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Created September 24, 2010 16:27
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(defn replace-symbols
"Given a map of replacement pairs and a form, returns a (nested)
form with any symbol = a key in smap replaced with the corresponding
val in smap."
[smap form]
(if (sequential? form)
(map (partial replace-symbols smap) form)
(get smap form form)))
(defmacro lazy-let
"A lazy version of let. It doesn't evaluate any bindings until they
are needed. No more nested lets and it-lets when you have many
conditional bindings."
[bindings & body]
(let [locals (take-nth 2 bindings)
local-forms (take-nth 2 (rest bindings))
smap (zipmap locals (map (fn [local] `(first ~local)) locals))
bindings (->> (map (fn [lf]
`(lazy-seq (list ~(replace-symbols smap lf))))
local-forms) (interleave locals) vec)
body (replace-symbols smap body)]
(conj body bindings 'let)))
;; Returns yes, because x and y can be evaluated
(let [s [[1 2] 3]
x (nth s 0)
y (inc (second x))]
(if (= 2 (count s))
(if (vector? x)
(if (number? y)
;; Throws an exception because we cannot increment nil
(let [s nil
x (nth s 0)
y (inc (second x))]
(if (= 2 (count s))
(if (vector? x)
(if (number? y)
;; If we use lazy-let instead of let, the locals aren't evaluated
;; until they are needed. The first if fails, since the count of s (=
;; nil) is 0, so there is no need to evaluate x and y.
(lazy-let [s nil
x (nth s 0)
y (inc (second x))]
(if (= 2 (count s))
(if (vector? x)
(if (number? y)
;; This is how the form above will be macroexpanded
;; (without the clojure.core/ qualifiers)
(let [s (lazy-seq (list nil))
x (lazy-seq (list (nth s 0)))
y (lazy-seq (list (inc (second x))))]
(if (= 2 (count (first s)))
(if (vector? (first x))
(if (number? (first y))
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ghost commented Feb 1, 2019

Here is a version based on delays that supports any kind of bound expr (not just sequences).
It works by wrapping bound exprs into (delay ...) then overriding the corresponding binding syms with symbol-macrolet so that they expand to (deref ...).

(require '[ :refer [symbol-macrolet]])

(defmacro lay [[sym expr & more-bindings] & body]
  (let [delay-sym (gensym (str "laid-" sym "-"))]
    `(let [~delay-sym (delay ~expr)]
       (symbol-macrolet [~sym (deref ~delay-sym)]
         ~@(if (empty? more-bindings)
             `[(lay ~more-bindings ~@body)])))))


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