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Created August 13, 2010 16:30
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* Generated from Zimbu file ./fizzbuzz.zu
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#ifdef __MINGW32__
int _CRT_fmode = _O_BINARY;
int _fmode = _O_BINARY;
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <strings.h>
#ifdef __MINGW32__
#define ZINT_FORMAT "%I64d"
#define ZINT_XFORMAT "%I64x"
#define ZINT_FORMAT "%lld"
#define ZINT_XFORMAT "%llx"
typedef long long Zint;
typedef long long Zbbits;
typedef int Zbits;
typedef int Zbool;
typedef int Zstatus;
typedef int Zenum;
typedef unsigned char char_u;
typedef struct Zbytes__S Zbytes;
typedef struct Zpieceval__S Zpieceval;
typedef struct Zpiece__S Zpiece;
typedef struct Zcord__S Zcord;
typedef struct Zoref__S Zoref;
typedef struct ZforRange__S ZforRange_T;
typedef struct ZforList__S ZforList_T;
typedef struct CListHead__S CListHead;
typedef struct CListItem__S CListItem;
#ifndef INC___home__mattn__Develop__zimbu__lib__sysmodule_T
#include "/home/mattn/Develop/zimbu/lib/ZUDIR/sysmodule.t.h"
#ifndef INC___home__mattn__Develop__zimbu__lib__iomodule_T
#include "/home/mattn/Develop/zimbu/lib/ZUDIR/iomodule.t.h"
#define MIOmodule__Veof EOF
typedef struct Zcode__S {
char *fileName;
char *text;
int line;
int col;
} Zcode;
void *Zalloc(size_t size);
void ZthrowS(char *format, char *arg);
void ZthrowI(char *format, Zint n);
void Zthrow(char *text);
#define ZbytesT_mask 0x07
#define ZbytesT_tiny 0
#define ZbytesT_bytesval 1
#define ZbytesT_piece 2
#define ZbytesT_pieceval 3
#define ZbytesT_cord 4
#define Zbytes_cow 0x08
#define ZbytesP_mask 0xe0
#define ZbytesP_default 0x00
#define ZbytesP_nocord 0x20
#define ZbytesP_minmem 0x40
#define ZbytesP_minalloc 0x80
struct Zbytes__S {
union {
void *data;
char tiny[sizeof(void *)];
Zint byteSize;
Zint charSize;
short growsize;
char flags;
struct Zpieceval__S {
Zint space;
Zint offset;
void *data;
struct Zpiece__S {
Zint space;
Zint offset;
struct Zcord__S {
Zcord *next;
Zint byteSize;
Zint charSize;
char type;
Zint space;
Zint offset;
union {
void *data;
char tiny[sizeof(void *)];
struct Zoref__S {
char *ptr;
char **table;
int type;
struct ZforRange__S {
Zint idx;
Zint step;
Zint last;
struct ZforList__S {
CListItem *listItem;
struct CListHead__S {
CListItem *first;
CListItem *last;
int itemCount;
struct CListItem__S {
CListItem *next;
CListItem *prev;
union {
int Ival;
void *Pval;
int type;
#ifndef INC___home__mattn__Develop__zimbu__lib__sysmodule_S
#include "/home/mattn/Develop/zimbu/lib/ZUDIR/sysmodule.s.h"
#ifndef INC___home__mattn__Develop__zimbu__lib__iomodule_S
#include "/home/mattn/Develop/zimbu/lib/ZUDIR/iomodule.s.h"
#ifndef INC___home__mattn__Develop__zimbu__lib__sysmodule_D
#include "/home/mattn/Develop/zimbu/lib/ZUDIR/sysmodule.d.h"
#ifndef INC___home__mattn__Develop__zimbu__lib__iomodule_D
#include "/home/mattn/Develop/zimbu/lib/ZUDIR/iomodule.d.h"
int ZglobInit(int round);
void *Zalloc(size_t size) {
void *p = calloc(1, size);
if (p == NULL) Zthrow("Out of memory");
return p;
typedef struct Sstack__S {
int *stackEntries;
int stackSize;
int stackIndex;
} Sstack;
static pthread_key_t ZstackKey;
void ZstackFree(void *ptr) {
Sstack *p = (Sstack *)ptr;
if (p->stackEntries != NULL) free(p->stackEntries);
Sstack Zstack = {NULL, 0, -1};
void ZstackInit() {
(void)pthread_key_create(&ZstackKey, ZstackFree);
pthread_setspecific(ZstackKey, NULL);
Sstack *ZstackGet() {
Sstack *sp = pthread_getspecific(ZstackKey);
if (sp == NULL) {
sp = Zalloc(sizeof(Sstack));
sp->stackEntries = NULL;
sp->stackSize = 0;
sp->stackIndex = -1;
pthread_setspecific(ZstackKey, sp);
return sp;
return &Zstack;
Sstack *ZstackDeeper() {
Sstack *sp = pthread_getspecific(ZstackKey);
if (sp == NULL) sp = ZstackGet();
Sstack *sp = &Zstack;
if (sp->stackEntries == NULL) {
sp->stackEntries = Zalloc(sizeof(int) * 50);
sp->stackSize = 50;
sp->stackIndex = 0;
} else if (++sp->stackIndex >= sp->stackSize) {
sp->stackEntries = realloc(sp->stackEntries, sizeof(int) * (sp->stackSize + 50));
