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Last active July 30, 2020 12:52
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# This file is part of project Sverchok. It's copyrighted by the contributors
# recorded in the version control history of the file, available from
# its original location
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL3
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# pylint: disable=c0301
# pylint: disable=c0103
import numpy as np
import math
def np_length_v3(v):
gives you the length of the 3-element-vector
input: vector-like
output: scalar length
return math.sqrt((v[0] * v[0]) + (v[1] * v[1]) + (v[2] * v[2]))
def np_normalize_v3(v):
rescales the input (3-element-vector), so that the length of the vector "extents" is One.
this doesn't change the direction of the vector, only the magnitude.
l = math.sqrt((v[0] * v[0]) + (v[1] * v[1]) + (v[2] * v[2]))
return [v[0]/l, v[1]/l, v[2]/l]
def np_direction_v3_normalized(v, avg):
return np_normalize_v3(avg - v)
def get_normal_of_3points(p1, p2, p3):
accepts: 3 input vectors
returns: the direction of a face composed by the input vectors p1,2,3. The order of these vectors is important
- the output normal is not automatically normalized to unit length. (maybe it should be)
return [
def get_normal_of_polygon(verts):
expects: a flat array of verts.
returns: the normal of that sequence, via a set of tests that determin how to calculate the normal
- the most straight forward algorithm expects the number of verts to be three
- with 4 verts, the assumption right now is:
1. the verts are convex
2. if there are colinear edges, then a correct result will not be automatic, it will depend on
on how we simplify the quad to a triangle. (0, 1, 3) strategy works
- with ngons, a convex polygon will return correct normal, but any concave ngon will require tessellation
note: tessellation is conceptually trivial, but not entirely trivial to implement
points = verts.reshape((-1, 3))
if points.shape[0] == 4:
return get_normal_of_3points(points[0], points[1], points[3])
# standard and fallback
return get_normal_of_3points(points[0], points[1], points[2])
def np_lerp_v3_v3v3(a, b, t):
expects: 2 flat arrays of len=3 (maybe np) of 3 floats
returns: returns single array with the linear interpolation between a and b by the ratio of t.
info: t can be between 0 and 1 (float) but can also be outside of that range for extrapolation.
s = 1.0 - t
return [s * a[0] + t * b[0], s * a[1] + t * b[1], s * a[2] + t * b[2]]
def make_new_indices(offset, flat_face_indices, generate_inner):
non dependant on geometry, purely an indexing operation.
does depend on current count of new verts, this is matched by passing the offset.
new_faces = []
for i in range(len(flat_face_indices)-1):
new_faces.extend([flat_face_indices[i], flat_face_indices[i+1], offset + 1 + i, offset + i])
new_faces.extend([flat_face_indices[-1], flat_face_indices[0], offset, offset + len(flat_face_indices) - 1])
if generate_inner:
new_faces.extend(list(range(offset, offset + len(flat_face_indices))))
return new_faces
def move_verts(avg, flat_verts, i_distance, i_relative):
input is affected differently depending on whether inset should be relative or not.
returns the flat new vertex ring
new_flat_verts = np.zeros(flat_verts.shape[0]).reshape((-1, 3))
for idx, v in enumerate(flat_verts.reshape((-1, 3))):
if i_relative == 0:
direction = np_normalize_v3(avg - v)
offset = direction * i_distance
offset = np_lerp_v3_v3v3(v, avg, i_distance)
new_flat_verts[idx] = offset
return flat_verts + new_flat_verts.ravel()
def make_new_verts(flat_verts_for_face, i_distance, p_distance, EPSILON, inset_relative):
get average location
get face normal
if abs(i_distance) <= EPSILON:
# dont inset, just reuse existing locations
new_flat_verts = flat_verts_for_face
# adjust new verts according to i_distance
avg_location = flat_verts_for_face.reshape((-1, 3)).mean(axis=0)
new_flat_verts = move_verts(avg_location, flat_verts_for_face, i_distance, inset_relative)
if abs(p_distance) <= EPSILON:
# get approximate verts normal, resize to make offset, add to new_flat_verts
face_normal = get_normal_of_polygon(flat_verts_for_face)
face_normal = np_normalize_v3(face_normal)
offset_vector = face_normal * p_distance
new_flat_verts = (new_flat_verts.reshape((-1, 3)) + np.array(offset_vector)).ravel()
return new_flat_verts
def fast_inset(
original_verts_list, # a flat list or vector coordinates
original_face_indices_list, # a flat list of all face indices
original_face_lengths_list, # a flat list of the lengths of all incoming polygons
skip_list, # a list used to determin if we can skip a polygon, keep unchanged
inset_by_distance_list, # each original polygonis is inset by this, and generates a new v-ring
push_by_distance_list, # push each newly generated v-ring away from original polygon normal
generate_inner_face_list, # decide if the new ring gets a new face.
inset_relative, # 0 = absolute, 1 = relative
v-ring is a vertex ring.
inset_relative, can be 0=absolute or 1=relative.
in absolute mode inset_distance will extend in real world units towards the average vector of the original face
in relative mode inset of 0.5 is halfway between original face's vector to the average. 1 is exactly in the average
flat verts | flat face_indices | flat start_end_loops | flat mask new inners
EPSILON = 1.0E-6
original_verts_list = original_verts_list.reshape((-1, 3))
num_original_verts = original_verts_list.shape[0]
idx_offset = 0
lengths_new_faces = []
new_flat_face_indices = []
new_verts = []
new_inner_masks = []
for idx, skip in skip_list:
if skip:
len_cur_face = original_face_lengths_list[idx]
generate_inner = generate_inner_face_list[idx]
if generate_inner:
lengths_new_faces.extend(([4,] * len_cur_face) + [len_cur_face])
new_inner_masks.extend(([0,] * len_cur_face) + [1])
lengths_new_faces.extend(([4,] * len_cur_face))
new_inner_masks.extend(([0,] * len_cur_face))
flat_face_indices = original_face_indices_list[idx_offset: idx_offset + len_cur_face]
new_flat_face_indices.extend(make_new_indices(num_original_verts + idx_offset, flat_face_indices, generate_inner))
flat_verts_for_face = np.take(original_verts_list, flat_face_indices, axis=0).ravel()
new_verts.extend(make_new_verts(flat_verts_for_face, inset_by_distance_list[idx], push_by_distance_list[idx], EPSILON, inset_relative))
idx_offset += len_cur_face
# [ ] add new verts to original_vertex_list
# [ ] add new face indices to original_face_indices_list
# [ ] add new face lengths to original_face_length_list
# [ ] add face mask to output inners.
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