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Created September 15, 2010 15:22
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### Ruby version ###
#!/usr/bin/ruby[0]).split("\n").each do |line|
if line =~ /Found \d/ then
puts "=== #{line}"
m = /Between lines (\d+) and (\d+) in (.*)/.match line
if m then
start_line = m[1].to_i
end_line = m[2].to_i
file = m[3]
puts "--- #{line}"
puts `sed -n -e #{start_line},#{end_line}p #{file}`
### Clojure version ###
(ns dups
(:use [ :only (sh)])
(:use [ :only (read-lines)]))
(doseq [line (read-lines (first *command-line-args*))]
(when (re-find #"Found \d" line)
(println "===" line))
(when-let [match (re-find #"Between lines (\d+) and (\d+) in (.*)" line)]
(let [[_ start end file] match]
(println "---" line)
(println (sh "sed" "-n" "-e" (str start "," end "p") file)))))
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