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Created December 13, 2010 19:31
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<gtrak> (find-doc "alter-var-root")
<sexpbot> ⟹ ------------------------- clojure.core/alter-var-root ([v
f & args]) Atomically alters the root binding of var v by applying f
to its current value plus any args -------------------------
clojail.core/sandbox ([tester & {:keys [timeout namespace context
jvm?], :or {timeout 10000, namespace (gensym "sandbox"), context (->
(empty-perms-list) domain context), jvm? true}}]) This function
creates a new sandbox from a tester (a set of symbols that make up a
blacklist and possibly a whitelist) and optional arguments. A
tester can either be a plain set of symbols, in which case it'll be
treated as a blacklist. Otherwise, you can provide a map of :whitelist
and :blacklist bound to sets. In this case, the whitelist and
blacklist will both be used. If you only want a whitelist, just
supply :whitelist in the map. Optional arguments are as follows:
:timeout, default is 10000 MS or 10 seconds. If the expression
evaluated in the sandbox takes longer than the timeout, an error
will be thrown and the thread running the code will be stopped.
:namespace, the namespace of the sandbox. The default is (gensym
"sandbox"). :context, the context for the JVM sandbox to run in.
Only relevant if :jvm? is true. It has a sane default, so you
shouldn't need to worry about this. :jvm?, if set to true, the JVM
sandbox will be employed. It defaults to true. This function will
return a new function that you should bind to something. You can call
this function with code and it will be evaluated in the sandbox.
The function also takes an optional second parameter which is a
hashmap of vars to values that will be passed to push-thread-bindings.
Example: (def sb (sandbox #{'alter-var-root 'java.lang.Thread}
:timeout 5000)) (let [writer (]
(sb '(println "blah") {#'*out* writer}) (str writer)) The above
example returns "blah\n" nil
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