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Created October 8, 2010 16:40
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A python script to notify on hackernews changes using pySnarl (win32)
author: joebo
I found myself checking HN throughout the day while working and would
spend a few minutes each time skimming to see if there was anything new.
This automated the task for me and I thought it might be useful to share.
It's meant to be quick and dirty but works.
get pysnarl from
thanks to ihackernews for the api (checks every 120 seconds)
change url to if you want the new items
import urllib2
import PySnarl
import time
import string
def printable(input):
return filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, input)
seen = set()
firstRun = True
while True:
json = "".join(urllib2.urlopen('').readlines())
items = eval(json)["items"]
print items
for item in items:
title = printable(item["title"])
if not firstRun and not item["id"] in seen:
PySnarl.snShowMessage('HackerNews', title, timeout=10)
print title
firstRun = False
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