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Created February 26, 2009 00:11
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AppleScript's Library & Script
property GUI : load script file ((path to scripts folder as text) & "_gui.scpt")
set GUI to load script file ((path to scripts folder as text) & "_gui.scpt")
MacBook OSX 10.5.6
AppleScript 2.0.1
Script Editor 2.2.1 (100.1)
on init()
if is_from_quicksilver() then
delay 0.2
end if
end init
on check()
tell application "System Events"
if UI elements enabled is false then
tell application "System Preferences"
set current pane to pane ""
set msg to "GUIスクリプティングが利用可能になっていません。\n\"補助装置にアクセスできるようにする\" にチェックを入れて続けますか?"
--display dialog msg buttons {"OK"} default button "OK" with icon note --giving up after 10
display dialog msg buttons {"キャンセル", "チェックを入れて続ける"} with icon note
end tell
--error "中断しました。"
set UI elements enabled to true
delay 1
tell application "System Preferences" to quit
delay 1
end if
end tell
end check
--click_menu(app_name, menu_path)
-- click_menu("", "編集/検索/検索...") --OK
-- click_menu("Script Editor", {"編集", "検索", "検索..."}) --OK
-- click_menu("Script Editor", "編集", "検索", "検索...")--NG(リストでないので、編集をクリックする操作になってしまう)
-- click_menu("Script Editor", "Apple/システム環境設定…") --全角記号1文字
-- click_menu("Script Editor", "スクリプトエディタ/環境設定...") --半角ドット3文字
--小さいカナ文字に注意(×ウィンドウ ○ウインドウ)
-- click_menu("", "Apple/この Mac について")
-- click_menu("Script Editor", "スクリプトエディタ/サービス/テキストエディット/選択部分を含む新しいウインドウを開く")
-- click_menu("Script Editor", "2/5/32/2") --=="スクリプトエディタ/サービス/テキストエディット/選択部分を含む新しいウインドウを開く"
-- click_menu("", "2/環境設定...") --"スクリプトエディタ/環境設定..."
click_menu("SystemUIServer", "16")
on click_menu(app_name, menu_path)
if menu_path is "" then
error "menu_path が入力されていません。"
end if
if app_name is "" then
set app_name to frontmost_app()
end if
set mp to split(menu_path, "/")
tell application "System Events"
tell process app_name
if "AppleScript Runner" is in my every_process() or ¬
frontmost is false then
set frontmost to true
end if
if mp's length = 1 then
menu bar 1's (menu bar item (my number_from(mp's item 1)))
--menu bar 1's menu bar item (mp's item 1)'s menu (mp's item 1)
menu bar 1's (menu bar item (my number_from(mp's item 1)))'s menu 1
repeat with i from 2 to mp's length
if i < mp's length then
--result's menu item (mp's item i)'s menu (mp's item i)
result's (menu item (my number_from(mp's item i)))'s menu 1
result's (menu item (my number_from(mp's item i)))
end if
end repeat
end if
click result --click:クリックする/pick:選択する--ほぼ同等だが、アイコンメニューにはclickが必須
delay 0.1 --連続してメニューを操作する時、ひと呼吸必要
end tell
end tell
end click_menu
--shortcut(app_name, key_text)
-- shortcut("", "command-option-L")
-- shortcut("", {"command", "option", "L"})
--一般キーとは、command, option, control, shift, fn以外のキー
-- shortcut("", "003") --f
-- shortcut("", "3") --3
-- f1:122 f2:120 f3:99 f4:118 f5:96 f6:97 f7:98 f8:100 f9:101 f10:109 f11:103 f12:111
-- delete esc ← → ↓ ↑ space tab return
-- shortcut("", "command-option-control-shift-A") --==keystroke "a" using {command down, option down, control down, shift down}
-- shortcut("", "command-126") --==key code 126 using {command down}
-- shortcut("", "command-1") --==keystroke "1" using {command down}
-- shortcut("Finder", "control-space")
on shortcut(app_name, key_text)
if key_text is "" or key_text is {} then
error "key_text が入力されていません。"
end if
if (count of key_text) = 1 then
