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Created October 14, 2010 03:28
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Vim - My vimrc snippet for replacing texts; ver.2
" Replace
set report=0
xnoremap S <Nop>
" replace the user input in the current line
nnoremap s :<C-u>s//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
" replace the cword in the current line
nnoremap ,ls :<C-u>s/\<<C-r>=expand('<cword>')<CR>\>//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
nnoremap ,lS :<C-u>s/<C-r>=expand('<cword>')<CR>//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
" replace the selection in the current line
xnoremap ,ls "vy:s/\<<C-r>=<SID>reg_v_value()<CR>\>//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
xnoremap ,lS "vy:s/<C-r>=<SID>reg_v_value()<CR>//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
" replace the user input in the current buffer
nnoremap S :<C-u>%s//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
" replace the cword in the current buffer
nnoremap ,s :<C-u>%s/\<<C-r>=expand('<cword>')<CR>\>//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
nnoremap ,S :<C-u>%s/<C-r>=expand('<cword>')<CR>//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
" replace the selection in the current buffer
xnoremap ,s "vy:%s/\<<C-r>=<SID>reg_v_value()<CR>\>//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
xnoremap ,S "vy:%s/<C-r>=<SID>reg_v_value()<CR>//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
" replace the user input in the selection
xnoremap s :s//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
" replace the yanted text in the selection
xnoremap ,vy :s/\<<C-r>=@"<CR>\>//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
xnoremap ,vY :s/<C-r>=@"<CR>//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
" replace the user input in the last selected
nnoremap ,vv :<C-u>%s/\%V/g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
" replace the cword in the last selected
nnoremap ,vs :<C-u>%s/\%V\<<C-r>=expand('<cword>')<CR>\>//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
nnoremap ,vS :<C-u>%s/\%V<C-r>=expand('<cword>')<CR>//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
" replace the yanted text in the last selected
nnoremap ,vy :<C-u>%s/\%V\<<C-r>=@"<CR>\>//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
nnoremap ,vY :<C-u>%s/\%V<C-r>=@"<CR>//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
" replace the user input in buffers
nnoremap <Leader>: :<C-u>%bufdo s//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
" replace the cword in buffers
nnoremap <Leader>s :<C-u>bufdo %s/\<<C-r>=expand('<cword>')<CR>\>//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
nnoremap <Leader>S :<C-u>bufdo %s/<C-r>=expand('<cword>')<CR>//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
" replace the selection in buffers
xnoremap <Leader>s "vy:bufdo %s/\<<C-r>=<SID>reg_v_value()<CR>\>//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
xnoremap <Leader>S "vy:bufdo %s/<C-r>=<SID>reg_v_value()<CR>//g "<Left><Left><Left><Left>
function! s:reg_v_value()
return substitute(s:escape_regexp(@v), "\n", '\\n', 'g')
function! s:escape_regexp(str)
return escape(a:str, '^$[].*\~' . '/')
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