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Created August 22, 2017 10:57
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#Start of borrowed bit
## from
CET <- url("")
cet <- read.table("cetml1659on.dat", sep = "", skip = 6, header = TRUE,
fill = TRUE, na.string = c(-99.99, -99.9))
names(cet) <- c(, "Annual") ## fix up df names
## remove last row of incomplete data
cet <- cet[-nrow(cet), ]
## get rid of the annual too - store for plotting
rn <- as.numeric(rownames(cet))
Years <- rn[1]:rn[length(rn)]
annCET <- data.frame(Temperature = cet[, ncol(cet)],
Year = Years)
cet <- cet[, -ncol(cet)]
## stack the data
cet <- stack(cet)[,2:1]
names(cet) <- c("Month","Temperature")
## add in Year and nMonth for numeric month and a proper Date class
cet <- transform(cet, Year = (Year <- rep(Years, times = 12)),
nMonth = rep(1:12, each = length(Years)),
Date = as.Date(paste(Year, Month, "15", sep = "-"),
format = "%Y-%b-%d"))
## sort into temporal order
cet <- cet[with(cet, order(Date)), ]
## Add in a Time variable
cet <- transform(cet, Time = as.numeric(Date) / 1000)
#end of borrowed bit
jan<- cet %>%
summarise(avg_temp = mean(Temperature),
min_temp = min(Temperature),
max_temp = max(Temperature),
total = n())
Month avg_temp min_temp max_temp total
<fctr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int>
1 Apr 7.935196 4.7 11.8 358
2 Aug 15.638827 12.9 19.2 358
3 Dec 4.103352 -0.8 9.7 358
4 Feb 3.871788 -1.9 7.9 358
5 Jan 3.258380 -3.1 7.5 358
6 Jul 15.973743 13.4 19.7 358
7 Jun 14.325698 11.5 18.2 358
8 Mar 5.334078 1.0 9.2 358
9 May 11.222067 8.5 15.1 358
10 Nov 6.072905 2.3 10.1 358
11 Oct 9.718436 5.3 13.3 358
12 Sep 13.345251 10.5 16.8 358
#now 2017
cet17 <- read.table("cet_mean_2017.dat", sep = "", skip = 4, header = FALSE,fill = TRUE, na.string = c(-32768,-32768))
names(cet17)[1] <- "day"
names(cet17)[2] <- "Jan"
names(cet17)[3] <- "Feb"
names(cet17)[4] <- "Mar"
names(cet17)[5] <- "Apr"
names(cet17)[6] <- "May"
names(cet17)[7] <- "Jun"
names(cet17)[8] <- "Jul"
cet17[9] <- NULL
cet17[10] <- NULL
cet17[11] <- NULL
cet17[12] <- NULL
cet17[13] <- NULL
#now graph
p<-ggplot(data=jan, aes(x=Month, y=avg_temp))+
scale_x_discrete(limits =
geom_line() +
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 1, y = -3.1, label = "1795",color='blue')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 1, y = 7.5, label = "1916",color='red')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 1, y = 3.95, label = "*",color='dark green',size=5)
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 2, y = -1.9, label = "1947",color='blue')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 2, y = 7.9, label = "1779",color='red')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 2, y = 6.09, label = "*",color='dark green',size=5)
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 3, y = 1, label = "1674",color='blue')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 3, y = 9.2, label = "1957",color='red')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 3, y = 8.6, label = "*",color='dark green',size=5)
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 4, y = 4.7, label = "1837",color='blue')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 4, y = 11.8, label = "2011",color='red')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 4, y = 8.6, label = "*",color='dark green',size=5)
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 5, y = 8.5, label = "1698",color='blue')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 5, y = 15.1, label = "1833",color='red')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 5, y = 13.2, label = "*",color='dark green',size=5)
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 6, y = 11.5, label = "1675",color='blue')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 6, y = 18.2, label = "1846",color='red')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 6, y = 16.04, label = "*",color='dark green',size=5)
