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Last active December 29, 2015 23:39
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A Fun Game for HackerSchool Application. I had good fun with it and wrote a Javascript Version to have my son play daddy's game. The code is at: The game can be played at (hosted via gh-pages)
#! /usr/bin/env python
from random import choice
from collections import defaultdict
def get_player_input(valid_selections):
'''Returns the selected row, col by the Player'''
selected_item = tuple()
while selected_item not in valid_selections:
if selected_item:
print('Your selection of (%s, %s) is not valid: ' % selected_item)
selected_item = tuple(int(val) for val in input('Enter your selection in row, col format:').split(',') if val.isdigit())
return selected_item
def get_computer_input(valid_choices, winning_combos, player_choices, current_choices, dif_level):
'''Returns the computer selected row, col'''
selections = defaultdict(list)
if dif_level == 1: # Easy - Pick any one from valid_choices list
selected_item = choice(valid_choices)
elif dif_level == 2: # Hard - Try to block the player from winning
for win_set in winning_combos:
rem_items = list(win_set - player_choices - current_choices)
if selections.get(1):
selected_item = choice(choice(selections[1]))
elif selections.get(2):
selected_item = choice(choice(selections[2]))
selected_item = choice(choice(selections[3]))
return selected_item
def print_positions(player_a, playera_choices, player_b, playerb_choices):
'''Returns None. Prints the current Positions'''
print(' | 0 | 1 | 2 |')
for row in range(3):
print(row, end=' |')
for col in range(3):
if (row, col) in playera_choices:
print('', player_a, end=' |')
elif (row, col) in playerb_choices:
print('', player_b, end=' |')
print(' ', end='|')
def check_winning_combinations(player_choices, winning_combos):
'''Returns True if Player has a winning combination'''
for win_set in winning_combos:
if win_set.issubset(player_choices):
return True
return False
def play_tic_tac_toe(player_a='X', player_b='O', dif_level=1):
'''Plays the game of Tic-Tac-Toe. If player_b is None, Player A Plays with the Computer at dif level'''
#Initialize the count on row, col and diag axis for Player and Computer
game_choices = []
for row in range(3):
for col in range(3):
winning_combos = []
for row in range(3):
win_set = set()
for col in range(3):
for col in range(3):
win_set = set()
for row in range(3):
winning_combos.append(set([(0,0), (1,1), (2,2)]))
winning_combos.append(set([(0,2), (1,1), (2,0)]))
player_a_choices = set()
player_b_choices = set()
print('Game Choices: %s' %game_choices)
print('Good Luck!', end='\n\n')
player_a_turn = True
while game_choices and winning_combos:
# Print the current positions - only print when it's player A's turn or a two player game
if player_a_turn or player_b:
print_positions(player_a, player_a_choices, player_b, player_b_choices)
if player_a_turn:
selected_item = get_player_input(game_choices)
if check_winning_combinations(player_a_choices, winning_combos):
result = 'A'
selected_item = get_computer_input(game_choices, winning_combos, player_a_choices, player_b_choices, dif_level)
if check_winning_combinations(player_b_choices, winning_combos):
result = 'B'
# Reduce the winning combo list if both player A and B have items in that set
for win_set in winning_combos:
rem_set_a = win_set - player_a_choices
rem_set_b = win_set - player_b_choices
if len(rem_set_a) < 3 and len(rem_set_b) < 3:
player_a_turn = not player_a_turn #On next loop, it's the other player's turn
# Print the final Positions before quiting the game
if not winning_combos:
result = 'D'
print_positions(player_a, player_a_choices, player_b, player_b_choices)
return result
if __name__ == '__main__':
print('Welcome to a game of Tic-Tac-Toe')
player_a = input('Enter your Name: ').strip()
if not player_a:
player_a = 'You'
while True:
dif_level = input('Select difficult level (1 - Easy, 2 - Hard): ')
if dif_level.isdigit():
dif_level = int(dif_level)
dif_level = 1
result = play_tic_tac_toe('X', 'O', dif_level=dif_level)
if result == 'A':
print('%s Won. Congratulations!' % player_a)
elif result == 'B':
print('Computer Wins. Better luck next time!')
elif result == 'D':
print('Its a Draw.')
if input('Do you want to play again Y/N: ').strip().upper() == 'N':
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