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Last active May 30, 2020 18:41
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import bpy
from mathutils import Vector
import bmesh
import numpy as np
sig = 0.3
n_frames = 101
bpy.context.scene.frame_end = n_frames
pi = np.pi
make_ico = bpy.ops.mesh.primitive_ico_sphere_add
make_ico(subdivisions=3, size = 2.0, location = (0,0,3))
obj = bpy.context.active_object
me =
ico0 = np.array([ for v in me.vertices]) # get ico vertices
zmin, zmax = ico0[:,2].min(), ico0[:,2].max()
zc = np.linspace(zmin, zmax, n_frames)
ico = np.zeros_like(ico0)
# pad pristine copy of the icosphere as first element and last element of data.
data = [ico0.copy()]
for i in range(n_frames):
ico[:,:2] = (1.0 + np.exp(-(ico0[:,2] - zc[i])**2/(2.*sig**2)))[:,None] * ico0[:,:2]
ico[:,2] = ico0[:,2]
def insert_keyframe(fcurves, frame, values):
for fcu, val in zip(fcurves, values):
fcu.keyframe_points.insert(frame, val, {'FAST'})
action ="MeshAnimation")
me.animation_data.action = action
data_path = "vertices[%d].co"
vec_z = Vector((0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
frames = list(range(n_frames+2))
for index, v in enumerate(me.vertices):
fcurves = [ % v.index, i) for i in range(3)]
co_rest =
for t in frames:
co_kf = data[t][index]
insert_keyframe(fcurves, t, co_kf)
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