set key_list to split(key_text's first item, "-")
set key_list to split(key_text, "-")
end if
set last_key to downcase(key_list's last item)
set modifier_key to {}
if "command" is in key_list then set modifier_key to modifier_key & command down
if "option" is in key_list then set modifier_key to modifier_key & option down
if "control" is in key_list then set modifier_key to modifier_key & control down
if "shift" is in key_list then set modifier_key to modifier_key & shift down
if last_key is "delete" then
set last_key to 51 --delete
else if last_key is "esc" then
set last_key to 53 --esc
else if last_key is "←" then
set last_key to 123 --←
else if last_key is "→" then
set last_key to 124 --→
else if last_key is "↓" then
set last_key to 125 --↓
else if last_key is "↑" then
set last_key to 126 --↑
else if last_key is "space" then
set last_key to space
else if last_key is "tab" then
set last_key to tab
else if last_key is "return" then
set last_key to return
else if last_key's length is 3 then
set last_key to last_key as number
end try
end if
press_key(app_name, last_key, modifier_key)
end shortcut
-- press_key("1", command down)
-- press_key(126, command down)
on press_key(app_name, normal_key, modifier_key)
--delay 0.2 --環境によって、必要なひと呼吸が変わってくる可能性がある
if app_name is "" then
set app_name to frontmost_app()
end if
tell application "System Events"
tell process app_name
if "AppleScript Runner" is in my every_process() or ¬
frontmost is false then
set frontmost to true
end if
if my is_number(normal_key) then
key code normal_key using modifier_key
keystroke normal_key using modifier_key
end if
--delay 0.1
end tell
end tell
end press_key
on is_from_quicksilver()
my name as text
on error
end try
end is_from_quicksilver
on every_process()
tell application "System Events"
--name of every process
--every process's name
processes's name
end tell
end every_process
on frontmost_app()
--short name of (info for (path to frontmost application)) -- short name属性がない場合、missing valueが返ってくる
--name of (path to frontmost application) --拡張子が付属してしまう。"Script"
tell application "System Events"
set name_list to processes's name whose frontmost is true
name_list's first item
end tell
end frontmost_app
on front_window()
tell application "System Events"
tell process (my frontmost_app())
set topWindow to item 1 of (every window whose subrole is "AXStandardWindow") --1番上の書類ウィンドウ
topWindow --1番上の書類ウィンドウが存在しない場合、以下のエラー処理になる。
on error
front window --set topWindow to front window --window 1
end try
end tell
end tell
end front_window
on do_ruby_script(ruby_code)
set shell_code to "ruby -e \"puts(" & ruby_code & ")\""
do shell script shell_code
end do_ruby_script
on downcase(str)
do_ruby_script("'" & str & "'.downcase")
end downcase
on split(sourceText, separator)
if sourceText = "" then return {}
set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {separator}
set theList to text items of sourceText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
return theList
end split
on is_number(num)
num's class is integer or num's class is real
end is_number
on is_number_text(str)
str as number
on error
end try
end is_number_text
on number_from(str)
str as number
on error
end try
end number_from
on click_menu(app_name, menu_path)
set mp to split(menu_path, "/")
tell application "System Events"
tell process app_name
set frontmost to true --必ず、アクティブにしておく
tell menu bar 1
tell menu bar item (mp's item 1)
