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Last active June 27, 2023 15:27
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Self Organizing Map - Heatmap - D3
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The end result of my blog on SOM - Creating hexagonal heatmaps with D3.js in which the one heatmap of a Self Organizing Map is displayed with D3 with a small hover event

A version with line boundaries to separate the segments can be found here

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<title>Self Organizing Maps</title>
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Self Organizing Maps
<div class="hint">Heatmaps showing distributions per variable</div>
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//The color of each hexagon
var color = ["#E9FF63", "#7DFF63", "#63F8FF", "#99FF63", "#CFFE63", "#FFC263", "#FFC763", "#FF8E63", "#FF6464", "#FF7563", "#FF6364", "#FF7F63", "#FFE963", "#E3FF63", "#FFD963", "#FFE263", "#BAFF63", "#6BFF63", "#64FF69", "#71FF63", "#63FF6C", "#63FFD8", "#64FF69", "#63FF9A", "#FDFC63", "#88FF63", "#66FF64", "#A6FF63", "#63FFDB", "#63D9FE", "#90FF63", "#FF9B63", "#FF7263", "#9DFF63", "#E5FF63", "#FF7F63", "#FF7463", "#FFAE63", "#F4FF63", "#FFEC63", "#FBFF63", "#FFE663", "#FFC263", "#9DFF63", "#AEFF63", "#6AFF63", "#65FF65", "#63FFC7", "#C5FF63", "#63FFBE", "#63FF93", "#63FFAC", "#62FF79", "#90FF63", "#6AFF63", "#63FFEF", "#63F7FF", "#63FFD1", "#6370FF", "#638DFF", "#63FFDF", "#C5FF63", "#63FF6A", "#64FF69", "#C7FE63", "#FDFC63", "#D0FE63", "#FFDC63", "#E3FF63", "#DCFF63", "#C9FE63", "#FBFF63", "#FFB663", "#D9FF63", "#9DFF63", "#69FF63", "#DCFF63", "#63FFD4", "#63FFB8", "#64FF67", "#74FF63", "#63FCFF", "#63FFF9", "#63FFE9", "#A6FF63", "#63FFCD", "#63CEFE", "#63FBFF", "#63FFFB", "#637CFF", "#6379FF", "#D2FE63", "#CFFE63", "#63FF6E", "#65FF65", "#EEFF63", "#DCFF63", "#9DFF63", "#AAFF63", "#B6FF63", "#D0FE63", "#AEFF63", "#CDFE63", "#64FF67", "#99FF63", "#66FF64", "#63FFC1", "#63FFD4", "#63FF90", "#63FFD1", "#63FFF4", "#63FFEC", "#63FFF9", "#71FF63", "#63FF93", "#63FFC4", "#63F7FF", "#638DFF", "#63E9FF", "#6375FF", "#88FF63", "#95FF63", "#63FFAF", "#63FF93", "#63FF9A", "#9DFF63", "#88FF63", "#EEFF63", "#BDFF63", "#71FF63", "#B6FF63", "#80FF63", "#62FF82", "#63FF6C", "#62FF76", "#63FF6E", "#63FFCD", "#63EFFF", "#63FFF6", "#63FFB5", "#63FFFC", "#63B4FF", "#63FFC1", "#63F5FF", "#63FFB5", "#63FFBB", "#63FFFC", "#6379FF", "#63B0FF", "#63FFBB", "#D5FE63", "#63FFB8", "#63FF6C", "#62FF7C", "#63FFBE", "#FFDF63", "#FFE263", "#FFE963", "#76FF63", "#67FF64", "#63FF90", "#65FF65", "#63FFA0", "#63FFA6", "#62FF73", "#63FFC1", "#63FFC4", "#63FFF9", "#63CEFE", "#63A4FF", "#6373FF", "#63C5FE", "#638DFF", "#63FF9D", "#6387FF", "#63FFBE", "#63FEFE", "#63FFEC", "#63FFF1", "#638DFF", "#FF6A64", "#FBFF63", "#FFEF63", "#63FFE9", "#62FF8C", "#BAFF63", "#FFAB63", "#FFCB63", "#62FF82", "#88FF63", "#63FFB2", "#63FFC1", "#63FFDF", "#63FFB5", "#63FFB5", "#62FF7F", "#63FFC4", "#63ECFF", "#63FFFC", "#63F3FF", "#63FFE5", "#63D2FE", "#63FFF6", "#63A8FF", "#63F8FF", "#63FFFB", "#63E4FF