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Created October 8, 2010 12:31
use feature 'say';
use Try::Tiny;
use Exception::Class (
'AnotherException' => { isa => 'MyException' },
'YetAnotherException' => {
isa => 'AnotherException',
description => 'These exceptions are related to IPC'
try {
die YetAnotherException->new( "argh" );
catch {
say $_;
say "";
say $_->message;
say "";
say $_->description;
say "";
say $_->error, "\n", $_->trace->as_string, "\n";
say "";
say join ' ', $_->euid, $_->egid, $_->uid, $_->gid, $_->pid, $_->time;
These exceptions are related to IPC
Trace begun at D:\traffics\ec\ line 18
main::__ANON__[D:\traffics\ec\] at C:\Perl\site\lib\Try\ line 76
eval {...} at C:\Perl\site\lib\Try\ line 67
Try::Tiny::try('CODE(0x1ff890c)', 'Try::Tiny::Catch=REF(0x200a78c)') called at D:\traffics\ec\ line 32
0 0 0 0 6156 1286543061
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