tell menu (mp's item 1)
if mp's length is 2 then
pick ¬
menu item (mp's item 2)
else if mp's length is 3 then
pick ¬
menu item (mp's item 2)'s ¬
menu (mp's item 2)'s ¬
menu item (mp's item 3)
tell menu item (mp's item 2)
tell menu (mp's item 2)
pick menu item (mp's item 3)
end tell
end tell
else if mp's length is 4 then
pick ¬
menu item (mp's item 2)'s ¬
menu (mp's item 2)'s ¬
menu item (mp's item 3)'s ¬
menu (mp's item 3)'s ¬
menu item (mp's item 4)
tell menu item (mp's item 2)
tell menu (mp's item 2)
tell menu item (mp's item 3)
tell menu (mp's item 3)
pick menu item (mp's item 4)
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
error "メニューパス \"" & menu_path & "\" を認識できません。"
end if
end tell
end tell
end tell
delay 0.1 --連続してメニューを操作する時、ひと呼吸必要
end tell
end tell
end click_menu
on click_menu2(app_name, menu_name1, menu_name2)
tell application "System Events"
tell process app_name
set frontmost to true --必ず、アクティブにしておく
tell menu bar 1
tell menu bar item menu_name1
tell menu menu_name1
pick menu item menu_name2
end tell
end tell
end tell
delay 0.1 --連続してメニューを操作する時、ひと呼吸必要
end tell
end tell
end click_menu2
on click_menu3(app_name, menu_name1, menu_name2, menu_name3)
tell application "System Events"
tell process app_name
set frontmost to true --必ず、アクティブにしておく
tell menu bar 1
tell menu bar item menu_name1
tell menu menu_name1
tell menu item menu_name2
tell menu menu_name2
pick menu item menu_name3
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
end tell
delay 0.1 --連続してメニューを操作する時、ひと呼吸必要
end tell
end tell
end click_menu3
property LIB : load script file ((path to scripts folder as text) & "_lib.scpt")
set LIB to load script file ((path to scripts folder as text) & "_lib.scpt")
MacBook OSX 10.5.6
AppleScript 2.0.1
Script Editor 2.2.1 (100.1)
--do_ruby_script({"require 'uri'", "URI.escape(%q|" & "tell application \"System Events\" --ショートカット操作をする限り" & "|)"})
on do_ruby_script(ruby_code)
set ruby_code to ruby_code as list
set last_code to ruby_code's last item
if (count of ruby_code) ≥ 2 then
set pre_code to join(ruby_code's items 1 thru -2, ";") & ";"
set pre_code to ""
end if
set shell_code to "ruby -e \"" & pre_code & "puts(" & last_code & ")\""
log shell_code
do shell script shell_code
end do_ruby_script
--uri_escape("set lib to load script file ((path to scripts folder as text) & \"_lib.scpt\")")
--uri_escape(the clipboard)
on uri_escape(str)
replace(result, "\"", "__DQT__")
replace(result, "\\", "__BSL__")
replace(result, "__DQT__", "\\\"")
--log result
do_ruby_script({"require 'uri'", "URI.escape(%q|" & result & "|)"})
replace(result, "__BSL__", "%5C")
end uri_escape
--re("/\\d/", "abc1")
--re("/^[\\+\\-]?[\\d\\.\\,]+$/", "+123,456.789")
on reg(reg_text, str)
do_ruby_script(reg_text & " =~ '" & str & "'") as integer
on error
end try
end reg
on number_with_delimiter(num)
--(num.to_s =~ /[-+]?¥d{4,}/) ? (num.to_s.reverse.gsub(/¥G((?:¥d+¥.)?¥d{3})(?=¥d)/, '¥1,').reverse) : num.to_s
--(num.to_s =~ /[-+]?\\d{4,}/) ? (num.to_s.reverse.gsub(/\\G((?:\\d+\\.)?\\d{3})(?=\\d)/, '\\1,').reverse) : num.to_s
do_ruby_script("('" & num & "' =~ /[-+]?\\d{4,}/) ? ('" & num & "'.reverse.gsub(/\\G((?:\\d+\\.)?\\d{3})(?=\\d)/, '\\1,').reverse) : '" & num & "'")
end number_with_delimiter
--printf("%3d:", 1)
--" 1:"
on printf(format, value)
do shell script "printf" & space & format & space & value
end printf
--number_to_currency(金額, 小数点以下の桁数, 先頭文字, 末尾文字)
