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Created October 2, 2010 23:06
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;; feed macro
(use 'clojure.walk)
(defmacro _>_ [& exprs]
(fn [inner step]
(clojure.walk/postwalk-replace {'___ inner} step))
(reverse exprs)))
;; Protocol for dodo prototypes
(defprotocol DodoProtocol
(class* [self] "the class for that object"))
;; Create new copy of self with the specified bindings
(defn new* [self & {:as bindings}]
(merge self bindings))
;; Apply using a map
(defn kwapply [function & args]
(apply function (apply concat (butlast args) (last args))))
;; Create a new copy of self with self added as superclass and the specified bindings
(defn newclass* [self & bindings]
(if (= 1 (count bindings))
(kwapply newclass* self (first bindings)) ; got bindings as a map
(assoc (apply new* self bindings)
(conj (-> self :super) self))))
;; Dispatch message to object
(defmacro call* [obj, getter & args]
`(let [object# ~obj]
(((keyword '~getter) (class* object#)) object# ~@args)))
;; Forward results to selected continuation
(defn >>> [continuation]
(fn [& values]
#(apply continuation values)))
(defrecord Dodo [super, instance])
(def DodoClass (new Dodo nil nil))
;; class LinkedList is Abstract:
;; def head()
;; LinkedList tail()
;; bool empty().
(def LinkedListClass (newclass* DodoClass :head nil :tail nil :empty nil))
;; def Nil = new LinkedList():
;; def head() = throw(new IllegalArgument.instance(message: "Nothing in list"))
;; def tail() = self
;; def empty() = true.
(declare NilClass)
(defrecord Nil []
(class* [_]
(def NilClass (newclass* LinkedListClass
:instance (new Nil)
:head (fn [self, return, error]
#(error (IllegalArgumentException. "Nothing in list")))
:tail (fn [self, return, error]
#(return self))
:empty (fn [self, yes, no]
#(yes true))))
;; def Link = new LinkedList():
;; def head
;; LinkedList tail = Nil.instance
;; def empty() = false.
(declare LinkClass)
(defrecord Link [head, tail]
(class* [_]
(def LinkClass (newclass* LinkedListClass
:instance (new Link nil (-> NilClass :instance))
:head (fn [self, return, error]
#(return (-> self :head)))
:tail (fn [self, return, error]
#(return (-> self :tail)))
:empty (fn [self, yes, no]
#(no false))))
;; qualifier Backlinked:
;; def parent() = self.parent ->|
;; throw(OutOfBounds.instance).
(defrecord Backlinked [parent])
(def BacklinkedQualifier (new Backlinked
;; parent
(fn [self, return, error]
(if (nil? (-> self :parent))
#(error (new IndexOutOfBoundsException))
#(return (-> self :parent))))))
;; def ReverseNil = new Nil() is Backlinked:
;; def parent.
(declare ReverseNilClass)
(defrecord ReverseNil [parent]
(class* [_]
(def ReverseNilClass
(newclass* BacklinkedQualifier
(newclass* NilClass
:instance (new ReverseNil (atom nil)))))
;; def ReverseLink = new Link() is Backlinked:
;; def tail = new ReverseNil.instance(parent: self)
;; def parent.
(declare ReverseLinkClass)
(defrecord ReverseLink [head, tail, parent]
(class* [_]
(def ReverseLinkClass
(newclass* BacklinkedQualifier
(newclass* LinkClass
(new ReverseLink
(new* (-> ReverseNilClass :instance))
(atom nil))]
(swap! (-> (-> self :tail) :parent) (fn [_] self)) self))))
;; LinkedList intList = new Link.instance(head: 0)
(def intList
(new* (-> LinkClass :instance)
:head 0))
;; def x = new intList(head: 4, tail: new intList(head: 56, tail: new ReverseLink.instance(head: 4)))
(def x
(new* intList
:head 4
(new* intList
:head 56
(new* (-> ReverseLinkClass :instance)
:head -6))))
;; x.head -> x1
;; Println("x[1] = " + x1)
;; x.tail -> y
;; y.empty ->
;; Println("no more items")
;; |
;; y.head -> x2
;; Println("x[2] = " + x2),
;; y.tail -> z
;; z.head -> x3
;; Println("x[3] = " + x3),
;; z.tail -> t
;; t.parent -> z\'
;; z'.head -> x3
;; Println("x[3] = " + x3),
;; z.empty ->|;
;; | e
;; e.getMessage;
;; |; |; |; |; |;;
;; |; |;
(defn main [return]
(call* x head ___ (>>> return))
(fn [x1]
(println "x[1] =" x1)
(call* x tail ___ (>>> return)))
(fn [y]
(call* y empty
(fn [_] (println "no more items"))
(fn [_]
(call* y head ___ (>>> return))
(fn [x2]
(println "x[2] =" x2)
(call* y tail ___ (>>> return)))
(fn [z]
(call* z head ___ (>>> return)))
(fn [x3]
(println "x[3] =" x3)
(call* z tail ___ (>>> return)))
(fn [t]
(call* t parent ___ (>>> return))) ; NB: that is ReverseLink.instance.tail's parent
(fn [zref]
(call* @zref head
(fn [x3]
(println "Really, x[3] =" x3)
(call* @zref empty (>>> return) (>>> return)))
(fn [e]
#(return (.getMessage e)))))))))))
(trampoline (main (>>> println)))
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