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Created May 16, 2013 06:55
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internal api sketches
{"description":"internal api sketches","endpoint":"","display":"svg","public":true,"require":[],"fileconfigs":{"inlet.js":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12},"":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12},"config.json":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12}},"fullscreen":false,"play":false,"loop":false,"restart":false,"autoinit":true,"pause":true,"loop_type":"period","bv":false,"nclones":15,"clone_opacity":0.4,"duration":3000,"ease":"linear","dt":0.01,"thumbnail":""}
Proposed API
model = new Tributary.Model({
//We want to live update javascript
//we create a model scoped to the inlet.js object
//which can look something like
/* {
code: "var x...",
filename: "inlet.js",
} */
var jsmodel ='inlet.js')
var jscontext = new Tributary.JSContext(jsmodel);
var jseditor = new CodeMirror()
//registering returns the event handler for changes made to the editor
var jsChange = jsmodel.register({
setter: jseditor.setValue,
getter: jseditor.getValue
//when the code is edited by the user, tributary will get the latest
//state of the code from the editor and set it on the model
jseditor.on("change", jsChange);
var jsonmodel ='name.json');
var jsoncontext = new JSONContext(jsonmodel)
//the jsoneditor has a slightly different api from codemirror
//but it works pretty much the same way
jsoneditor = new JSONEditor()
var jsonChange = jsonmodel.register({
setter: jsoneditor.set,
getter: jsoneditor.get
jsoneditor.editor.on("change", jsonChange)
//Let's have some data from somewhere else stored in name.json
//this creates nice control for downloading and redownloading data from a external source
//this should be a component
var jsonlink = new Tributary.JSONLink("name.json", "http://cooldata.json", jsonmodel);
model.path: function() { return id; } function(path) { }
model.on: function("change", path, cb ) { }
model.set function(path, value) { }
model.get function(path) { }
//internal implementation sketches
Model = function () {
Model.prototype.register = function(options) {
this.on('set', 'code', function() {
this._setter = this.path();
return function changeCallback() {
if(this._setter === this.path()) {
this._setter = null;
} else {
this.set('code', options.getter());
//when anything in the overall model changes, it calls the execute functions of everyone
"execute:pre": [jsoncontext, htmlcontext, csscontext]
, "execute": [jscontext, coffeecontext]
//each context calls listen to build up the event queues above
Model.listen = function(name, context) {
JSContext = function(model) {
var context = function() {}
var dispatch = d3.dispatch("change");
//define the special control function
tributary.$controls = function(value, options) {
//replace range when controls change
context.values[] = value;
//update code on control change options.pos
//use char based?
console.logJack = function() {};
var code;
var parsed;
function parse() { //esprima
//this will go over the AST and change things like
//console.log -> console.logJack and $controls -> tributary.$controls
//execute code
context.execute = function() {
parsed = parse()
//new Function
model.root().listen("execute", context)
return context;
Context = function(model) {
var context = function() {}
function execute() {
//can be:
//evaluating coffeescript
//setting css style on the page
//set data on the model
context.execute = execute;
function parse() {
//can be:
//compile coffeescript
//compile stylus/LESS
//turn csv/tsv -> json
model.root().listen("execute", context)
//model.root().listen("execute:pre", context)
//will be change in the future
return context;
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