sp->stackSize += 50;
return sp;
typedef struct Senv__S {
jmp_buf *envEntries;
int envSize;
int envIndex;
} Senv;
static pthread_key_t ZenvKey;
void ZenvFree(void *ptr) {
Senv *p = (Senv *)ptr;
if (p->envEntries != NULL) free(p->envEntries);
Senv Zenv = {NULL, 0, -1};
void ZenvInit() {
(void)pthread_key_create(&ZenvKey, ZenvFree);
Senv *ZenvGet() {
Senv *sp = pthread_getspecific(ZenvKey);
if (sp == NULL) {
sp = Zalloc(sizeof(Senv));
sp->envEntries = NULL;
sp->envSize = 0;
sp->envIndex = -1;
pthread_setspecific(ZenvKey, sp);
return sp;
return &Zenv;
Senv *ZenvDeeper() {
Senv *sp = pthread_getspecific(ZenvKey);
if (sp == NULL) sp = ZenvGet();
Senv *sp = &Zenv;
if (sp->envEntries == NULL) {
sp->envEntries = Zalloc(sizeof(jmp_buf) * 50);
sp->envSize = 50;
sp->envIndex = 0;
} else if (++sp->envIndex >= sp->envSize) {
sp->envEntries = realloc(sp->envEntries, sizeof(jmp_buf) * (sp->envSize + 50));
sp->envSize += 50;
return sp;
char Zmethod0[] = "-- started new thread --";
char Zfilename0[] = "/home/mattn/Develop/zimbu/lib/sysmodule.zu";
char Zmethod1[] = "SYS.sleepSec()";
char Zmethod2[] = "SYS.Pos.NEW()";
char Zmethod3[] = "SYS.Pos.copy()";
char Zfilename1[] = "/home/mattn/Develop/zimbu/lib/iomodule.zu";
char Zmethod4[] = "IO";
char Zmethod5[] = "IO.newStdin()";
char Zmethod6[] = "IO.newStdout()";
char Zmethod7[] = "IO.newStderr()";
char Zmethod8[] = "IO.File.writeLine__1()";
char Zmethod9[] = "IO.File.write__1()";
char Zmethod10[] = "IO.File.readAll()";
char Zmethod11[] = "IO.File.readLine()";
char Zmethod12[] = "IO.File.readAllLines()";
char Zmethod13[] = "IO.StringByteReader.NEW()";
char Zmethod14[] = "IO.ByteReaderStack.NEW()";
char Zmethod15[] = "IO.ByteReaderStack.readByte()";
char Zmethod16[] = "IO.ByteReaderStack.push()";
char Zmethod17[] = "IO.fileReader()";
char Zmethod18[] = "IO.fileWriter()";
char Zmethod19[] = "IO.write()";
char Zmethod20[] = "IO.writeLine()";
char Zmethod21[] = "IO.StringWriter.writeLine__1()";
char Zmethod22[] = "IO.StringWriter.write__1()";
char Zmethod23[] = "IO.stat()";
char Zmethod24[] = "IO.dirList()";
char Zmethod25[] = "IO.equalFiles()";
char Zmethod26[] = "IO.findExe()";
char Zmethod27[] = "IO.findExeInDirList()";
char Zmethod28[] = "IO.resolve()";
char Zmethod29[] = "IO.tailSepIndex()";
char Zmethod30[] = "IO.pastHeadIndex()";
char Zmethod31[] = "IO.nextPartIndex()";
char Zfilename2[] = "fizzbuzz.zu";
char Zmethod32[] = "MAIN()";
Zcode ZcodeTable[] = {
{NULL, Zmethod0, 0, 0},
{Zfilename0, Zmethod1, 62, 5},
{Zfilename0, Zmethod2, 73, 5},
{Zfilename0, Zmethod2, 80, 5},
{Zfilename0, Zmethod3, 88, 15},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod4, 26, 16},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod4, 29, 17},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod4, 32, 17},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod5, 36, 17},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod6, 49, 17},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod7, 62, 17},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod8, 126, 14},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod8, 121, 14},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod8, 116, 14},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod8, 108, 10},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod8, 108, 32},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod9, 103, 14},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod9, 98, 14},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod9, 93, 14},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod10, 159, 27},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod10, 161, 17},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod10, 165, 11},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod10, 167, 16},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod11, 173, 15},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod11, 177, 24},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod11, 179, 11},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod11, 