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Last active December 20, 2015 06:29
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Nodejitsu Deploy Error
10-100-252-121-uconnect:tomstove tomstove$ jitsu deploy --debug
info: Welcome to Nodejitsu tomstove
info: jitsu v0.12.14, node v0.8.15
info: It worked if it ends with Nodejitsu ok
info: Executing command deploy
info: Analyzing application dependencies in server.js
WARN package.json tomstove@0.0.1 No repository field.
WARN package.json tomstove@0.0.1 No readme data.
WARN package.json bytes@0.2.0 No repository field.
WARN package.json cookie-signature@1.0.1 No repository field.
WARN package.json fresh@0.1.0 No repository field.
WARN package.json pause@0.0.1 No repository field.
debug: { method: 'GET',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*****************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: '1800000',
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false }
debug: { statusCode: 200,
debug: result:
debug: { app:
debug: { _id: 'tomstove/tomstove',
debug: name: 'tomstove',
debug: scripts: { start: 'server.js' },
debug: user: 'tomstove',
debug: subdomain: 'tomstove',
debug: snapshots:
debug: [ { id: '0.0.1',
debug: md5: 'b39ce9b60714011ccf09860993c33ad1',
debug: filename: 'tomstove-tomstove-0.0.1.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1374821208921 } ],
debug: env:
debug: { SUBDOMAIN: 'tomstove',
debug: NODE_ENV: 'production' },
debug: domains: [],
debug: databases: {},
debug: config:
debug: { cloud:
debug: [ { drones: 1,
debug: provider: 'joyent',
debug: datacenter: 'us-east-1',
debug: ram: 256 } ] },
debug: state: 'started',
debug: maxDrones: 1,
debug: drones: 1,
debug: ctime: 1374820985218,
debug: mtime: 1374821248067,
debug: resource: 'App',
debug: _rev: '7-f1f9ac2ea088792fa41a1a50ba95c493',
debug: version: '0.0.1',
debug: dependencies: { connect: '2.7.11' },
debug: engines: { node: 'v0.8.x' },
debug: id: 'tomstove',
debug: active:
debug: { id: '0.0.1',
debug: md5: 'b39ce9b60714011ccf09860993c33ad1',
debug: filename: 'tomstove-tomstove-0.0.1.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1374821208921,
debug: active: false,
debug: running: false },
debug: subscriptionId: 3338717,
debug: last: null,
debug: running:
debug: { id: '0.0.1',
debug: md5: 'b39ce9b60714011ccf09860993c33ad1',
debug: filename: 'tomstove-tomstove-0.0.1.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1374821208921,
debug: active: false,
debug: running: false } } } }
warn: Local package version appears to be old
warn: The package.json version will be incremented automatically
warn: About to write /Users/tomstove/Documents/Web/Node/mywebsite/tomstove/package.json
data: {
data: subdomain: 'tomstove',
data: name: 'tomstove',
data: dependencies: { connect: '2.7.11' },
data: scripts: { start: 'server.js' },
data: version: '0.0.1-1',
data: engines: { node: 'v0.8.x' }
data: }
prompt: Is this ok?: (yes) yes
info: Creating snapshot 0.0.1-1
debug: { method: 'POST',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*****************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream',
debug: 'Content-Length': 50883209 },
debug: timeout: '1800000',
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false }
info Uploading: [=============================] 100%
debug: { statusCode: 201,
debug: result:
debug: { snapshot:
debug: { id: '0.0.1-1',
debug: md5: '8a8c92d469d955480b41380d1efb860f',
debug: filename: 'tomstove-tomstove-0.0.1-1.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1374821436688 } } }
info: Updating app tomstove
debug: { method: 'PUT',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*****************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: '1800000',
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false,
debug: body: '{"name":"tomstove","subdomain":"tomstove","scripts":{"start":"server.js"},"dependencies":{"connect":"2.7.11"},"version":"0.0.1-1","engines":{"node":"v0.8.x"}}' }
