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Created October 29, 2013 20:28
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Data Frame to JSON ala Pandas
to_json = function(df, orient = "columns", json = T){
dl = as.list(df)
dl = switch(orient,
columns = dl,
records ='zip_vectors_', dl),
values ='zip_vectors_', setNames(dl, NULL))
if (json){
dl = rjson::toJSON(dl)
zip_vectors_ = function(..., names = F){
x = list(...)
y = lapply(seq_along(x[[1]]), function(i) lapply(x, pluck_(i)))
if (names) names(y) = seq_along(y)
pluck_ = function (element){
function(x) x[[element]]
df = data.frame(
x = c(1, 2),
y = c('a', 'b')
to_json(df, orient = 'columns')
# {"x":[1,2],"y":["a","b"]}
to_json(df, orient = 'records')
# [{"x":1,"y":"a"},{"x":2,"y":"b"}]
to_json(df, orient = 'values')
# [[1,"a"],[2,"b"]]
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