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Created April 20, 2015 02:54
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Will's module 4 exercise
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Will's module 4 exercise</title>
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<p1>The Rise of PACs</p1>
<p2>Total contributions by political action committees to Congressional candidates (millions of 2014 dollars)</p2>
<script type="text/javascript">
//these vars are the dimensions of the svg canvas (in pixels)
var w = 900;
var h = 400;
//padding will leave blank space between the chart area and the svg edges
var padding = [35, 25, 50, 70];
//creates an ordinal scale for the x axis (years), sets range bands (in pixels)
var widthScale = d3.scale.ordinal().rangeRoundBands([padding[3], w-padding[1]], .2);
//creates a linear scale for the y axis (# PACs), sets range (in pixels)
var heightScale = d3.scale.linear().range([h-padding[2]-padding[0],0]);
//creates a var for an x axis at the bottom of the chart
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis().scale(widthScale).orient("bottom").tickSize(3);
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//creates a var for an SVG
var svg ="body").append("svg").attr("width",w).attr("height",h);
d3.csv("PACdata.csv", function(data) {
//sets x axis domain (ordinal scale)
widthScale.domain( function(d){return d.ElectionYear; }));
//sets y axis domain from 0 to max number of super pacs (linear scale) - expressed as an array of two numbers, 0 to max.
heightScale.domain([0, d3.max(data, function(d){return +d.TotalContributionsAdj + 44.2; }) ]);
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var bars =
//sets top left corner of each bar using x and y
.attr("x",function(d){return widthScale(d.ElectionYear);})
.attr("y",function(d){return padding[0]+heightScale(d.TotalContributionsAdj);})
//sets height and width of each bar
.attr("width", widthScale.rangeBand())
.attr("height", function(d) {return heightScale(0)-heightScale(d.TotalContributionsAdj);})
} );
<p3>Source: Campaign Finance Institute, 2015</p3>
ElectionYear Corporate PAC Contributions Trade/Membership/Health PAC Contributions Labor PAC Contributions Nonconnected PAC Contributions Other PAC Contributions TotalContributions TotalContributionsAdj Corporate PACs Trade/Membership/Health PACs Labor PACs Nonconnected PACs Cooperative PACs Corporate (without stock) PACs TotalPACs
1978 9.5 11.2 9.9 2.5 1 34.1 98.1 704 122 215 400 11 22 1474
1980 19.2 15.9 13.2 4.9 2 55.2 134.55 1037 463 225 201 27 44 1997
1982 27.5 21.9 20.3 10.7 3.2 83.6 175.49 1317 407 293 204 46 78 2345
1984 35.5 26.7 24.8 14.5 3.8 105.3 205.36 1584 598 261 576 51 117 3187
1986 46.2 32.9 29.9 18.8 4.9 132.7 245.82 1584 598 261 576 51 117 3187
1988 50.4 38.9 33.9 19.2 5.4 147.8 257.95 1616 633 256 630 51 122 3308
1990 53.5 42.5 33.6 14.3 5.9 149.7 242.51 1540 609 233 511 51 114 3058
1992 64.3 51.4 39.7 17.5 6.6 179.4 275 1514 633 255 534 48 114 3098
1994 64.1 50.1 40.7 17.3 6.6 178.8 262.13 1468 633 255 509 50 112 3027
1996 69.7 56.2 46.5 22 6.8 201.2 283.7 1470 650 236 529 41 109 3035
1998 71.1 59 43.4 27.1 6.2 206.8 283.67 1425 664 232 560 41 102 3024
2000 84.2 68.3 50.2 35.6 7.1 245.4 324.51 1365 662 236 670 37 94 3064
2002 91.6 71.5 51.9 44.6 6.5 266.1 338.79 1359 697 215 700 36 86 3093
2004 104.3 78.2 50.3 49.8 6.5 289.1 351.24 1402 722 206 819 34 75 3258
2006 128.4 98.4 56.9 70.9 8.74 363.3 414.91 1463 734 202 870 35 89 3393
2008 143.6 106.1 61 63.8 11.4 385.9 421.1 1470 794 203 1023 39 84 3613
2010 153.7 126.2 61.6 53.6 11.7 406.8 435.21 1492 907 199 842 34 83 3557
2012 167.1 117.1 52.7 77.1 11.5 425.5 438.14 1223 700 137 902 29 55 3046
2014 183.4 136.5 50.9 72.8 12.2 455.8 455.8 1477 898 182 1003 37 67 3664
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