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Last active December 1, 2017 20:50
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Save pstuffa/58b5bfd2d02cca1fe75351945a703205 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Yvaral V
license: mit
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src=""></script>
body {
background: #2f3337 !important;
<body align="center">
var colorScaleOne = d3.scalePow()
.domain([0, 25])
.range(["#c9b9df", "#5e3f8d"]);
var colorScaleTwo = d3.scalePow()
.domain([0, 25])
.range(["#4d3d69", "#2f2541"]);
var width = window.innerHeight*.98,
height = window.innerHeight*.98,
margin = {top: 0, bottom: 0, right: 0, left: 0}
var svg ="body").append("svg")
.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr("height", height + + margin.bottom)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")")
// Thanks
var defs = svg.append("defs");
//Create a radial Sun-like gradient
.attr("id", "sun-gradient")
.attr("cx", "50%") //not really needed, since 50% is the default
.attr("cy", "50%") //not really needed, since 50% is the default
.attr("r", "50%") //not really needed, since 50% is the default
{offset: "0%", color: "#fb732d"},
{offset: "33%", color: "#fb222b"},
{offset: "95%", color: "#801116"},
{offset: "100%", color: "#2f3337"}
.attr("offset", function(d) { return d.offset; })
.attr("stop-color", function(d) { return d.color; });
.attr("r", width/2)
.attr("cx", width/2)
.attr("cy", height/2)
.style("fill", "url(#sun-gradient)");
var n = 6,
quadrants = 4,
rowHeight = height/2/n,
cellWidth = width/2/n;
// Lay out quandrants
var quadrants = svg.selectAll(".quadrant")
.attr("class", "quadrant")
.attr("transform", function(d, i) {
if(i == 0) {
return "translate(0,0)"
} else if(i == 1) {
return "translate(" + width/2 + ",0)"
} else if(i == 2) {
return "translate(0," + height/2 + ")"
} else {
return "translate(" + width/2 + "," + height/2 + ")"
// within each quadrant, there is a 6 by 6
var rows = quadrants.selectAll(".quadrant-row")
.attr("class", "quadrant-row")
.attr("transform", function(d, i) { return "translate(0," + rowHeight*i + ")" })
var cells = rows.selectAll(".cell")
.attr("class", "cell")
.attr("transform", function(d, i) {
var quadrantValue = this.parentNode.parentNode.__data__.valueOf();
if(quadrantValue == 1) {
return "translate(" + (cellWidth*i + cellWidth) + ",0) rotate(90)"
} else if(quadrantValue == 2) {
return "translate(" + (cellWidth*i) + "," + rowHeight + ") rotate(270)"
} else if(quadrantValue == 3) {
return "translate(" + (cellWidth*i + cellWidth) + "," + rowHeight + ") rotate(180)"
} else {
return "translate(" + cellWidth*i + ",0)"
// create clip paths for each
var clipPath = cells.append("clipPath")
.attr("d", "M0,0L 0," + (rowHeight*1/2) + "L" + (cellWidth*1/2) + "," + (rowHeight*1/2) + "L" + (cellWidth*1/2) + "," + (rowHeight) + "L" + (cellWidth) + "," + (rowHeight) + "L" + (cellWidth) + ",0Z")
var intervalI = 0
d3.interval(function() {
if(intervalI % 2 == 0) {
.attrTween("d", pathTween("M0,0L 0," + rowHeight + "L" + cellWidth + "," + rowHeight + "L" + cellWidth + ",0Z", 4))
} else {
.attrTween("d", pathTween("M0,0L 0," + (rowHeight*1/2) + "L" + (cellWidth*1/2) + "," + (rowHeight*1/2) + "L" + (cellWidth*1/2) + "," + (rowHeight) + "L" + (cellWidth) + "," + (rowHeight) + "L" + (cellWidth) + ",0Z", 4))
intervalI += 1;
}, 3000);
// Making first triangle
.attr("d", "M0,0 L 0," + rowHeight + "L" + cellWidth + ",0Z")
.style("fill", function(d, i) {
var quadrantI = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.__data__.valueOf()
, rowI = this.parentNode.parentNode.__data__.valueOf()
, cellI = this.parentNode.__data__.valueOf()
, val;
if(quadrantI == 3) {
val = (5 - cellI) * (5-rowI);
} else if (quadrantI == 2) {
val = cellI * (5-rowI);
} else if (quadrantI == 1) {
val = (5 - cellI) * rowI;
} else {
val = cellI*rowI;
return (quadrantI == 0 || quadrantI == 3) ? colorScaleTwo(val) : colorScaleOne(val);
// Make 2nd triangle
.attr("d", "M0," + rowHeight + " L" + cellWidth + "," + rowHeight + "L" + cellWidth + ",0Z")
.style("fill", function(d, i) {
var quadrantI = this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.__data__.valueOf()
, rowI = this.parentNode.parentNode.__data__.valueOf()
, cellI = this.parentNode.__data__.valueOf()
, val;
if(quadrantI == 3) {
val = (5 - cellI) * (5-rowI);
} else if (quadrantI == 2) {
val = cellI * (5-rowI);
} else if (quadrantI == 1) {
val = (5 - cellI) * rowI;
} else {
val = cellI*rowI;
return (quadrantI == 0 || quadrantI == 3) ? colorScaleOne(val) : colorScaleTwo(val);
function pathTween(d1, precision) {
return function() {
var path0 = this,
path1 = path0.cloneNode(),
n0 = path0.getTotalLength(),
n1 = (path1.setAttribute("d", d1), path1).getTotalLength();
// Uniform sampling of distance based on specified precision.
var distances = [0], i = 0, dt = precision / Math.max(n0, n1);
while ((i += dt) < 1) distances.push(i);
// Compute point-interpolators at each distance.
var points = {
var p0 = path0.getPointAtLength(t * n0),
p1 = path1.getPointAtLength(t * n1);
return d3.interpolate([p0.x, p0.y], [p1.x, p1.y]);
return function(t) {
return t < 1 ? "M" + { return p(t); }).join("L") : d1;
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