--lib's number_to_currency(1000.5, 2, "¥", "円")
--on number_to_currency(num, decimal_place, header, footer)
on number_to_currency(num, decimal_place)
--do shell script "printf" & space & "%" & "." & decimal_place & "f" & space & num
printf("%" & "." & decimal_place & "f", num)
--header & result & footer
end number_to_currency
on number_to_currency(arg)
do shell script "printf" & space & "%" & "." & arg's decimal_place & "f" & space & arg's num
arg's header & result & arg's footer
end number_to_currency
x's class is integer
x's class is real
x's class is text
x's class is list
x's class is record
on is_number(num)
num's class is integer or num's class is real
if num = {} or num = "" then
(count of num) is 0
end if
end is_number
on is_number_text(str)
str as number
on error
end try
end is_number_text
on number_from(str)
str as number
on error
end try
end number_from
--hex_from(123, 2)
-- "7B"
on hex_from(num, digit)
set a_list to {}
repeat while num > 0
set a_list to a_list & num mod 16
set num to num div 16
end repeat
repeat digit - (count a_list) times
set a_list to a_list & 0
end repeat
repeat with hex in a_list's reverse
result & "0123456789ABCDEF"'s item (hex + 1)
end repeat
end hex_from
-- {{"class","AppleScript"}, {"style","color:rgb(0,0,0);"}}
-- {"class","AppleScript"}
-- {{"class","AppleScript"}}
on double_list_from(aList)
if aList's item 1's class is list then
end if
end double_list_from
--t_repeat(文字, 繰り返し回数)
--t_repeat("*", 3) as text
on t_repeat(str, aCount)
set t to ""
repeat aCount times
set t to t & str
end repeat
end t_repeat
--t_center(文字列, 文字列幅, 埋める文字)
--t_center("123", 6, "*")
on t_center(str, width, padding)
set len to str's length
set len_L to round_down((width - len) / 2, 0) --端数は切り捨て
set len_R to width - len_L - len
t_repeat(padding, len_L) & str & t_repeat(padding, len_R)
end t_center
--t_left(文字列, 文字列幅, 埋める文字)
--t_left("123", 4, " ")
on t_left(str, width, padding)
--(str & t_repeat(padding, width))'s text 1 thru width
set str to str as text
str & t_repeat(padding, width - (count str))
end t_left
--t_right(文字列, 文字列幅, 埋める文字)
--t_right("123", 4, " ")
on t_right(str, width, padding)
--(t_repeat(padding, width) & str)'s text -1 thru -width
set str to str as text
t_repeat(padding, width - (count str)) & str
end t_right
--split("1,2,3,4", ",")
-- 結果:{"1", "2", "3", "4"}
on split(sourceText, separator)
if sourceText = "" then return {}
set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {separator}
set theList to text items of sourceText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
return theList
end split
--join({"1", "2", "3", "4"}, ",")
-- 結果:"1,2,3,4"
--join({{1, 2}, {3, 4}}, ",")
-- 結果:"1,2,3,4"
on join(sourceList, separator)
set oldDelimiters to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {separator}
set theText to sourceList as text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelimiters
return theText
end join
--replace("abcdefg", "bc", "_bc_")
-- 結果:"a_bc_defg"
on replace(sourceText, text1, text2)
join(split(sourceText, text1), text2)
end replace
--every_replace("abcdefg", {"bc", "e", "g"}, {"_bc_", "_e_", "_g_"})
-- 結果:"a_bc_d_e_f_g_"
on every_replace(sourceText, list1, list2)
repeat with i from 1 to list1's number
set sourceText to replace(sourceText, list1's item i, list2's item i)
end repeat
end every_replace
--replace_first("--tell application \"APP_NAME\" to activate--必要に応じて、アプリケーション\"APP_NAME\"をアクティブにする", "--", "--<span>")