183, 13},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod11, 185, 16},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod12, 193, 23},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod12, 197, 9},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod13, 301, 5},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod14, 322, 5},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod15, 331, 10},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod15, 336, 23},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod16, 343, 7},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod17, 352, 17},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod18, 370, 17},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod19, 485, 12},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod19, 491, 12},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod19, 497, 12},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod20, 525, 12},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod20, 532, 12},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod20, 539, 12},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod21, 126, 14},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod21, 121, 14},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod21, 116, 14},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod21, 108, 10},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod21, 108, 32},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod22, 103, 14},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod22, 98, 14},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod22, 93, 14},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod23, 733, 15},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod24, 939, 9},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod25, 1011, 15},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod25, 1015, 15},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod25, 1025, 21},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod25, 1029, 21},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod25, 1031, 10},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod25, 1037, 19},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod25, 1038, 19},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod25, 1047, 8},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod25, 1048, 8},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod26, 1065, 15},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod26, 1065, 60},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod26, 1065, 45},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod26, 1070, 12},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod27, 1078, 16},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod27, 1079, 22},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod27, 1080, 10},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod28, 1261, 43},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod28, 1262, 58},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod28, 1267, 13},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod28, 1267, 34},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod28, 1302, 13},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod28, 1302, 33},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod28, 1312, 17},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod28, 1316, 15},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod28, 1318, 21},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod28, 1333, 11},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod28, 1345, 8},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod28, 1350, 26},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod28, 1353, 34},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod28, 1359, 35},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod28, 1371, 15},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod29, 1407, 13},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod29, 1411, 22},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod30, 1426, 11},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod31, 1442, 14},
