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Last active December 27, 2015 21:28
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Save zeffii/7391488 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
author: Dealga McArdle, 2013.
- place in Data/Packages/User
- place dictionary entry in Keybindings, User
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+["], "command": "iternotate" }
Select the shorthand i..4 or i..iterable like below, select the full line
(including whitespace if there). Then press ctrl+shift+[
The plugin will output
// i..5
for(0 => int i; i<5; i++){
// i..iterable
for(0 => int i; i<iterable.cap(); i++){
import sublime, sublime_plugin
def check_is_loopform(istr):
# returns non None only if everything seems ok.
# does not support tabs, but could. I don't use tabs so meh.
# some preprocessing, count spaces to the left, store this
restr = istr.lstrip()
spaces = len(istr) - len(restr)
restr = restr.strip()
# python 2.6 has no 'startswith'
msg = """must be like: i..n or i..iterable\n
- i can be any identifier\
- n can be any integer"""
if (not ".." in restr):
# explicitly split on space
elements = restr.split("..")
if (not len(elements) == 2):
# will return information in last element about how to rewrite
return [spaces, elements, elements[1].isnumeric()]
def perform_replacement(istr):
content = check_is_loopform(istr)
if not content:
print("read the debug statements carefully")
ostr = """\
{0}for(0 => int {1}; {1}<{2}.cap(); {1}++){{
{0} {2}[{1}];\n{0}}}"""
ostr2 = """\
{0}for(0 => int {1}; {1}<{2}; {1}++){{
{0} {1};\n{0}}}"""
amount_space = " "*content[0]
ident = content[1][0] # i
iterable = content[1][1] # some_array or digit
nbased = content[2]
replace_string = ostr2 if nbased else ostr
return replace_string.format(amount_space, ident, iterable)
def nothing_selected():
sublime.status_message('nothing selected, fool')
class Iternotate(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
if not self.enabled():
# sublime.status_message('here too')
view = self.view
sel = view.sel()[0]
# just selected region
selection = view.substr(sel)
final = perform_replacement(selection)
if not final:
#edit = view.begin_edit() # stick onto undo stack
self.view.replace(edit, sel, final)
# finalize this edit, use as one undo level
def enabled(self):
'''only allow 1 selection for version 0.1'''
sels = self.view.sel() # lists regions,
nsels = len(sels) # dir(sels[0]) for methods
fsel = sels[0] # first selection
if nsels == 1 and not fsel.empty():
return True
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