--replace_first("end tell", "--", "--<span>")
on replace_first(sourceText, text1, text2)
set aList to split(sourceText, text1)
if (count aList) < 2 then
return sourceText
end if
set topText to join(aList's items 1 thru 2, text2)
if (count aList) = 2 then
join({topText} & aList's items 3 thru -1, text1)
end if
end replace_first
on upcase(aText)
do_ruby_script("'" & aText & "'.upcase")
end upcase
on downcase(aText)
do_ruby_script("'" & aText & "'.downcase")
end downcase
--round_mid(数値, 丸め位置)
-- −2: 10^-2...小数第2位まで求める
-- 3: 10^3...千の位まで求める
on round_mid(num, place)
if place ≥ 0 then
set p to 10 ^ place as integer
set p to 10 ^ place
end if
(round num / p rounding as taught in school) * p
end round_mid
--round_up(数値, 丸め位置)
on round_up(num, place)
if place ≥ 0 then
set p to 10 ^ place as integer
set p to 10 ^ place
end if
(round num / p rounding up) * p
end round_up
--round_down(数値, 丸め位置)
on round_down(num, place)
if place ≥ 0 then
set p to 10 ^ place as integer
set p to 10 ^ place
end if
(round num / p rounding down) * p
end round_down
set a_time to current date
repeat 100000 times--10万回で5秒
offset_in({"ab", "cde", 1, 108, {}}, {})
end repeat
(current date) - a_time--5
--offset_in({"ab", "cde", 1, 108, {}}, 108)
on offset_in(src_list, find_item)
set i to 0
repeat with a_item in src_list
set i to i + 1
if a_item as list is find_item as list then return i
end repeat
end offset_in
set a_time to current date
repeat 10000 times--1万回で5秒
offset_in2({"ab", "cde", 1, 108, {}}, {})
end repeat
(current date) - a_time --5
--offset_in2({"ab", "cde", 1, 108, {}}, 108)
on offset_in2(src_list, find_item)
set delimiter to "__,__"
set src_text to "__" & join(src_list, delimiter) & "__"
set find_item to "__" & find_item & "__"
set i to offset of find_item in src_text
(src_text's items 1 thru i as text) & "_"
count split(result, delimiter)
end offset_in2
--max({3, 2, 5, 1, 4})
on max(a_list)
a_list's item 1
repeat with a_item in a_list
if a_item > result then
end if
end repeat
result's contents
end max
--max_offset({3, 2, 5, 1, 4})
on offset_of_max(a_list)
set max_i to 1
repeat with i from 1 to a_list's number
if a_list's item i > a_list's item max_i then
set max_i to i
end if
end repeat
end offset_of_max
--min({3, 2, 5, 1, 4})
on min(a_list)
a_list's item 1
repeat with a_item in a_list
if a_item < result then
end if
end repeat
result's contents
end min
--min_offset({3, 2, 5, 1, 4})
on offset_of_min(a_list)
set min_i to 1
repeat with i from 1 to a_list's number
if a_list's item i < a_list's item min_i then
set min_i to i
end if
end repeat
end offset_of_min
書類の名前が""の場合は、document 1(最前面のウィンドウの書類)になる
set RTF_OBJ to new("", "")
RTF_OBJ's everyText
RTF_OBJ's everyFont
RTF_OBJ's everySize
RTF_OBJ's everyColor
MacBook OSX 10.5.6
AppleScript 2.0.1
Script Editor 2.2.1 (100.1)
on new(app_name, doc_name_or_num)
if app_name = "" then set app_name to frontmost_app()
if doc_name_or_num = "" then set doc_name_or_num to 1
script RTF_instance
property parent : me
--global everyText, everyFont, everySize, everyColor
property everyText : missing value
property everyFont : missing value
property everySize : missing value
property everyColor : missing value
on initalize()
end initalize
on parse()
tell application app_name
tell document doc_name_or_num's paragraph
set everyText to (every attribute run)
set everyFont to (every attribute run)'s font
