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Wars II

Wars dataset from COW. Each path represents a war and associated circles represent the number of victims. Inspired from Valentina D'Efilippo's work

name start end batDeath
Franco-Spanish War 04-07-1823 11-13-1823 1000
First Russo-Turkish 4-26-1828 9-14-1829 130000
Mexican-American 4-25-1846 9-14-1847 19283
Austro-Sardinian 3-29-1848 8-9-1848 7527
First Schleswig-Holstein 4-10-1848 8-26-1848 6000
Roman Republic 4-30-1849 7-2-1849 2600
La Plata 7-19-1851 2-3-1852 1300
Crimean 10-23-1853 3-1-1856 264200
Anglo-Persian 10-25-1856 4-5-1857 2000
Italian Unification 4-29-1859 7-12-1859 22500
First Spanish-Moroccan 10-22-1859 3-25-1860 10000
Italian-Roman 9-11-1860 9-29-1860 1000
Neapolitan 10-15-1860 2-13-1861 1000
Franco-Mexican 4-16-1862 2-5-1867 20000
Ecuadorian-Colombian 11-22-1863 12-6-1863 1000
Second Schleswig-Holstein 2-1-1864 4-25-1864 4481
Lopez 3-5-1865 3-1-1870 310000
Naval War 9-25-1865 5-9-1866 1000
Seven Weeks 6-20-1866 7-26-1866 44100
Franco-Prussian 7-19-1870 11-25-1870 204313
First Central American 3-27-1876 4-25-1876 4000
Second Russo-Turkish 4-24-1877 1-31-1878 285000
War of the Pacific 2-14-1879 12-11-1883 13868
Conquest of Egypt 7-11-1882 9-15-1882 10079
Sino-French 6-15-1884 6-9-1885 12100
Second Central American 3-28-1885 4-15-1885 1000
First Sino-Japanese 7-25-1894 3-30-1895 15000
Greco-Turkish 2-15-1897 5-19-1897 2000
Spanish-American 4-22-1898 8-12-1898 3685
Boxer Rebellion 6-17-1900 8-14-1900 3003
Sino-Russian 7-17-1900 10-10-1900 4000
Russo-Japanese 2-8-1904 9-15-1905 151831
Third Central American 5-27-1906 7-20-1906 1000
Fourth Central American 2-19-1907 4-23-1907 1000
Second Spanish-Moroccan 7-7-1909 3-23-1910 10000
Italian-Turkish 9-29-1911 10-18-1912 20000
First Balkan 10-17-1912 4-19-1913 82000
Second Balkan 7-15-1913 7-30-1913 60500
World War I 7-29-1914 11-11-1918 8578031
Estonian Liberation 11-22-1918 1-3-1920 11750
Latvian Liberation 12-7-1918 4-15-1919 13246
Russo-Polish 2-14-1919 10-18-1920 100000
Hungarian Adversaries 4-16-1919 8-4-1919 11000
Second Greco-Turkish 5-5-1919 10-11-1922 50000
Franco-Turkish 11-1-1919 10-20-1921 40000
Lithuanian-Polish 7-15-1920 12-1-1920 1000
Manchurian 8-17-1929 12-3-1929 3200
Second Sino-Japanese 12-19-1931 5-22-1933 60000
Chaco 6-15-1932 6-12-1935 92661
Saudi-Yemeni 3-20-1934 5-13-1934 2100
Conquest of Ethiopia 10-3-1935 5-9-1936 20000
Third Sino-Japanese 7-7-1937 12-6-1941 1000000
Changkufeng 7-29-1938 8-11-1938 1726
Nomonhan 5-11-1939 9-16-1939 28000
World War II 6-27-1941 1-20-1945 16634907
Russo-Finnish 11-30-1939 3-12-1940 151798
Franco-Thai 12-1-1940 1-28-1941 1400
First Kashmir 10-26-1947 1-1-1949 3500
Arab-Israeli 5-15-1948 7-18-1948 8000
Korean 10-27-1950 7-27-1953 910084
Off-shore Islands 9-3-1954 4-23-1955 2370
Sinai War 10-31-1956 11-6-1956 3221
Soviet Invasion of Hungary 11-4-1956 11-14-1956 2426
IfniWar 2-10-1958 4-10-1958 1122
Taiwan Straits 8-23-1958 11-23-1958 1800
Assam 10-20-1962 11-22-1962 1853
Vietnam War, Phase 2 2-7-1965 1-27-1973 1021442
Second Kashmir 8-5-1965 9-23-1965 7061
Six Day War 6-5-1967 6-10-1967 19600
Second Laotian, Phase 2 1-13-1968 4-17-1973 13866
War of Attrition 3-6-1969 8-7-1970 5368
Football War 7-14-1969 7-18-1969 1900
Communist Coalition 3-23-1970 7-2-1971 6525
Bangladesh 12-3-1971 12-17-1971 11223
Yom Kippur War 10-6-1973 10-24-1973 14439
Turco-Cypriot 7-20-1974 7-29-1974 1500
War over Angola 10-23-1975 2-12-1976 2700
Second Ogaden War, Phase 2 7-23-1977 3-9-1978 10500
Vietnamese-Cambodian 9-24-1977 1-8-1979 8000
Ugandian-Tanzanian 10-28-1978 4-11-1979 3000
Sino-Vietnamese Punitive 2-17-1979 3-16-1979 21000
Iran-Iraq 9-22-1980 8-20-1988 1250000
Falkland Islands 3-25-1982 6-15-1982 1001
War over Lebanon 4-21-1982 9-15-1982 1655
War over the Aouzou Strip 11-15-1986 9-11-1987 8000
Sino-Vietnamese Border War 1-5-1987 2-6-1987 4000
Gulf War 8-2-1990 4-11-1991 41466
Bosnian Independence 4-7-1992 5-13-1992 5240
Azeri-Armenian 2-6-1993 5-12-1994 14000
Cenepa Valley 1-9-1995 2-27-1995 1500
Badme Border 5-6-1998 12-12-2000 120000
War for Kosovo 3-24-1999 6-10-1999 5002
Kargil War 5-8-1999 7-17-1999 1172
Invasion of Afghanistan 11-15-2001 12-22-2001 4002
Invasion of Iraq 3-19-2003 5-2-2003 7173
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