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Created July 23, 2013 13:37
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scale change only
{"description":"scale change only","endpoint":"","display":"svg","public":true,"require":[],"fileconfigs":{"inlet.js":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12},"":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12},"config.json":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12},"data.json":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12},"style.css":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12},"data2.json":{"default":true,"vim":false,"emacs":false,"fontSize":12}},"fullscreen":false,"play":false,"loop":false,"restart":false,"autoinit":true,"pause":true,"loop_type":"period","bv":false,"nclones":15,"clone_opacity":0.4,"duration":3000,"ease":"linear","dt":0.01,"thumbnail":""}
{"data": [
"value": 9.3333},
"value": 9.75},
"value": 5.1666}
{"data": [
"value": 13},
"value": 7},
"value": 4}
//take it from the top
//the data is averaged in the file because my real datasets will be much, much larger
//and more nested and I cant be doing that much averaging on the fly
var dataAll =;
var pathArr = [];
var levelData = getLevelData(dataAll, pathArr);
var barWidth =20;
//this margin isnt really a margin anymore, fix
var margin = {t: 50, b: 50, l: 140, r: 50};
var svgWidth = 1000;
var barSpacing = 2;
var width = 300;
var height = ((barWidth + barSpacing) * levelData.length) - barSpacing;
var domain = d3.extent(levelData, function(d){return d.value});
var svg ="svg")
.attr("class", "chart")
.attr("width", svgWidth)
.attr("height", height + margin.t + margin.b + 50);
//make fake button
var button = svg.append("g");
var x = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, domain[1]])
.range([0, width]);
/* i still do not understand this var y = d3.scale.ordinal()
.domain([0, levelData.length-1])
.rangeBands([0, height ]);*/
var g = svg.append("g")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.l + ", " + margin.t + ")");
y: function(d, i){ return i * (barWidth + barSpacing);},
width: function(d){return x(d.value)},
height : barWidth,
opacity: 0.5,
'id' : function(d,i){return 'barID' + i;},
'class': 'barChart'
.on('mouseover', function(){
// .transition()
//commented out bc it messes with drilldown
// .duration(200)
.attr('opacity', 1)
.on('mouseout', function(){
// .transition()
// .duration(200)
.attr('opacity', 0.5)
.on('click', function(d,i){
if (d.details !== undefined){
drillDown(d, i, domain[1], avg);
x: margin.l - 5,
//magic numbers just done for quickness
y: function(d, i){return (23 * i) + margin.t + 18;},
'text-anchor': 'end',
'class': 'labels',
'opacity': 1
.text(function(d){return d.key});
//Breadcrumb trail
var trail = svg.append("text")
x: margin.l,
y: margin.t - 10,
'font-size': 14,
id: 'drillPath'
//no on click on page load
.attr({//"text-decoration": "underline",
"class": "drillPathSpan"})
.on('click', function(){buildUp(pathArr, x);});
x1: margin.l,
y1: margin.t,
x2: margin.l,
y2: margin.t + ((barWidth + barSpacing) * levelData.length) - barSpacing,
"id" : 'baseline'
.style("stroke", "#000");
var avg = d3.mean(levelData, function(d){return d.value;});
//avgLine todo text
x1: x(avg) + margin.l,
y1: margin.t ,
x2: x(avg) + margin.l,
y2: margin.t + ((barWidth + barSpacing) * levelData.length) - barSpacing,
"id" : 'avgLine',
'opacity': 1
stroke: "#F3AF00",
'stroke-width': 3,
'stroke-dasharray': ("6, 5")
//maxLine / text
x1: x(domain[1]) + margin.l,
y1: margin.t - 20,
x2: x(domain[1]) + margin.l,
y2: margin.t + ((barWidth + barSpacing) * levelData.length) - barSpacing,
"id" : 'maxLine',
'opacity': 1
stroke: "#000000",
'stroke-width': 1
x: x(domain[1]) + margin.l - 3,
y: margin.t - 25,
'text-anchor': 'middle',
'font-size': 12,
'id': 'maxText',
'opacity': 1
var allSame = 300;
var delay = allSame;
var delayAdditive = allSame;
var transitionSpeed = allSame;
function drillDown(clickedData, clickedDataIdx, prevMax, prevAvg){
var thisPathArr = pathArr.slice(0);
var newData = getLevelData(dataAll, thisPathArr);
var newDomain = d3.extent(newData, function(d){return d.value});
var newX = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([0, newDomain[1]])
.range([0, width]);
//step 0 remove mouse events from bars since they are going away
.on('mouseover', null)
.on('mouseout', null)
//step one - rescale
//the scale change is taken care of first since it's the most visually confusing
//show how everything is reflected on the new scale.
