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Created August 19, 2010 23:32
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# vim:syntax=perl
# WebGUI is Copyright 2001-2009 Plain Black Corporation.
# Please read the legal notices (docs/legal.txt) and the license
# (docs/license.txt) that came with this distribution before using
# this software.
# Test the viewList and related methods of the DataForm
use FindBin;
use strict;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../../lib";
use Test::More;
use Test::Deep;
use WebGUI::Test; # Must use this before any other WebGUI modules
use WebGUI::Session;
# Init
my $session = WebGUI::Test->session;
my $df = WebGUI::Asset->getImportNode($session)->addChild( {
className => 'WebGUI::Asset::Wobject::DataForm',
} );
WebGUI::Test->addToCleanup( WebGUI::VersionTag->getWorking( $session ) );
# Add fields to the dataform
$df->createField( "name", { type => "text", } );
$df->createField( "message", { type => "text", } );
# Add entries to the dataform
my @entryProperties = (
name => "Andy",
subject => "Problem!",
message => "I need a Rita Heyworth",
name => "Red",
subject => "Solution!",
message => "I need about tree fiddy",
my $birthday = WebGUI::Test->webguiBirthday;
my @entries = ();
for my $properties (@entryProperties) {
my $entry = $df->entryClass->newFromHash( $df, $properties );
$entry->submissionDate(WebGUI::DateTime->new($session, $birthday++));
push @entries, $entry;
# Tests
plan tests => 6; # Increment this number for each test you create
# Test getListTemplateVars
my $tmplVar = $df->getListTemplateVars({});
# First our field definitions
my @fields = (
name => "from",
type => "email",
isMailField => 1,
label => ignore(),
name => "to",
type => "email",
isMailField => 1,
label => ignore(),
name => "cc",
type => "email",
isMailField => 1,
label => ignore(),
name => "bcc",
type => "email",
isMailField => 1,
label => ignore(),
name => "subject",
type => "text",
isMailField => 1,
label => ignore(),
name => "name",
type => "text",
isMailField => undef,
label => undef,
name => "message",
type => "text",
isMailField => undef,
label => ignore(),
# Test the field_loop
my $fieldVars = [];
for my $field ( @fields ) {
my $var = {};
for my $key ( keys %$field ) {
$var->{ 'field.' . $key } = $field->{ $key };
push @{$fieldVars}, $var;
cmp_deeply( $tmplVar->{field_loop}, $fieldVars, 'field_loop is complete and correct' );
# Test the record_loop
my $recordVars = [];
my $entryIdx = $#entries; # ordered by insert in reverse
while ( $entryIdx >= 0 ) {
my $var = {
'record.noloop.bcc' => $entries[$entryIdx]->field('bcc'),
'' => $entries[$entryIdx]->field('cc'),
'record.noloop.from' => $entries[$entryIdx]->field('from'),
'record.noloop.message' => $entries[$entryIdx]->field('message'),
'' => $entries[$entryIdx]->field('name'),
'record.noloop.subject' => $entries[$entryIdx]->field('session'),
'' => $entries[$entryIdx]->field('to'),
'record.entryId' => $entries[$entryIdx]->getId,
'record.userId' => $session->user->userId,
'record.username' => $session->user->username,
'record.ipAddress' => $session->request->address,
'record.delete.icon' => ignore(),
'record.delete.url' => ignore(),
'record.edit.icon' => ignore(),
'record.edit.url' => ignore(),
'record.submissionDate.epoch' => ignore(),
'record.submissionDate.human' => ignore(),
my $fieldVars = [];
for my $field ( @fields ) {
my $var = {};
for my $key ( keys %$field ) {
$var->{ '' . $key } = $field->{ $key };
$var->{ record_data_type } = delete $var->{ '' };
# Don't care about mail fields...
if ( $field->{isMailField} ) {
$var->{ '' } = ignore();
else {
$var->{ '' } = $entries[$entryIdx]->field( $field->{name} );
push @{$fieldVars}, $var;
$var->{ 'record.data_loop' } = $fieldVars;
push @{$recordVars}, $var;
use Data::Dumper;
diag Dumper $tmplVar->{record_loop};
'getListTemplateVars is complete and correct',
is($tmplVar->{'pagination.pageCount'}, 1, '... and has pagination variables');
#Shove in a bunch of data to test pagination
my @quoteDb = (
{ name => "Red", message => "That tall drink of water", },
{ name => "Norton", message => "Do you enjoy working in the laundry?", },
{ name => "Andy", message => "They say it has no memory", },
{ name => "Boggs", message => "Hey, we all need friends in here", },
{ name => "Andy", message => "It's my life. Don't you understand?", },
{ name => "Red", message => "Rehabilitated? Well, now let me see.", },
{ name => "Red", message => "I know what *you* think it means, sonny.", },
{ name => "Red", message => "I know what *you* think it means, sonny.", },
{ name => "Andy", message => "How can you be so obtuse?", },
{ name => "Red", message => "The man likes to play chess; let's get him some rocks. ", },
{ name => "Brooks", message => "Easy peasy japanesey.", },
{ name => "Hadley", message => "What is your malfunction?", },
{ name => "Red", message => "Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane. ", },
{ name => "Red", message => "They send you here for life, and that's exactly what they take.", },
{ name => "Red", message => "Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are best left unsaid.", },
{ name => "Andy", message => "That's the beauty of music.", },
{ name => "Red", message => "I played a mean harmonica as a younger man.", },
{ name => "Tommy", message => "I don't read so good.", },
{ name => "Andy", message => "You don't read so *well*.", },
{ name => "Red", message => "Murder, same as you.", },
{ name => "Norton", message => "Salvation lies within.", },
{ name => "Andy", message => "Remember Red, hope is a good thing.", },
{ name => "Hadley", message => "Drink up while it's cold, ladies.", },
{ name => "Red", message => "We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders and felt like free men.", },
{ name => "Andy", message => "You see that's tax deductible, you can write that off. ", },
{ name => "Norton", message => "Lord! It's a miracle!", },
{ name => "Red", message => "I don't have her stuffed down the front of my pants right now, I'm sorry to say, but I'll get her.", },
{ name => "Andy", message => "Get busy living, or get busy dying.", },
{ name => "Brooks", message => "The world went and got itself in a big damn hurry.", },
{ name => "Andy", message => "Everybody's innocent in here. Didn't you know that?", },
for my $quote (@quoteDb) {
my $entry = $df->entryClass->newFromHash( $df, $quote );
$entry->submissionDate(WebGUI::DateTime->new($session, $birthday++));
push @entries, $entry;
$tmplVar = $df->getListTemplateVars({});
is @{ $tmplVar->{record_loop} }, 25, 'list variables are paginated';
ok $tmplVar->{'pagination.pageCount.isMultiple'}, 'pagination: has multiple pages';
$session->request->setup_body({ pn => 2, });
$tmplVar = $df->getListTemplateVars({});
is @{ $tmplVar->{record_loop} }, 7, '7 entries in the 2nd page';
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