set everySize to (every attribute run)'s size
set everyColor to (every attribute run)'s color
end tell
end tell
end try
end parse
on validate_presence_of_document()
tell application app_name
if (count document) > 0 then return
end try
--display dialog result buttons "OK" default button "OK" giving up after 10
display alert result giving up after 10
end tell
end validate_presence_of_document
on validate_presence_of_text()
tell application app_name
if everyText's number > 0 then return
end try
--display dialog result buttons "OK" default button "OK" giving up after 10
display alert result giving up after 10
end tell
end validate_presence_of_text
on validate_rtf()
tell application app_name
if everyText's number = everyFont's number and ¬
everyText's number = everySize's number and ¬
everyText's number = everyColor's number then return
end try
--display dialog result buttons "OK" default button "OK" giving up after 10
display alert result giving up after 10
end tell
end validate_rtf
end script
result's initalize()
end new
on frontmost_app()
--short name of (info for (path to frontmost application)) -- short name属性がない場合、missing valueが返ってくる
--name of (path to frontmost application) --拡張子が付属してしまう。"Script"
tell application "System Events"
set name_list to processes's name whose frontmost is true
name_list's first item
end tell
end frontmost_app
property LIB : load script file ((path to scripts folder as text) & "_lib.scpt")
property kind_list : {"米ドル", "ユーロ", "英ポンド", "スイスフラン"}
end repeat
try --キャンセル ボタンを捕まえるため
on error msg number num from obj partial result try_obj to class_name
--display dialog msg & space & num
if num is 128 then --キャンセルならループを抜ける
exit repeat
else --キャンセル以外はそのままエラー
error msg number num from obj partial result try_obj to class_name
end if
end try
end repeat
end repeat
on init()
if my exchanger's all() is {} then
repeat with aKind in kind_list
my exchanger's new(aKind)
end repeat
end if
end init
on input_rate()
repeat with aExchanger in my exchanger's all()
set msg to "交換レート: 1" & aExchanger's currency & "は 何円?"
display dialog msg default answer aExchanger's rate
aExchanger's set_rate(text returned of result)
end repeat
end input_rate
on exchange()
display dialog "金額を入力してください。" default answer "" buttons {"キャンセル", "外貨→円", "円→外貨"}
if button returned of result is "外貨→円" then
display dialog my exchanger's all_yen_from(text returned of result) as text
else if button returned of result is "円→外貨" then
display dialog my exchanger's all_other_from(text returned of result) as text
end if
end exchange
script exchanger
property item_list : {}
on new(aCurrency)
set aItem to _new(aCurrency)
set item_list to item_list & aItem
end new
on _new(aCurrency)
script _Exchanger
property currency : aCurrency
property rate : 0
on set_currency(amounts)
set currency to amounts
end set_currency
on set_rate(theRate)
set rate to theRate
end set_rate
on yen_from(other)
--表示例:"1,000米ドル → 100,000.99円"
my LIB's number_to_currency(other, 0) & my LIB's t_left(currency, 6, " ") & " → " & my LIB's number_to_currency(other * rate, 2) & "円" & return
--other & currency & " → " & (other * rate) & "円" & return
end yen_from
on other_from(yen)
--表示例:"100,000円 → 1,000.99米ドル"
my LIB's number_to_currency(yen, 0) & "円" & " → " & my LIB's number_to_currency(yen / rate as text, 2) & currency & return
--yen & "円" & " → " & (yen / rate) & currency & return
end other_from
end script