", "#636DFF", "#63FFC4", "#6387FF", "#FF8B63", "#EBFF63", "#C5FF63", "#BDFF63", "#62FF76", "#DCFF63", "#BDFF63", "#99FF63", "#62FF82", "#63FFA6", "#63C9FE", "#63FEFE", "#62FF89", "#63FFD8", "#63FFB8", "#63FFF1", "#63C1FE", "#63FCFF", "#63FFCA", "#63C9FE", "#63FFFC", "#6FFF63", "#63FFE5", "#63E9FF", "#63F7FF", "#63B0FF", "#636CFF", "#636CFF", "#63ACFF", "#63F1FF", "#FF8863", "#FF6864", "#FFB363", "#A2FF63", "#63FFD8", "#63FF96", "#99FF63", "#AEFF63", "#C7FE63", "#63FF93", "#63FFC1", "#63FFF9", "#63FFFB", "#67FF64", "#B2FF63", "#62FF76", "#62FF73", "#639CFF", "#63FFC1", "#63FFEF", "#66FF64", "#62FF76", "#63FFC4", "#63FFCA", "#63FFBE", "#63FFFC", "#6363FF", "#63ACFF", "#6375FF", "#63CEFE", "#FFB663", "#79FF63", "#BDFF63", "#63FF6C", "#66FF64", "#76FF63", "#FEF763", "#D7FE63", "#7DFF63", "#63FFB8", "#63F5FF", "#63F7FF", "#62FF7F", "#63FFA6", "#62FF76", "#63FFA6", "#63FFD1", "#63FEFE", "#63FFDF", "#63F8FF", "#63FF96", "#63FFA9", "#63FFA9", "#63C1FE", "#63FFC1", "#63D6FE", "#636EFF", "#6364FF", "#6370FF", "#6398FF", "#FFE663", "#C0FF63", "#EBFF63", "#C5FF63", "#D2FE63", "#69FF63", "#6FFF63", "#D4FE63", "#F4FF63", "#63FFC4", "#62FF89", "#63FFF4", "#63FFB8", "#63FFF4", "#63F8FF", "#62FF71", "#63FFBB", "#63FFEF", "#63FFF1", "#63FBFF", "#63C1FE", "#63FFDF", "#63FFD1", "#63FFE2", "#63ACFF", "#63F3FF", "#63DDFF", "#63FFF6", "#63D6FE", "#63CEFE", "#D4FE63", "#80FF63", "#FF8B63", "#D5FE63", "#63FFCA", "#90FF63", "#D7FE63", "#FBFF63", "#62FF7C", "#C9FE63", "#76FF63", "#69FF63", "#62FF7C", "#63FFD4", "#63FFA6", "#6BFF63", "#63FFC7", "#63E4FF", "#62FF7C", "#63FFF6", "#6379FF", "#63FFCD", "#63FFCA", "#63FFEF", "#63FFBE", "#63E9FF", "#63ECFF", "#63FFF9", "#63E0FF", "#63C5FE", "#FF6B63", "#FFD663", "#63FF6E", "#63FFB2", "#FFD663", "#62FF7F", "#63FFA6", "#9DFF63", "#F6FF63", "#95FF63", "#95FF63", "#FFD963", "#DCFF63", "#63FF90", "#63FFD1", "#63FFFC", "#63FFA3", "#63FFAF", "#63ECFF", "#63FFEF", "#63C5FE", "#63FDFF", "#63FF93", "#62FF76", "#69FF63", "#63EFFF", "#636DFF", "#6379FF", "#63E7FF", "#63E7FF", "#FF8E63", "#CDFE63", "#BDFF63", "#F9FF63", "#62FF7F", "#63FFE2", "#62FF86", "#67FF64", "#63FFA3", "#6DFF63", "#9DFF63", "#FFE963", "#FFBE63", "#6AFF63", "#62FF7F", "#63FFD4", "#79FF63", "#63D2FE", "#63DDFF", "#63FEFE", "#63BDFE", "#63FFDB", "#64FF69", "#62FF8C", "#63FFD8", "#63BDFE", "#63B8FF", "#6391FF", "#63FFDB", "#63FEFE", "#F8FF63", "#FFF263", "#C2FF63", "#FFDF63", "#D2FE63", "#64FF69", "#63FFE2", "#7DFF63", "#FDFC63", "#FF9763", "#6BFF63", "#F2FF63", "#FBFF63", "#AEFF63", "#80FF63", "#63D9FE", "#63FFBB", "#63FFD8", "#63FFEF", "#63C5FE", "#63FF90", "#62FF89", "#63D2FE", "#63FFC4", "#63FF93", "#63D2FE", "#63DDFF", "#63FDFF", "#6DFF63", "#62FF82", "#FF8363", "#DAFF63", "#74FF63",
