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Created January 15, 2016 18:17
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Perlin noise in Elm (requires mgold/elm-random-pcg)
import Graphics.Collage as C
import Color exposing (grayscale)
import Random.PCG as PCG
import Perlin
grid n =
let side = [0..n-1]
in List.concatMap (\x -> (\y -> (x,y)) side) side
seed = PCG.initialSeed2 628 31853
noise = Perlin.octaves 4 seed
size = 150
pixel (i,j) =
x = toFloat i / 4
y = toFloat j / 4
val = noise (x,y) |> clamp 0 1
C.square 1 |> C.filled (grayscale val) |> C.move (toFloat i, toFloat j)
main =
C.collage size size
[ ( pixel (grid size)) |> C.move (-size/2, -size/2)]
module Perlin (noise, octaves) where
Technically, this is an implementation of [Improved Noise](, a refinement on the
original Perlin noise, but not Simplex Noise.
import Random.PCG as PCG
type alias Gradient = (Float, Float)
spiral : (Int, Int) -> Int
spiral (x,y) =
let d = x+y
in d*(d+1)//2 + x
lookup : PCG.Seed -> (Int, Int) -> Gradient
lookup seed pos =
let seed1 = PCG.fastForward (spiral pos) seed
in PCG.generate generateGradient seed1 |> fst
generateGradient : PCG.Generator Gradient
generateGradient =
(\theta -> fromPolar (1, theta))
(PCG.float 0 (2*pi))
dot : (Float, Float) -> (Float, Float) -> Float
dot (a, b) (c, d) = a*c + b*d
type alias Noise = (Float, Float) -> Float
noise : PCG.Seed -> Noise
noise seed (x,y) =
xi = floor x -- integer part of x
xf = x - toFloat xi -- fractional/floating part of x
yi = floor y
yf = y - toFloat yi
-- lookup four points on square around gradient
gxx = lookup seed |> curry
gbl = gxx xi yi -- gradient at bottom left
gbr = gxx (xi+1) yi -- gradient at bottom right, and so on
gtl = gxx xi (yi+1)
gtr = gxx (xi+1) (yi+1)
-- get dot product of gradient points with distance to them (except maybe negative??)
dbl = dot gbl (xf , yf) -- dot bottom left
dbr = dot gbr (xf-1, yf)
dtl = dot gtl (xf , yf-1)
dtr = dot gtr (xf-1, yf-1)
-- apply nonlinear interpolation
fadeX = fade xf
fadeY = fade yf
nx1 = dbl*(1-fadeX) + dbr*fadeX
nx2 = dtl*(1-fadeX) + dtr*fadeX
nx1*(1-fadeY) + nx2*fadeY + 0.4
-- nonlinear interpolation: 6t^5 - 15t^4 + 10t^3
fade : Float -> Float
fade t = t * t * t * (t * (t * 6 - 15) + 10)
octaves : Int -> PCG.Seed -> Noise
octaves n seed =
seeds = generateNSeeds n seed
multipliers = (\m -> 2^m) [0..n-1]
octave m seed (x,y) =
noise seed (x/m, y/m) * m
normalizer = List.sum multipliers
noiseFuncs = List.map2 octave multipliers seeds
\pos -> List.sum ( (\f -> f pos) noiseFuncs) / normalizer
generateNSeeds : Int -> PCG.Seed -> List PCG.Seed
generateNSeeds n seed =
let helper seeds =
if List.length seeds >= n then
List.take n seeds |> Debug.log "seeds"
List.concatMap (\seed -> let (x,y) = PCG.split seed in [x,y]) seeds |> helper
helper [seed]
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lpil commented Dec 30, 2016

This is very cool! Is it available as an Elm package?

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