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Created August 26, 2010 01:47
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our sub _HELPER_generate-series(@lhs, $rhs , :$exclude-limit) {
my sub get-series-params (@lhs, $limit? ) {
fail "Need something on the LHS" unless @lhs.elems;
fail "Need more than one item on the LHS" if @lhs.elems == 1 && $limit ~~ Code;
fail "Need more items on the LHS" if @lhs[*-1] ~~ Code && @lhs[*-1].count != Inf && @lhs.elems < @lhs[*-1].count;
my $limit-reached;
given $limit {
when Code { $limit-reached = $limit; }
when .defined {
$limit-reached = sub ($previous , $current) {
my $current_cmp = $limit cmp $current ;
return $current_cmp == 0 unless $previous.defined;
my $previous_cmp = $limit cmp $previous;
return ($current_cmp == 0 #We reached the limit exactly
|| $previous_cmp != $current_cmp) ; #We went past the limit
$limit-reached = Mu;
#BEWARE: Here be ugliness
return ( 'code' , @lhs[*-1] , $limit-reached) if @lhs[* - 1] ~~ Code ; # case: (a,b,c,{code}) ... *
return ( 'stag' , { $_ } , $limit-reached) if @lhs.elems > 1 && @lhs[*-1] cmp @lhs[*-2] == 0 ; # case: (a , a) ... *
if @lhs[*-1] ~~ Str || $limit ~~ Str {
if @lhs[*-1].chars == 1 && $limit.defined && $limit.chars == 1 {
return ( 'char-succ' , { $_.ord.succ.chr } , $limit-reached) if @lhs[*-1] lt $limit;# case (... , non-number) ... limit
return ( 'char-pred' , { $_.ord.pred.chr } , $limit-reached) if @lhs[*-1] gt $limit;# case (... , non-number) ... limit
return ( 'text-succ' , { $_.succ } , $limit-reached) if $limit.defined && @lhs[*-1] lt $limit;# case (... , non-number) ... limit
return ( 'text-pred' , { $_.pred } , $limit-reached) if $limit.defined && @lhs[*-1] gt $limit;# case (... , non-number) ... limit
return ( 'text-pred' , { $_.pred } , $limit-reached) if @lhs.elems > 1 && @lhs[*-2] gt @lhs[*-1];# case (non-number , another-smaller-non-number) ... *
return ( 'text-succ' , { $_.succ } , $limit-reached) ;# case (non-number , another-non-number) ... *
return ( 'pred' , { $_.pred } , $limit-reached) if @lhs.elems == 1 && $limit.defined && $limit before @lhs[* - 1]; # case: (a) ... b where b before a
return ( 'succ' , { $_.succ } , $limit-reached) if @lhs.elems == 1 ; # case: (a) ... *
my $diff = @lhs[*-1] - @lhs[*-2];
return ('arithmetic' , { $_ + $diff } , $limit-reached) if @lhs.elems == 2 || @lhs[*-2] - @lhs[*-3] == $diff ; #Case Arithmetic series
if @lhs[*-2] / @lhs[*-3] == @lhs[*-1] / @lhs[*-2] { #Case geometric series
my $factor = @lhs[*-2] / @lhs[*-3];
if $factor ~~ ::Rat && $factor.denominator == 1 {
$factor = $factor.Int;
if ($factor < 0) {
return ( 'geometric-switching-sign' , { $_ * $factor } , -> $a, $b { $limit-reached.($a.abs, $b.abs) });
} else {
return ( 'geometric-same-sign' , { $_ * $factor } , $limit-reached);
fail "Unable to figure out pattern of series";
my sub is-on-the-wrong-side($type , $get-value-to-compare, $limit , @lhs ) {
my $first = @lhs[*-3] // @lhs[0];
return if $limit ~~ Code;
if $type eq 'arithmetic' | 'geometric-switching-sign' | 'geometric-same-sign' {
($get-value-to-compare(@lhs[*-2]) >= $get-value-to-compare(@lhs[*-1]) && $get-value-to-compare($limit) > $get-value-to-compare($first) )
($get-value-to-compare(@lhs[*-2]) <= $get-value-to-compare(@lhs[*-1]) && $get-value-to-compare($limit) < $get-value-to-compare($first) );
my sub infinite-series (@lhs, $next , $type) {
gather {
for 0..^(@lhs.elems - 1) -> $i { take @lhs[$i]; }
take @lhs[*-1] unless $type eq 'code';
my $arity = $next.count;
my @args=@lhs;
pop @args if $type eq 'code';
@args.munch( @args.elems - $arity ); #We make sure there are $arity + 1 elems
loop { #Then we extrapolate using $next and the $args
my $current = $next.(|@args) // last;
take $current ;
if $arity {
@args.push($current) ;
@args.munch(1) if @args.elems > $arity
my $limit = ($rhs ~~ Whatever ?? Any !! $rhs);
fail('Limit must be a literal') if $exclude-limit && (!$limit.defined || $limit ~~ Code);
my ($type , $next , $limit-reached) = get-series-params(@lhs , $limit );
return infinite-series(@lhs , $next , $type) unless $limit.defined; #Infinite series
my $series = infinite-series(@lhs , $next , $type);
my $get-value-to-compare = $type eq 'geometric-switching-sign' ?? { $_.abs; } !! { $_; };
return Nil if @lhs.elems > 1 && is-on-the-wrong-side($type , $get-value-to-compare, $limit , @lhs);
my $arity = $limit-reached.count;
my @args;
gather {
while $series {
my $val = $series.shift();
@args.push: $val;
@args.munch( @args.elems - $arity ); #We make sure there are $arity + 1 elems
if $limit-reached.(!@args) {
take $val if $get-value-to-compare($val) cmp $get-value-to-compare($limit) == 0 && !$exclude-limit;
last ;
take $val;
our multi sub infix:<...>(@lhs, $limit) {
_HELPER_generate-series(@lhs, $limit )
our multi sub infix:<...^>(@lhs, $limit) {
_HELPER_generate-series(@lhs, $limit , :exclude-limit)
our multi sub infix:<...^>($lhs , $limit) {
$lhs.list ...^ $limit;
our multi sub infix:<...^>(@lhs, @rhs) {
fail "Need something on RHS" if !@rhs;
(@lhs ...^ @rhs.shift), @rhs
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