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Created October 23, 2013 23:37
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Save dnprock/7128757 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. script attach to d3 components, call vida_d3.attach and detach.
var orig_appendChild = Element.prototype.appendChild;
var inspect_rect = null;
vida_d3 = {
getCallStack: function() {
var fn = arguments.callee;
var callstack = []
while ( (fn = fn.caller) ) {
return callstack;
getParentSvg: function(el) {
while (el && $(el).prop('tagName') !== 'svg') {
el = el.parentNode
return el
getAbsPos: function(el) {
var pos = { x: 0, y: 0 }
pos.x = $(el).offset().left
pos.y = $(el).offset().top
var svg
while (el && $(el).prop('tagName') !== 'svg') {
el = el.parentNode
svg = el
pos.x -= ($(svg).offset().left + parseInt($(svg).css('padding-left')))
pos.y -= ($(svg).offset().top + parseInt($(svg).css('padding-top')))
return pos
detach: function() {
Element.prototype.appendChild = orig_appendChild
attach: function() {
Element.prototype.appendChild = function() {
var el = orig_appendChild.apply(this, arguments)
if ($(this).prop('tagName') === 'svg' || $(this).prop('tagName') === 'g') {
var stack = printStackTrace()
var drawD3Call;
for (var i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) {
if (stack[i].indexOf('drawD3Document') === 0) {
drawD3Call = stack[i]
if (typeof(drawD3Call) !== 'undefined') {'mouseover', function() {
var abs_pos = vida_d3.getAbsPos(el)
var svg = vida_d3.getParentSvg(el)
var box = el.getBBox()
if (inspect_rect !== null) {
var second_colon = drawD3Call.lastIndexOf(':')
var first_colon = drawD3Call.lastIndexOf(':', second_colon - 1)
var line_number = drawD3Call.substring(first_colon + 1, second_colon)
inspect_rect ='rect') //insert('rect', ':first-child')
.attr('x', abs_pos.x - 1)
.attr('y', abs_pos.y - 1)
.attr('width', box.width - 1)
.attr('height', box.height - 1)
.attr('class', 'inspect-box')
.on('click', function() {
// blink line
var i = 0;
function blinkLine(i) {
if (i < 2) {
setTimeout(function() {
var dStyle = $('.ace_selection.ace_start').attr('style')
'background:steelblue;' + dStyle)
setTimeout(function() {
$('.ace_selection.ace_start').attr('style', dStyle)
}, 300)
}, 300);
return el
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