debug: { statusCode: 204, result: undefined }
info: Activating snapshot 0.0.1-1 for tomstove
debug: { method: 'POST',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*****************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: '1800000',
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false,
debug: body: '{}' }
debug: { statusCode: 200,
debug: result:
debug: { active:
debug: { id: '0.0.1-1',
debug: md5: '8a8c92d469d955480b41380d1efb860f',
debug: filename: 'tomstove-tomstove-0.0.1-1.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1374821436688,
debug: active: false,
debug: running: false } } }
info: Starting app tomstove
debug: { method: 'GET',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*****************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: '1800000',
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false }
debug: { statusCode: 200,
debug: result:
debug: { endpoints:
debug: { joyent:
debug: { 'us-east-1': '',
debug: 'us-sw-1': '',
debug: 'us-west-1': '',
debug: 'eu-ams-1': '' },
debug: telefonica:
debug: { 'eu-lon-1': '',
debug: 'eu-mad-1': '' } } } }
debug: { method: 'POST',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*****************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: '1800000',
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false,
debug: body: '{}' }
debug: { statusCode: 200, result: 'ECONNRESET' }
debug: { method: 'GET',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*****************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: '1800000',
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false }
debug: { statusCode: 200,
debug: result:
debug: { endpoints:
debug: { joyent:
debug: { 'us-east-1': '',
debug: 'us-sw-1': '',
debug: 'us-west-1': '',
debug: 'eu-ams-1': '' },
debug: telefonica:
debug: { 'eu-lon-1': '',
debug: 'eu-mad-1': '' } } } }
debug: { method: 'GET',
debug: uri: '',
debug: headers:
debug: { Authorization: '*****************************************************************',
debug: 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
debug: timeout: '1800000',
debug: rejectUnauthorized: false }
debug: { statusCode: 200,
debug: result:
debug: { app:
debug: { _id: 'tomstove/tomstove',
debug: name: 'tomstove',
debug: scripts: { start: 'server.js' },
debug: user: 'tomstove',
debug: subdomain: 'tomstove',
debug: snapshots:
debug: [ { id: '0.0.1',
debug: md5: 'b39ce9b60714011ccf09860993c33ad1',
debug: filename: 'tomstove-tomstove-0.0.1.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1374821208921 },
debug: { id: '0.0.1-1',
debug: md5: '8a8c92d469d955480b41380d1efb860f',
debug: filename: 'tomstove-tomstove-0.0.1-1.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1374821436688 } ],
debug: env:
debug: { SUBDOMAIN: 'tomstove',
debug: NODE_ENV: 'production' },
debug: domains: [],
debug: databases: {},
debug: config:
debug: { cloud:
debug: [ { drones: 1,
debug: provider: 'joyent',
debug: datacenter: 'us-east-1',
debug: ram: 256 } ] },
debug: state: 'started',
debug: maxDrones: 1,
debug: drones: 1,
debug: ctime: 1374820985218,
debug: mtime: 1374821442716,
debug: resource: 'App',
debug: _rev: '10-272ae34c21b6cb9b97e09d6ddbca2d65',
debug: version: '0.0.1-1',
debug: dependencies: { connect: '2.7.11' },
debug: engines: { node: 'v0.8.x' },
debug: id: 'tomstove',
debug: active:
debug: { id: '0.0.1-1',
debug: md5: '8a8c92d469d955480b41380d1efb860f',
debug: filename: 'tomstove-tomstove-0.0.1-1.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1374821436688,
debug: active: false,
debug: running: false },
debug: subscriptionId: 3338717,
debug: last: null,
debug: running:
debug: { id: '0.0.1',
debug: md5: 'b39ce9b60714011ccf09860993c33ad1',
debug: filename: 'tomstove-tomstove-0.0.1.tgz',
debug: ctime: 1374821208921,
debug: active: false,
debug: running: false } } } }
info: App tomstove is now started
info: on Port 80
info: Nodejitsu ok
10-100-252-121-uconnect:tomstove tomstove$
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