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 7, y = 13.4, label = "1816",color='blue')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 7, y = 19.7, label = "2006",color='red')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 7, y = 16.77, label = "*",color='dark green',size=5)
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 8, y = 12.9, label = "1912",color='blue')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 8, y = 19.2, label = "1995",color='red')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 8, y = 17, label = "*",color='dark green',size=5)
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 9, y = 10.5, label = "1807",color='blue')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 9, y = 16.8, label = "2006",color='red')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 9, y = 16, label = "*",color='dark green',size=5)
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 10, y = 5.3, label = "1740",color='blue')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 10, y = 13.3, label = "2001",color='red')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 10, y = 10.9, label = "*",color='dark green',size=5)
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 11, y = 2.3, label = "1782",color='blue')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 11, y = 10.1, label = "1994",color='red')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 11, y = 5.6, label = "*",color='dark green',size=5)
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 12, y = -0.8, label = "1890",color='blue')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 12, y = 9.7, label = "2015",color='red')
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 12, y = 6, label = "*",color='dark green',size=5)
p<-p + annotate("text", x = 2, y = 15.4, label = "* Temp in last year",color='dark green')
#p<-p + annotate("text", x = 2, y = 15.4, label = " Average Temp",color='black')
p<-p + labs(y = "Average Temperature")
p<-p + labs(title = "Temperature in England per month since 1659", subtitle = "Average, highest, lowest and last year")
#p<-p + annotate("text", x = 10, y = -4, label = "HadCET data #graph by @iamreddave")
janm<-filter(cet, Temperature == -3.1 & Month=='Jan')
janx<-filter(cet, Temperature == 7.5 & Month=='Jan')
jan2<-filter(cet, Year=='2016'& Month=='Jan')
febn<-filter(cet, Temperature == -1.9 & Month=='Feb')
febx<-filter(cet, Temperature == 7.9 & Month=='Feb')
feb2<-filter(cet, Year=='2016'& Month=='Feb')
marn<-filter(cet, Temperature == 1 & Month=='Mar')
marx<-filter(cet, Temperature == 9.2 & Month=='Mar')
mar<-filter(cet, Year=='2016'& Month=='Mar')
aprn<-filter(cet, Temperature == 4.7 & Month=='Apr')
aprx<-filter(cet, Temperature == 11.8 & Month=='Apr')
apr<-filter(cet, Year=='2016'& Month=='Apr')
mayn<-filter(cet, Temperature == 8.5 & Month=='May')
mayx<-filter(cet, Temperature == 15.1 & Month=='May')
may<-filter(cet, Year=='2016'& Month=='May')
junn<-filter(cet, Temperature == 11.5 & Month=='Jun')
junx<-filter(cet, Temperature == 18.2 & Month=='Jun')
jun<-filter(cet, Year=='2016'& Month=='Jun')
juln<-filter(cet, Temperature == 13.4 & Month=='Jul')
julx<-filter(cet, Temperature == 19.7 & Month=='Jul')
jul<-filter(cet, Year=='2016'& Month=='Jul')
augn<-filter(cet, Temperature == 12.9 & Month=='Aug')
augx<-filter(cet, Temperature == 19.2 & Month=='Aug')
aug<-filter(cet, Year=='2016'& Month=='Aug')
Sepn<-filter(cet, Temperature == 10.5 & Month=='Sep')
Sepx<-filter(cet, Temperature == 16.8 & Month=='Sep')
Sep<-filter(cet, Year=='2016'& Month=='Sep')
Octn<-filter(cet, Temperature == 5.3 & Month=='Oct')
Octx<-filter(cet, Temperature == 13.3 & Month=='Oct')
Oct<-filter(cet, Year=='2016'& Month=='Oct')
Novn<-filter(cet, Temperature == 2.3 & Month=='Nov')
Novx<-filter(cet, Temperature == 10.1 & Month=='Nov')
Nov<-filter(cet, Year=='2016'& Month=='Nov')
Decn<-filter(cet, Temperature == -0.8 & Month=='Dec')
Decx<-filter(cet, Temperature == 9.7 & Month=='Dec')
Dec<-filter(cet, Year=='2016'& Month=='Dec')
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