end _new
on all()
end all
on all_yen_from(other)
set msg_list to {}
repeat with aItem in item_list
set msg_list to msg_list & aItem's yen_from(other)
end repeat
end all_yen_from
on all_other_from(yen)
set msg_list to {}
repeat with aItem in item_list
set msg_list to msg_list & aItem's other_from(yen)
end repeat
end all_other_from
end script
property GUI : load script file ((path to scripts folder as text) & "_gui.scpt")
on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving added_items
tell application "Finder" to open added_items
GUI's init()
GUI's check()
GUI's shortcut("Mail", "command-option-1")
GUI's shortcut("", "command-W")
GUI's click_menu("", "ウインドウ/メッセージビューア")
GUI's shortcut("", "command-W")
GUI's shortcut("", "command-option-N")
end adding folder items to
シンタックスハイライトなHTMLに変換するオブジェクト指向AppleScript その1
シンタックスハイライトなHTMLに変換するオブジェクト指向AppleScript その2
シンタックスハイライトなHTMLに変換するオブジェクト指向AppleScript その3
シンタックスハイライトなHTMLに変換するオブジェクト指向AppleScript その4
property LIB : load script file ((path to scripts folder as text) & "_lib.scpt")
property RTF : load script file ((path to scripts folder as text) & "_rtf.scpt")
property FIND_TEXTS : {"\t", "&", "<", ">", "¬"} --"\t" = tab
property PUTS_TEXTS : {" ", "&amp;", "&lt;", "&gt;", "&not;"}
property defaultFontFamily : "CourierNewPSMT"
property defaultFontSize : "12px"
property defaultColor : missing value
set RTF_OBJ to RTF's new("", "")
set defaultColor to most_hex_color(RTF_OBJ's everyText, RTF_OBJ's everyColor)
--set line_num_format to "%" & (count (RTF_OBJ's everyText's number as text)) & "d:"
set html to ""
repeat with i from 1 to RTF_OBJ's everyText's number
set line_text to RTF_OBJ's everyText's item i
set line_font to RTF_OBJ's everyFont's item i
set line_size to RTF_OBJ's everySize's item i
set line_color to RTF_OBJ's everyColor's item i
set html to html & space
--set html to html & LIB's printf(line_num_format, i) & space
repeat with j from 1 to line_text's number
set aText to line_text's item j
set aFont to line_font's item j
set aSize to line_size's item j
set aColor to line_color's item j
set html to html & text_or_tag(aText, aFont, aSize, aColor)
end repeat
end repeat
set the clipboard to tag("pre" & return, html, {"style", default_css()})
on text_or_tag(aText, aFont, aSize, aColor)
--if reg("/^[\\t\\s\\r]+$/", originalText) then--処理が遅過ぎ
if is_invisible(aText) then
tag(tag_by_font(aFont), content_text(aText), {"style", css(aFont, aSize, aColor)})
end if
end text_or_tag
on is_invisible(str)
str's item 1 & LIB's replace(str, str's item 1, "")
result is in {tab, space, return}
end is_invisible
-- tag("span", "ABC", {{"class","AppleScript"}, {"style","color:rgb(0,0,0);"}})
-- <span class="AppleScript" style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">ABC</span>
-- tag("span", "ABC", {"style","color:rgb(0,0,0);"})
-- <span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">ABC</span>
-- tag("pre", "ABC", "")
-- <pre>ABC</pre>
-- tag("pre"&return, "ABC", "")
-- <pre>
-- ABC
-- </pre>
on tag(tag_name, str, attr_pair_list)
if tag_name's item -1 is in {return, "\n"} then
return tag(tag_name's items 1 thru -2 as text, return & str & return, attr_pair_list) & return
end if
if result ≠ "" then
"<" & tag_name & result & ">" & str & "</" & tag_name & ">"
else if tag_name is not in {"span"} then
"<" & tag_name & ">" & str & "</" & tag_name & ">"
end if
end tag
