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Created September 3, 2013 12:07
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[ Launch: coffee_sol_lewitt_rules ] 6422996 by zeffii
[ Launch: coffee_template ] 6420246 by zeffii
[ Launch: boomstick_motion_wcolor_coffee ] 6399870 by zeffii
[ Launch: boomstick_motion_wcolor_coffee ] 6382272 by zeffii
[ Launch: boomstick_motion_wcolor_coffee ] 6382237 by zeffii
[ Launch: boomstick_motion_wcolor_coffee ] 6379220 by zeffii
[ Launch: boomstick_motion_wcolor ] 6376715 by zeffii
[ Launch: boomstick_motion2 ] 6365156 by zeffii
[ Launch: boomstick_motion ] 6364686 by zeffii
[ Launch: boomstick ] 6364584 by zeffii
[ Launch: zeffii default ] 6364028 by zeffii
[ Launch: zeffii default ] 5033869 by zeffii

german version found, but I highly recommend not looking at the drawing until
after you have spent time trying to figure out how to interpret the instructions.
" the placing of a quad "
full page (german)
just text (german)
© The LeWitt Estate / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
Translation is my own: (it was bugging me, but it is no improvement)
The first line starts **from** a point halfway between a point halfway between
the centre of the page (wall) and the bottom right corner and the middle of
the left edge and the top right corner **to** a point halfway between
the middle of the bottom edge and top right corner.
The second line starts **from** a point halfway between the starting-point of
the 1st line and a point halfway between the middle of the bottom edge and
the top left corner **to** a point halfway between a point halfway between
the center of the page (wall) and the bottom left corner and the middle of
the bottom edge.
The third line starts **from** a point halfway between a point halfway between
the starting-point of the 1st line and the end-point of the 2nd line and
a point halfway between the middle of the left edge and the bottom left corner
**to** a point 'auf einer Achse von der' bottom left corner to a point
halfway between the middle of the right edge and the top right corner,
where a line from the center of the page to a point halfway between
the middle of the right edge and the bottom right corner would intersect the axis.
The fourth line starts **from** a point the same distance between the end of
the 3rd line, the endpoint of the 2nd line, and from a point halfway between
a point halfway between the center of the page and the middle of
the bottom edge and a point halfway between the middle of the bottom edge and
the bottom right corner **to** a point halfway between the starting point of
the 2nd line and a point, where a line would intersect the 1st line, if it ran
from the middle of the right edge to a point halfway between the middle of
the top edge and the top left corner.
SL 1974.
My thoughts:
Though Written in a procedural way, these instructions are at times somewhat
obfuscated and definitely inefficient without symbols.
- The 1st line turns out to be unparsable without adding an extra 'halfway between'
- The 3rd line doesn't make sense to me introducing the term axis
Info in the readme.txt tab (links to original german text)
this version is intentionally unfinished.
latest version
(with overlay)
between = (p1, p2) ->
x: (p1.x + p2.x) * 0.5
y: (p1.y + p2.y) * 0.5
equid = (points) ->
# this formula averages, this is wrong.
num = points.length
[ret_x, ret_y] = [0, 0]
for p in points
ret_x += p.x
ret_y += p.y
x: ret_x / num
y: ret_y / num
intersect = (line1, line2) ->
[x1,y1,x2,y2] = [line1.p1.x, line1.p1.y, line1.p2.x, line1.p2.y]
[x3,y3,x4,y4] = [line2.p1.x, line2.p1.y, line2.p2.x, line2.p2.y]
[bx, by_, dx, dy] = [x2 - x1, y2 - y1, x4 - x3, y4 - y3]
b_dot_d_perp = (bx * dy) - (by_ * dx)
if b_dot_d_perp is 0
console.log('doesnt intersect')
return None
[cx, cy] = [x3 - x1, y3 - y1]
t = (cx * dy - cy * dx) / b_dot_d_perp
p =
x: x1 + t * bx
y: y1 + t * by_
# constants and setup"body").style "background-color", d3.rgb(25, 25, 25)
svg ="svg")
group1 = svg.append("g").classed("group1", true)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + [200, 100] + ")")
fill: "none"
stroke: "#aeaeae"
thin = 0.3
thick = 1.2
X = width = 415
Y = height = 415
A = {x: 0, y: 0} # top left
B = {x: X, y: 0} # top right
C = {x: X, y: Y} # bottom right
D = {x: 0, y: Y} # bottom left
MID = between(A, C) # center
AB = between(A, B) # mid top
BC = between(B, C) # mid right
CD = between(C, D) # mid bottom
AD = between(A, D) # mid left
# PHWB = point halfway between
# A quadrangle which is formed and enclosed by four lines, (if you say so.)
# L1 = (seems to contain ambiguity due to missing PHWB)
# from -> PHWB PHWB(MID, A) and (AD) and (A), to -> PHWB(AB, B)
L1 =
p1: between( between( between(MID, A), AD), A)
p2: between(AB, B)
# L2 =
# from -> PHWB (L1.p1) and PHWB (AB) and (A)
# to -> PHWB PHWB (MID) and (D) and (CD),
L2 =
p1: between(L1.p1, between(AB, A))
p2: between( between(MID, D), CD)
# L_support_1 =
# from -> (X), to -> PHWB(BC, C)
L_support_1 = {p1: X, p2: between(BC, C)}
# L3 = ??
# from -> PHWB PHWB (L1.p1) and (L2.p2) and PHWB (AD) and (D)
# to point which is on an axis between (D) to PHWB(BC, B)
# where L_support_1 would cross that axis,
L3 =
p1: between( between(L1.p1, L2.p2), between(AD, D)),
p2: between( D, between(BC, B))
# L_support_2 =
# from -> (BC), to PHWB(AB, A)
L_support_2 = {p1: BC, p2: between(AB, A)}
# L4 =
# from -> point equidistant from (L3.p2), (L2.p2) and PHWB(MID, CD) and PHWB(CD, C)
# to -> PHWB (L2.p1) and a point where a L_support_2 crosses (L1)
L4 =
p1: equid([L3.p2, L2.p2, between(MID, CD), between(CD, C)])
p2: between(L2.p1, intersect(L_support_2, L1))
### populate svg ###
# lines only
line_data = [
{line: {p1: A, p2: B}, line_thickness: thin},
{line: {p1: B, p2: C}, line_thickness: thin},
{line: {p1: C, p2: D}, line_thickness: thin},
{line: {p1: A, p2: D}, line_thickness: thin},
{line: L1, line_thickness: thick},
{line: L2, line_thickness: thick},
{line: L_support_1, line_thickness: thin},
{line: L_support_2, line_thickness: thin},
{line: L3, line_thickness: thin},
{line: L4, line_thickness: thick},
lines = group1.selectAll('line').data(line_data).enter()
x1: (d) -> d.line.p1.x
y1: (d) -> d.line.p1.y
x2: (d) -> d.line.p2.x
y2: (d) -> d.line.p2.y
'stroke-width': (d) -> d.line_thickness
# verts only
vert_data = [A, B, C, D, MID, AB, BC, CD, AD]
verts = group1.selectAll('circle').data(vert_data).enter()
r: 3
cx: (d) -> d.x
cy: (d) -> d.y
stroke: "none"
fill: "#789BA2"
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