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Created August 31, 2010 05:06
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chromatic maze generator in ASP
%%%% A chromatic maze generator
% By Adam M. Smith (
% This answer set program was designed to work with the Potassco (the Potsdam
% Answer Set Solving Collection) tools, namely "clingo".
%% Chromatic Mazes
% In Daniel Ashlock's CIG 2010 paper "Automatic Generation of Game Elements via
% Evolution", the author defined Chromatic Mazes as a kind of maze where the
% passability between squares in a maze is represented only implicitly by the
% colors of the squares in the maze. Allowable moves can only be made between
% colors nearby on the color wheel.
%% Logically representing chromatic mazes
% This maze generator represents mazes with logical terms such as these:
% - cell(red,0,0). cell(cyan,0,1). cell(magenta,0,2).
% - start(5,0).
% - finish(6,7).
% Visual reference:
%% Generating interesting mazes
% Following the inspiring paper, this generator aims to produce mazes with
% minimum solution lengths in a prescribed range. In a list of tweakable
% constants below, the total simulation timespan (measured in moves), and the
% allowable range of minimum solution lenghts can be varied. The side-length
% of mazes can also be easily modified.
% It is worth noting that mazes with the longest-shortest solutions are not
% actually all that interesting as mazes (as there isn't much room to get lost
% when nearly the entire board is filled with the snaking path of the shortest
% non-overlapping solution).
%% The ASP approach
% The approach taken by this generator is to specify an elementary grammar of
% possible maze designs and then to restrict this space with constraints on
% minimum solution length. Any ASP solver can then be used to efficiently
% generate example mazes from this design space.
%%%% The actual generator starts here!
%% Conventions for specifically named variables
#domain color(C).
#domain color(C1).
#domain color(C2).
#domain d(X).
#domain d(Y).
#domain d(SX).
#domain d(SY).
#domain t(T).
#domain t(T1).
#domain t(T2).
%% Values for shared constants
#const t_max = 35.
#const min_solution = 20.
#const max_solution = 35.
#const size = 6.
%% A range of space (d/1) and time (t/1) for the problem
%% Neighbor adjacency on the size-by-size grid
%% Theory of cycling colors displayable in the terminal
%% Allowable color transitions
ok(C1,C2) :- next(C1,C2).
ok(C1,C2) :- next(C2,C1).
%% Allowable steps considering adjacency and color
passable(SX,SY,X,Y) :-
%% Choice rules allowing the description of chromatic mazes
1 { cell(Co,X,Y):color(Co) } 1. % a color for every cell X,Y
1 { start(Xp,Yp):d(Xp):d(Yp) } 1. % location of the start/entrance
1 { finish(Xp,Yp):d(Xp):d(Yp) } 1. % location of the finish/exit
%% A flood-fill style player exploration
% "Initially, the player is at the start."
player_at(0,X,Y) :- start(X,Y).
% "Thereafter, he can get somewhere at some time if he can get to another
% square the time before and that square is passable to this square. He will
% only do this if he has not already visited the square previously."
player_at(T,X,Y) :-
T > 0,
0 {player_at(0..T-1,X,Y)} 0.
%% The time of earliest completion
victory_at(T) :- player_at(T,X,Y), finish(X,Y).
%% That completion happened at all
victory :- victory_at(T).
%% Integrity constraints, requirements on all generated puzzles:
% "If it did occur, victory must have happened within the stated bounds."
:- victory_at(T), T < min_solution.
:- victory_at(T), max_solution < T.
% "Victory must always occur."
:- not victory.
%%%% Visualization support logic
% These declarations simply help an external program decide how to populate and
% color a termcolor'ed ascii-art depiction of the generated maze.
tile_char(X,Y,T #mod 10) :- T > 0, player_at(T,X,Y), not start(X,Y), not finish(X,Y).
tile_char(X,Y,s) :- start(X,Y).
tile_char(X,Y,f) :- finish(X,Y).
tile_color(X,Y,C) :- cell(C,X,Y).
import termcolor
import re
import sys
highlights = [arg.split(':') for arg in sys.argv if ':' in arg]
def print_plain(fact):
print fact+'.'
def print_colored(fact):
code = 'white'
for prefix, color in highlights:
if fact.startswith(prefix):
code = color
print termcolor.colored(fact+'.',code,attrs=['bold'])
if highlights:
print_fact = print_colored
print_fact = print_plain
for line in sys.stdin.xreadlines():
if line[0].islower():
facts = line.split(' ')
facts = map(lambda s: s.strip(), facts)
map(print_fact, facts)
print '% '+line.strip()
import re
import sys
import termcolor
tile_grid = re.compile(r"tile_grid\((\d+),(\d+)\)")
tile_char = re.compile(r"tile_char\((\d+),(\d+),([\w\d]+)\)")
tile_color = re.compile(r"tile_color\((\d+),(\d+),(\w+)\)")
size = (0,0)
contents = {}
colors = {}
for line in sys.stdin.xreadlines():
if len(line) > 1 and not line.startswith('%') :
fact = line.strip()
grid_match = tile_grid.match(fact)
if grid_match:
wStr,hStr =,2)
size = (int(wStr), int(hStr))
char_match = tile_char.match(fact)
if char_match:
xStr,yStr,chStr =,2,3)
contents[(int(xStr),int(yStr))] = chStr
color_match = tile_color.match(fact)
if color_match:
xStr,yStr,colorStr =,2,3)
colors[(int(xStr),int(yStr))] = colorStr
def format(x,y):
loc = (x,y)
sym = contents.get(loc,'.')
color = colors.get(loc,'white')
return termcolor.colored(sym,color)+' '
grid = "\n".join([''.join([format(x,y) for x in range(0,size[0])]) for y in range(0,size[1])])
print grid
time clingo chromatic-maze-generator.lp -n 1 --seed=$RANDOM | ./ | ./
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