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Created July 8, 2013 22:22
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var tacos = {
title:"Yummy Tacos",
servings: 6,
ingredients:["cilantro", "tortillas", "guacamole", "salsa", "cheese"]
function printRecipe(recipe){
console.log("serves " + recipe.servings);
for (var i=0; i<recipe.ingredients.length; i++){
var pumpkinpie = {
title:"Delish Pumpkin Pie",
servings: 8,
ingredients:["crust", "pumpkin", "whipped cream"]
var recipes = [tacos, pumpkinpie]
for (var i=0; i<recipes.length; i++){
var books = [{
title: "Watership Down",
author: "Richard Adams",
alreadyRead: true
title: "James and the Giant Peach",
author: "Ronald Dahl",
alreadyRead: false
title: "50 Shades of Grey",
author: "Some lady",
alreadyRead: false
title: "War and Peace",
author: "Leo Tolstoy",
alreadyRead: true
for (var i=0; i<books.length; i++){
if (books[i].alreadyRead){
console.log("You have already read " + books[i].title);
else {console.log("You haven't read " + books[i].title)}
var myMovie = {
title: "Star Trek: Into Darkness",
duration: 137,
stars: ["Chris Pine","Zachary Quinto", "Zoe Saldana","Leonard Nemoy"]
function printMovie(movie){
var toPrint = "";
toPrint += movie.title + " lasts for " + movie.duration + " minutes. Stars: ";
toPrint += movie.stars.join();
toPrint += ".";
var Cat = function (myName){ = myName,
this.tiredness = 5, //10 is really tired, 0 is rested
this.hunger = 5, // 10 is really hungry, 0 is full
this.loneliness = 5, //10 is really lonely, 0 is not
this.happiness = 5, //10 is really happy, 0 is sad
this.litter = [],
this.sleep = function (numHours){
this.tiredness -= numHours;
if (this.tiredness > 7){
console.log("Your cat needs a nap. Leave her alone.");
this.feed = function() {
this.hunger = 0;
this.abandon = function (numHours){
this.hunger += numHours;
this.loneliness += 2*numHours;
this.happiness -= numHours;
this.tiredness -= numHours;
this.climbing = function(){
var num = Math.floor(Math.random()*10);
console.log("Your cat climbed "+num+" stories. It is now hungrier, and happier.")
this.hunger += num;
this.happiness += num/2;
}, = function(numPet) {
if (this.happiness > 8){
console.log("Your cat doesn't want to be pet. She bites you.");
this.happiness -= 1;
this.loneliness -= 1;
this.catnip = function() {
this.happiness = 10;
this.givebath = function() {
this.happiness -= 5;
}, = function(){
this.tiredness += 1;
this.happiness += 2;
this.haveKittens = function(){
var num = Math.floor(Math.random()*3+3);
for(var i=0; i<num; i++){
var newKitten = new Cat("Kitten #"+(i+1));
console.log("Congratulations, "" just had ";
this.tiredness += 2*num;
this.happiness += 3;
this.lickKittens = function() {
for(var k in this.litter){
this.litter[k].happiness += 2;
this.tiredness += this.litter.length;
this.happiness += 2;
this.nurseKittens = function() {
for(var k in this.litter){
this.litter[k].hunger = 0;
this.tiredness += this.litter.length;
this.eatKitten = function(){
var num = Math.floor(Math.random()*this.litter.length);
console.log("Oh noes! "" ate poor little "+this.litter[num].name);
this.hunger = 0;
for( var i=0; i<this.litter.length; i++){
this.litter[i].happiness -= 5;
this.litter[i].loneliness += 5;
this.printstatus = function(){
console.log("'s tiredness level is: " + this.tiredness);
console.log("'s hunger level is: " + this.hunger);
console.log("'s loneliness level is: " + this.loneliness);
console.log("'s happiness level is: " + this.happiness);
for (var k in this.litter){
var myCat = new Cat("Xanadu");
var myKitty = new Cat("Bubbles");
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