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Created October 13, 2010 15:32
liquibase-sbt-plugin configuration example
import sbt._
import com.github.sdb.sbt.liquibase._
class TestProject(info: ProjectInfo) extends DefaultProject(info) with LiquibasePlugin {
// declare the required database driver as a runtime dependency
val h2 = "com.h2database" % "h2" % "1.2.143" % "runtime"
// fetch the running mode from the system properties (dev, prd, ...)
lazy val mode = system[String]("mode").get.getOrElse(null)
// provide the parameters for running liquibase commands
lazy val liquibaseChangeLogFile = "config" / "db-changelog.xml"
lazy val liquibaseDriver = "org.h2.Driver"
// the URL depending on the mode
lazy val liquibaseUrl = mode match {
case "prd" => "jdbc:h2:tcp://dbserv:8084/~/sample"
case _ => "jdbc:h2:file:sample"
// the contexts to run
override lazy val liquibaseContexts = mode
// define an environment for reading props from
lazy val liquibaseEnv = new BasicEnvironment
def log = TestProject.this.log
def envBackingPath = ""
lazy val username = property[String]
lazy val password = property[String]
// provide username and password as defined in
override lazy val liquibaseUsername = liquibaseEnv.username.get.getOrElse(null)
override lazy val liquibasePassword = liquibaseEnv.password.get.getOrElse(null)
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