sql(table='sample')
print r.batch_insert_sql(table='sample')
print r.batch_update_sql(table='sample')
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