.attr('width', function(d){return newX(d.value);})
x1: newX(prevMax) + margin.l,
x2: newX(prevMax) + margin.l
x: newX(prevMax) + margin.l
var avgLine = d3.selectAll('#avgLine');
x1: newX(prevAvg) + margin.l,
x2: newX(prevAvg) + margin.l
//step 2 remove unnecessary elements
//fade all non selected and avg line
var notClicked = d3.selectAll('.barChart:not(#barID' + clickedDataIdx + '), #avgLine, .labels');
.attr('opacity', 0)
//add avg line
avgLine = svg.append("line")
x1: newX(clickedData.value) + margin.l,
y1: margin.t ,
x2: newX(clickedData.value) + margin.l,
y2: avgLine.attr('y2'), //Init height at whatever was needed for old bars
//y2: margin.t + height ,
// y2: margin.t + ((barWidth + barSpacing) * newData.length) - barSpacing,
"id" : 'avgLine',
'opacity': 0
stroke: "#F3AF00",
'stroke-width': 3,
'stroke-dasharray': ("6, 5")
.attr('opacity', 1);
delay += delayAdditive;
//after establishing new avg, fade out clicked bar"#barID" + clickedDataIdx)
.attr('opacity', 0)
delay +=delayAdditive;
//step 3, resize lines and add bars
y2: margin.t + ((barWidth + barSpacing) * newData.length) - barSpacing
var newBars= g.selectAll("rect .barChart")
.attr ({
width : 0,
y: function(d, i){ return i * (barWidth + barSpacing);},
height : barWidth,
opacity: 0.5,
'id' : function(d, i){return 'barID' + i;},
'class': 'barChart'
width: function(d){return newX(d.value);}
//this doesn't work because when you mouseover a bar being transitioned
//it gets stuck at whatever size mid transition it's at
//it will need to be applied after the transition is complete.
newBars.on('mouseover', function(){
.attr('opacity', 1)
.on('mouseout', function(){
.attr('opacity', 0.5)
.on('click', function(d, i){
if (d.details !== undefined){
drillDown(d, i, newDomain[1], clickedData.value);
}) ;
var drillPath ='#drillPath');
.text(' > ');
"class": "drillPathSpan"
.on('click', function(){buildUp(pathArr, newX);});
/*var pathSpans = drillPath.selectAll('.drillPathSpan');
pathSpans[0][pathSpans[0].length - 2]
console.log(pathSpans[0][pathSpans[0].length - 2]);
x: margin.l - 5,
y: function(d, i){return (23 * i) + margin.t + 18;},
'text-anchor': 'end',
'class': 'labels',
'opacity': 0
.text(function(d){return d.key})
.attr('opacity', 1);
//step 4, move max to new place
x1: newX(newDomain[1]) + margin.l,
x2: newX(newDomain[1]) + margin.l,
y2: margin.t + ((barWidth + barSpacing) * newData.length) - barSpacing
var maxText = d3.selectAll('#maxText');
x: newX(newDomain[1]) + margin.l
.attr('x', newX(newDomain[1]) + margin.l)
.tween("text", function(d) {
var i = d3.interpolate(this.textContent, newDomain[1]),
prec = (newDomain[1] + "").split("."),
round = (prec.length > 1) ? Math.pow(10, prec[1].length) : 1;
return function(t) {
this.textContent = Math.round(i(t) * round) / round;
//levels back needs to be included.. just going to allow one back for now
function buildUp(thisPathArr, thisScale) {
delay = 0;
//go back one in path, remove last entry
var backedOutElemIdx = thisPathArr.pop();
var newData = getLevelData(dataAll, thisPathArr);
//step 1 fade out all bars + labels
.attr('opacity', 0)
//step 2 resize vertically and add rollup city to avg
y2: margin.t + ((barWidth + barSpacing) * newData.length) - barSpacing
var newBars= g.selectAll("rect .barChart")
.attr ({
width : 0,
y: function(d, i){ return i * (barWidth + barSpacing);},
height : barWidth,
opacity: 0.5,
'id' : function(d, i){return 'barID' + i;},
'class': 'barChart'
newBars.filter(function(d,i){return i === backedOutElemIdx})
width: function(d){return"#avgLine").attr("x1") - 100;}
//step 3 rescale
//step 4 remove avg and add all other bars
//step 5 add new avg
//console.log(getLevelData(dataAll, [0,0]))
// pathArr is an array of indexes
//its indexes instead of keys so spaces and characters dont throw a dom exception 12
function getLevelData(data, thisPathArr){
if (thisPathArr.length === 0 ) {
return data;
else {
var idx = thisPathArr.shift();
thisPathArr = thisPathArr === undefined? [] : thisPathArr;
return getLevelData(data[idx].details, thisPathArr);
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