-- {{"class","AppleScript"}, {"style","color:rgb(0,0,0);"}}
-- {"class","AppleScript"}
-- {{"class","AppleScript"}}
on double_list_from(aList)
if aList's item 1's class is list then
end if
end double_list_from
--{{"key1", "value1"}, {"key2", "value2"}, {"key3", "value3"}}
-- attr_text({{"class","AppleScript"}, {"style","color:rgb(0,0,0);"}})
-- " class=\"AppleScript\" style=\"color:rgb(0,0,0);\""
on attr_text(pair_list)
set aText to ""
repeat with pair in pair_list
if pair's item 2 ≠ "" then
set aText to aText & space & pair's item 1 & "=\"" & pair's item 2 & "\""
end if
end repeat
end attr_text
on content_text(str)
LIB's every_replace(str, FIND_TEXTS, PUTS_TEXTS)
end content_text
on default_css()
"color:" & defaultColor & ";" & "font-size:" & defaultFontSize & ";" & "font-family:" & defaultFontFamily & ";"
end default_css
on css(aFont, aSize, aColor)
--css_color(aColor) & css_font_size(aSize) & css_font_weight(aFont)
--css_color(aColor) & css_font_size(aSize) & css_font_family(aFont)
css_color(aColor) -- & css_font_weight(aFont)
end css
--フォントの色の設定コードを返す color:rgb(255,255,255);
on css_color(aColor)
if result = defaultColor then
return ""
"color:" & result -- & ";"
end if
end css_color
--フォントサイズの設定コードを返す font-size:12px;
on css_font_size(aSize)
aSize & "px"
if result = defaultFontSize then
return ""
"font-size:" & result & ";"
end if
end css_font_size
--フォントの太さの設定コードを返す font-weight:bold;
on css_font_weight(aFont)
if "bold" is in aFont then
end if
end css_font_weight
--フォントの種類の設定コードを返す font-family:Osaka
on css_font_family(aFont)
if result = defaultFontFamily then
return ""
"font-family:" & result & ";"
end if
end css_font_family
on tag_by_font(aFont)
if "bold" is in aFont then
end if
end tag_by_font
--rgb_color({65535, 65535, 65535})
-- 結果:"rgb(255,255,255)"
on rgb_color(color_list)
set R to (color_list's item 1) div 256
set G to (color_list's item 2) div 256
set B to (color_list's item 3) div 256
"rgb(" & R & "," & G & "," & B & ")"
end rgb_color
--hex_color({65535, 65535, 65535})
-- 結果:"#FFFFFF"
on hex_color(color_list)
repeat with i in color_list
--result & LIB's hex_from(i div 256, 2)
result & LIB's hex_from(i div 4096, 1)
end repeat
"#" & result
end hex_color
on most_hex_color(every_text, every_color)
sum_every_color(every_text, every_color)
hex_color(result's item 1's item (LIB's offset_of_max(result's item 2)))
end most_hex_color
-- {
-- {{65535, 52428, 26214}, {46003, 46003, 46003}, {10530, 0, 65535}, {16383, 32767, 0}, {0, 0, 65535}, {0, 0, 0}},
-- {404, 59, 203, 238, 72, 79}
-- }
on sum_every_color(every_text, every_color)
set sum_colors to {}
set sum_counts to {}
repeat with i from 1 to every_text's number
set line_text to every_text's item i
set line_color to every_color's item i
repeat with j from 1 to line_text's number
set a_text to line_text's item j
set a_color to line_color's item j
if is_invisible(a_text) is false then
set colors_i to LIB's offset_in(sum_colors, a_color)
if colors_i = 0 then
set sum_colors to sum_colors & {a_color}
set sum_counts to sum_counts & 1
set sum_counts's item colors_i to (sum_counts's item colors_i) + 1
end if
end if
end repeat
end repeat
{sum_colors, sum_counts}
end sum_every_color
property GUI : load script file ((path to scripts folder as text) & "_gui.scpt")
GUI's init()
GUI's shortcut("", "command-c")
GUI's shortcut("", "control-space")
GUI's shortcut("", "command-V")
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