{Zfilename1, Zmethod31, 1443, 10},
{Zfilename2, Zmethod32, 4, 12},
{Zfilename2, Zmethod32, 6, 10},
{Zfilename2, Zmethod32, 8, 10},
{Zfilename2, Zmethod32, 10, 10},
{Zfilename2, Zmethod32, 12, 10},
{Zfilename2, Zmethod32, 13, 10},
void Zbacktrace(FILE *fd) {
int i;
int last = 0;
Sstack *sp = ZstackGet();
fprintf(fd, "Stack backtrace (last called first):\n");
if (sp->stackIndex > 50) last = sp->stackIndex - 50;
for (i = sp->stackIndex; i >= last; --i) {
Zcode *p = &ZcodeTable[sp->stackEntries[i]];
if (p->fileName == NULL)
fprintf(fd, "%s\n", p->text);
fprintf(fd, "%s line %d col %d: %s\n", p->fileName, p->line, p->col, p->text);
#ifdef SIGSEGV
void Zdeadly(int nr) {
fprintf(stderr, "Caught deadly signal %d\n", nr);
Sstack *sp = ZstackGet();
--sp->stackIndex; /* top entry is invalid */
void ZthrowPos(char *posn, char *text) {
if (posn != NULL) {
fputs(posn, stderr);
fputs(": ", stderr);
fputs("Exception: ", stderr);
fputs(text, stderr);
fputs("\n", stderr);
void ZthrowS(char *format, char *arg) {
char buf[200];
snprintf(buf, 200, format, arg);
ZthrowPos(NULL, buf);
void ZthrowI(char *format, Zint n) {
char buf[200];
snprintf(buf, 200, format, n);
ZthrowPos(NULL, buf);
void Zthrow(char *text) {
ZthrowPos(NULL, text);
int Zstrcmp(char *s1, char *s2) {
if (s1 == NULL || s2 == NULL) {
if (s1 == NULL && s2 == NULL)
return 0;
if (s1 == NULL)
return -1;
return 1;
return strcmp(s1, s2);
char *Zconcat(char *s1, char *s2) {
char *ss1 = s1 == NULL ? "NULL" : s1;
char *ss2 = s2 == NULL ? "NULL" : s2;
char *p = Zalloc(strlen(ss1) + strlen(ss2) + 1);
strcpy(p, ss1);
strcat(p, ss2);
return p;
char *Zint2string(Zint n) {
char *p = Zalloc(30);
sprintf(p, ZINT_FORMAT, n);
return p;
char *ZStringSlice(char *s, Zint start, Zint end) {
char *ss = (s == NULL) ? "NULL" : s;
char *r;
Zint l = (Zint)strlen(ss);
Zint is = start < 0 ? l + start : start;
Zint ie = end < 0 ? l + end : end;
if (is < 0) is = 0;
if (is > l) is = l;
if (ie < is - 1) ie = is - 1;
if (ie >= l) ie = l - 1;
l = ie - is + 1;
r = Zalloc(l + 1);
strncpy(r, ss + is, l);
r[l] = 0;
return r;
Zbool ZStringStartsWith(char *big, char *small) {
int i;
if (big == NULL || small == NULL)
return 0;
for (i = 0; small[i] != 0; ++i) {
if (big[i] != small[i])
return 0;
return 1;
Zbool ZStringEndsWith(char *big, char *small) {
int i, j;
if (big == NULL || small == NULL)
return 0;
i = strlen(big) - 1;
j = strlen(small) - 1;
while (1) {
if (j < 0)
return 1;
if (i < 0)
return 0;
if (big[i] != small[j])
return 0;
Zint ZStringIndex2(char *s, Zint c, Zint low) {
unsigned char *p;
if (s == NULL) return -1;
for (p = (unsigned char *)s; *p != 0; ++p) {
if ((Zint)((char *)p - s) >= low && *p == c) return (Zint)((char *)p - s);
return -1;
Zint ZStringRindex(char *s, Zint c) {
unsigned char *p;
unsigned char *found;
if (s == NULL) return -1;
found = NULL;
for (p = (unsigned char *)s; *p != 0; ++p) {
if (*p == c) found = p;
if (found == NULL) return -1;
return (int)((char *)found - s);
CListHead *ZStringSplit(char *s, char *m) {
CListHead *head = Zalloc(sizeof(CListHead));
if (s == NULL)
Zthrow("split() string is NIL");
else if (m == NULL)
Zthrow("split() argument is NIL");
else if (*s != 0) {
int mlen = strlen(m);
char *ps;
char *pe;
CListItem *prev = NULL;
for (ps = s; ; ps = pe + mlen) {
CListItem *newitem = Zalloc(sizeof(CListItem));
int len;
char *ns;
pe = strstr(ps, m);
if (pe == NULL) {
len = strlen(ps);
} else {
len = pe - ps;
ns = Zalloc(len + 1);
strncpy(ns, ps, len);
ns[len] = 0;
newitem->Pval = ns;
newitem->type = 1;
if (prev == NULL)
head->first = newitem;
prev->next = newitem;
newitem->prev = prev;
prev = newitem;
if (pe == NULL) break;
head->last = prev;
return head;
CListItem *ZListFind(CListHead *head, int idx) {
if (head == NULL) Zthrow("Accessing NIL list");
CListItem *item;
int n;
if (idx < 0) {
item = head->last;
n = -idx;
while (--n > 0 && item != NULL)
