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Created October 10, 2010 18:17
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// g100pon #88 grocessing (
// processing/core.jar が実行時に別途必要です
// githubでmaven頑張ってみましたがうまく動きませんでした<涙
//@Grab(group='geronimo', module='geronimo-installer-processing', version='1.1.1')
//@GrabResolver(name="processing", root="")
//@GrabConfig(systemClassLoader=true) // for workaround a permgen problem with GroovyServ
import processing.core.*
public class e2DProcessing extends PApplet {
// Global variables
float radius = 50.0f
int X, Y
int nX, nY
int delay = 16
// Setup the Processing Canvas
public void setup(){
size( 200, 200 )
strokeWeight( 10 )
frameRate( 15 )
X = width / 2
Y = width / 2
nX = X
nY = Y
// Main draw loop
public void draw(){
radius = radius + sin((float)( frameCount / 4 ))
// Track circle to new destination
// Fill canvas grey
background( 100 )
// Set fill-color to blue
fill( 0, 121, 184 )
// Set stroke-color white
// Draw circle
ellipse( X, Y, radius, radius )
// Set circle's next destination
public void mouseMoved(){
nX = mouseX
nY = mouseY
//■direct viewing
//PApplet.main([ "e2DProcessing" ] as String[]);
//■griffon like view
import groovy.swing.SwingBuilder
import javax.swing.WindowConstants as WC
def swingBuilder = new SwingBuilder()
swingBuilder.edt {
size: [300,300],
//pack: true,
location: [50,50],
resizable: true,
show: true,
pApplet2D = new e2DProcessing()
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