"#63FF6A", "#63FF6A", "#64FF69", "#FFDF63", "#FF7F63", "#FFEF63", "#EEFF63", "#CFFE63", "#6AFF63", "#95FF63", "#63FF6C", "#63FF90", "#6BFF63", "#63FF90", "#63FFCA", "#63E9FF", "#63FFEC", "#63FFAC", "#63FFD4", "#63FAFF", "#63FFCA", "#63ECFF", "#62FF8C", "#63FFE5", "#69FF63", "#FF7463", "#FF9463", "#E0FF63", "#FFCB63", "#A6FF63", "#63FF93", "#E0FF63", "#FEFA63", "#EBFF63", "#AAFF63", "#C2FF63", "#D4FE63", "#63FFAC", "#65FF65", "#62FF73", "#63FFE9", "#65FF66", "#95FF63", "#62FF7F", "#63FFB5", "#63D2FE", "#63FFAC", "#63FFFB", "#62FF8C", "#64FF69", "#99FF63", "#63FFB2", "#63FFDF", "#63FFB8", "#BAFF63", "#FFDC63", "#62FF76", "#BDFF63", "#C2FF63", "#95FF63", "#F6FF63", "#FFA163", "#CFFE63", "#63FFE9", "#84FF63", "#6BFF63", "#6DFF63", "#63FFC1", "#D0FE63", "#69FF63", "#63FFC1", "#62FF8C", "#63FFBB", "#63FF96", "#63FAFF", "#63FFEC", "#63FEFE", "#62FF76", "#63FF9A", "#FFC563", "#6FFF63", "#63FFAF", "#63F5FF", "#63F1FF", "#63FF6A", "#62FF7C", "#63F8FF", "#9DFF63", "#99FF63", "#AEFF63", "#FF8363", "#FFC963", "#62FF79", "#63FF90", "#63FF6A", "#63FCFF", "#63E9FF", "#63FFA0", "#64FF67", "#FFD463", "#A6FF63", "#CBFE63", "#63FF90", "#63FFC4", "#63C9FE", "#63FFE5", "#63FFDB", "#62FF89", "#63FFD8", "#79FF63", "#63FF9A", "#63FAFF", "#63E9FF", "#63FF6E", "#63F7FF", "#63E4FF", "#63F5FF", "#64FF67", "#C9FE63", "#FFBA63", "#D9FF63", "#63FFD1", "#63FFF6", "#63FF93", "#C0FF63", "#F6FF63", "#62FF82", "#AEFF63", "#CBFE63", "#FF8363", "#63FF6A", "#63FFCD", "#63F7FF", "#63FFF9", "#63FFC4", "#63FFC4", "#95FF63", "#63FFCD", "#A2FF63", "#EBFF63", "#63FFC1", "#63FFA0", "#63E4FF", "#63FFFB", "#63F3FF", "#63CEFE", "#63FBFF"]
////////////// Initiate SVG and create hexagon centers ////////////////////
//Function to call when you mouseover a node
function mover(d) {
var el =
.style("fill-opacity", 0.3)
//Mouseout function
function mout(d) {
var el =
.style("fill-opacity", 1)
//svg sizes and margins
var margin = {
top: 30,
right: 20,
bottom: 20,
left: 50
var width = 850;
var height = 350;
//The number of columns and rows of the heatmap
var MapColumns = 30,
MapRows = 20;
//The maximum radius the hexagons can have to still fit the screen
var hexRadius = d3.min([width/((MapColumns + 0.5) * Math.sqrt(3)),
height/((MapRows + 1/3) * 1.5)]);
//Set the new height and width of the SVG based on the max possible
width = MapColumns*hexRadius*Math.sqrt(3);
heigth = MapRows*1.5*hexRadius+0.5*hexRadius;
//Set the hexagon radius
var hexbin = d3.hexbin()
//Calculate the center positions of each hexagon
var points = [];
for (var i = 0; i < MapRows; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < MapColumns; j++) {
var x = hexRadius * j * Math.sqrt(3)
//Offset each uneven row by half of a "hex-width" to the right
if(i%2 === 1) x += (hexRadius * Math.sqrt(3))/2
var y = hexRadius * i * 1.5
}//for j
}//for i
//Create SVG element
var svg ="#chart").append("svg")
.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr("height", height + + margin.bottom)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
////////////////////// Draw hexagons and color them ///////////////////////
//Start drawing the hexagons
.attr("class", "hexagon")
.attr("d", function (d) {
return "M" + d.x + "," + d.y + hexbin.hexagon();
.attr("stroke", function (d,i) {
return "#fff";
.attr("stroke-width", "1px")
.style("fill", function (d,i) {
return color[i];
.on("mouseover", mover)
.on("mouseout", mout)
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