item = item->prev;
} else {
item = head->first;
n = idx;
while (--n >= 0 && item != NULL)
item = item->next;
return item;
CListHead *ZListAdd(CListHead *head, int after, int nr, void *ptr, int type) {
if (head == NULL) Zthrow("Attempt to append to NIL list");
CListItem *item = Zalloc(sizeof(CListItem));
if (type == 0)
item->Ival = nr;
item->Pval = ptr;
item->type = type;
if (head->last == NULL) {
head->first = item;
head->last = item;
} else {
CListItem *afterItem = NULL;
if (after != -1) {
afterItem = ZListFind(head, after);
if (afterItem == NULL || afterItem == head->last) {
item->prev = head->last;
item->prev->next = item;
head->last = item;
} else {
item->next = afterItem->next;
item->next->prev = item;
item->prev = afterItem;
afterItem->next = item;
return head;
Zint ZListSize(CListHead *head) {
if (head == NULL) Zthrow("Attempt to get size of NIL list");
return head->itemCount;
int ZListPopIntItem(CListHead *head, int idx) {
if (head == NULL) Zthrow("Invoking pop() on NIL list");
CListItem *item = ZListFind(head, idx);
if (item != NULL) {
int v = item->Ival;
if (item->prev == NULL)
head->first = item->next;
item->prev->next = item->next;
if (item->next == NULL)
head->last = item->prev;
item->next->prev = item->prev;
/* TODO: free *item */
return v;
return 0;
ZforList_T *ZforListNew(CListHead *p) {
if (p == NULL) {
Zthrow("FOR on NIL list");
ZforList_T *s = Zalloc(sizeof(ZforList_T));
s->listItem = p->first;
return s;
void ZforListGetPtr(ZforList_T *s, char **p) {
if (s->listItem != NULL)
*p = s->listItem->Pval;
*p = NULL;
void ZforListGetInt(ZforList_T *s, Zint *p) {
if (s->listItem != NULL)
*p = s->listItem->Ival;
*p = 0;
int ZforListCont(ZforList_T *s) {
return s->listItem != NULL;
void ZforListNextPtr(ZforList_T *s, char **p) {
if (s->listItem != NULL)
s->listItem = s->listItem->next;
ZforListGetPtr(s, p);
void ZforListNextInt(ZforList_T *s, Zint *p) {
if (s->listItem != NULL)
s->listItem = s->listItem->next;
ZforListGetInt(s, p);
ZforRange_T *ZforRangeNew(Zint start, Zint last, Zint step) {
ZforRange_T *s = Zalloc(sizeof(ZforRange_T));
s->idx = start;
s->last = last;
s->step = step;
return s;
void ZforRangeGetInt(ZforRange_T *s, Zint *p) {
*p = s->idx;
int ZforRangeCont(ZforRange_T *s) {
return s->step > 0 ? (s->idx <= s->last) : (s->idx >= s->last);
void ZforRangeNextInt(ZforRange_T *s, Zint *p) {
s->idx += s->step;
ZforRangeGetInt(s, p);
#ifndef INC___home__mattn__Develop__zimbu__lib__sysmodule_B
#include "/home/mattn/Develop/zimbu/lib/ZUDIR/sysmodule.b.c"
#ifndef INC___home__mattn__Develop__zimbu__lib__iomodule_B
#include "/home/mattn/Develop/zimbu/lib/ZUDIR/iomodule.b.c"
int ZglobInit(int round) {
int done = 1;
Sstack *stack = ZstackDeeper();
int sidx = stack->stackIndex;
if (round == 1) {
done &= Isysmodule(round);
done &= Iiomodule(round);
if (round == 2001) {
return done;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int ret;
int round = 0;
int done;
#ifdef SIGSEGV
signal(SIGSEGV, Zdeadly);
done = ZglobInit(round++);
while (!done) {
if (round == 1002) Zthrow("Early initialization not done within 1000 rounds");
done = ZglobInit(round++);
round = 2001;
done = ZglobInit(round++);
while (!done) {
if (round == 3002) Zthrow("Initialization not done within 1000 rounds");
done = ZglobInit(round++);
ret = Fmain();
if (ZstackGet()->stackIndex != -1) fprintf(stderr, "INTERNAL: stack index not -1: %d\n", ZstackGet()->stackIndex);
return ret;
int Fmain() {
Sstack *stack = ZstackDeeper();
int sidx = stack->stackIndex;
Zint ret;
ret = 0;
stack->stackEntries[sidx] = 89;
Zint Vi;
for (Vi = 1; Vi <= 100; ++Vi) {
if (((Vi % 15) == 0))
(stack->stackEntries[sidx] = 90, MIOmodule__Fwrite("FizzBuzz\n"));
else if (((Vi % 3) == 0))
(stack->stackEntries[sidx] = 91, MIOmodule__Fwrite("Fizz\n"));
else if (((Vi % 5) == 0))
(stack->stackEntries[sidx] = 92, MIOmodule__Fwrite("Buzz\n"));
(stack->stackEntries[sidx] = 93, MIOmodule__Fwrite__1(Vi));
(stack->stackEntries[sidx] = 94, MIOmodule__Fwrite("\n"));
ret = 0;
return ret;
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