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Created February 5, 2009 07:40
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#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use Net::Delicious;
# config
my $user = "username";
my $pass = "password";
my $delicious = Net::Delicious->new(
{user => $user,
pswd => $pass}
# read atom
open(READ, "<dump.atom") || die "Can't open file\n";
my @lines = <READ>;
my $xml_data;
for my $line ( @lines ) {
$xml_data .= $line; # ファイルから全て読み込み
#print $xml_data;
# parse atom
my @entries;
my @entries_xml = split(qq/<entry>/, $xml_data);
for (my $i = 1; $i < @entries_xml; $i++){ # 0個目は無視
my $s = $entries_xml[$i];
my $entry; my @buf;
# parse title
@buf = split(/<title>/, $s);
my @title = split(/<\/title>/, $buf[1]);
$entry->{title} = $title[0];
# parse url
@buf = split(/<link type=\"text\/html\" rel=\"related\" href=\"/, $s);
my @url = split(/\"\/>/, $buf[1]);
$entry->{url} = $url[0];
# parse extended
@buf = split(/<summary>/, $s);
my @extended = split(/<\/summary>/, $buf[1]);
$entry->{extended} = $extended[0];
if($entry->{extended} eq ""){
$entry->{extended} = "";
# parse tags
@buf = split(/<dc:subject>/, $s);
my $tags = "";
for (my $j = 1; $j < @buf; $j++){ # 0個目は無視
my @tag = split(/<\/dc:subject>/, $buf[$j]);
if($tag[0] ne ""){
$tags .= ' ' if($j > 1); # tagをカンマ区切り
$tags .= $tag[0];
$entry->{tags} = $tags;
# parse dt
@buf = split(/<issued>/, $s);
my @dt = split(/<\/issued>/, $buf[1]);
$entry->{dt} = $dt[0];
push(@entries, $entry);
print @entries . "entries loaded!!\n\n";
#print "dt:" . $entries[0]->{dt} . "\n";
# post & print debug
my $err_count = 0;
my $entry = pop(@entries);
print $entry->{title}."\n";
print $entry->{url}."\n";
print $entry->{extended}."\n";
print $entry->{tags}."\n";
print $entry->{dt}."\n";
print "posting the entry...\n";
my $post = {
url => $entry->{url},
description => $entry->{title},
extended => $entry->{extended},
shared => 1,
replace => 1,
tags => $entry->{tags},
dt => $entry->{dt},
my $post_result = $delicious->add_post($post);
print "success\n"
open(ERR, ">>error.log") || die "can't open error log\n";
print "error!!(".++$err_count.")\n";
print ERR $entry->{title}."\n";
print ERR $entry->{url}."\n";
print ERR $entry->{extended}."\n";
print ERR $entry->{tags}."\n";
print ERR $entry->{dt}."\n";
print ERR "------\n";
print "--------\n";
print "error: $err_count\n";
open(ERR, ">>error.log") || die "can't open error log\n";
print ERR "error: $err_count\n";
print "\n---end---\n";
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