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Created February 15, 2009 06:00
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var getObjectId = function () {
var nums = {}, strs = {};
var numid = 0, strid = 0, objid = 0;
var has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
return function (object) {
switch (typeof object) {
case "object":case "function":
if (object === null) return 0;
if (, "__id")) return object.__id;
return object.__id = objid++ * 3 + 4;
case "number":
if (, object)) return nums[object];
return nums[object] = numid++ * 3 + 5;
case "string":
if (, object)) return strs[object];
return strs[object] = strid++ * 3 + 6;
case "undefined":
return 1;
case "boolean":
return object? 2: 3;
throw new Error("unsupported type: " + typeof object);
(function () {
function error() {
console.error.apply(console, arguments);
function eq() {
var iseq = Array.reduce(arguments, function (a, b) {return a === b;});
if (!iseq) error("not equal:", arguments);
function ne() {
var isne = Array.reduce(arguments, function (a, b) {return a !== b;});
if (!isne) error("equal:", arguments);
var a = getObjectId(0);
var b = getObjectId(1);
var c = getObjectId("a");
var d = getObjectId("");
var e = getObjectId("hasOwnProperty");
var f = getObjectId(null);
var g = getObjectId(undefined);
var h = getObjectId(true);
var i = getObjectId(false);
var j = getObjectId(getObjectId);
eq(a, getObjectId(0));
eq(b, getObjectId(1));
eq(c, getObjectId("a"));
eq(d, getObjectId(""));
eq(e, getObjectId("hasOwnProperty"));
eq(f, getObjectId(null));
eq(g, getObjectId(undefined));
eq(h, getObjectId(true));
eq(i, getObjectId(false));
eq(j, getObjectId(getObjectId));
ne(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j);
}) // ();
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