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Created September 30, 2010 20:35
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This initializer patches the Rails bug described in ticket 5674
# This initializer patches the bug described in ticket 5674:
if Rails.version == '3.0.0'
module ActiveRecord::Associations
autoload :HasAndBelongsToManyAssociation, 'active_record/associations/has_and_belongs_to_many_association'
module ClassMethods
def has_and_belongs_to_many(association_id, options = {}, &extension)
reflection = create_has_and_belongs_to_many_reflection(association_id, options, &extension)
collection_accessor_methods(reflection, HasAndBelongsToManyAssociation)
# Don't use a before_destroy callback since users' before_destroy
# callbacks will be executed after the association is wiped out.
include {
class_eval <<-RUBY, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1
def destroy # def destroy
#{}.clear # posts.clear
super # super
end # end
add_association_callbacks(, options)
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