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Created March 12, 2009 16:38
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# vim:syntax=perl
# WebGUI is Copyright 2001-2009 Plain Black Corporation.
# Please read the legal notices (docs/legal.txt) and the license
# (docs/license.txt) that came with this distribution before using
# this software.
# Write a little about what this script tests.
use FindBin;
use strict;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
use Test::More;
use Scalar::Util qw/refaddr/;
use WebGUI::Test; # Must use this before any other WebGUI modules
use WebGUI::Session;
use WebGUI::Asset;
use WebGUI::Shop::Cart;
use WebGUI::TestException;
# Init
my $session = WebGUI::Test->session;
my $i18n = WebGUI::International->new($session, "Shop");
# Tests
plan tests => 22; # Increment this number for each test you create
# put your tests here
throws_deeply ( sub { my $cart = WebGUI::Shop::Cart->newBySession(); },
error => 'Need a session.',
got => '',
expected => 'WebGUI::Session',
'newBySession takes an exception to not giving it a session variable'
my $cart = WebGUI::Shop::Cart->newBySession($session);
isa_ok($cart, "WebGUI::Shop::Cart");
isa_ok($cart->session, "WebGUI::Session");
my $message = $i18n->get('empty cart') . "\n";
like($cart->www_view, qr/There are no items currently in your cart./, 'Display empty cart message');
my $root = WebGUI::Asset->getRoot($session);
my $product = $root->addChild({
title=>"Test Product",
my $item = $cart->addItem($product);
isa_ok($item, "WebGUI::Shop::CartItem");
isa_ok($item->cart, "WebGUI::Shop::Cart", "Does the item have a cart?");
is(ref($item->get), "HASH", "Do we have a hash of properties?");
is($item->get("quantity"), 1, "Should have 1 of these in the cart.");
is($item->adjustQuantity(2), 3, "adjustQuantity() should tell us how many items of this type are in the cart");
is($item->get("quantity"), 3, "Should have 3 of these in the cart.");
is(scalar(@{$cart->getItems}), 1, "Should have 1 item type in cart regardless of quanity.");
$item->update({shippingAddressId => "XXXX"});
is($item->get("shippingAddressId"), "XXXX", "Can set values to the cart item properties.");
like($cart->getId, qr/[A-Za-z0-9\_\-]{22}/, "Id looks like a guid.");
is(ref($cart->get), "HASH", "Cart properties are a hash reference.");
is($cart->get("sessionId"), $session->getId, "Can retrieve a value from the cart properties.");
is($cart->formatCurrency(11.1), "11.10", "can format currency");
is($cart->calculateSubtotal, 150.75, "can determine the price of the items in the cart");
$cart->update({shippingAddressId => "XXXX"});
is($cart->get("shippingAddressId"), "XXXX", "Can set values to the cart properties.");
isa_ok($cart->getAddressBook, "WebGUI::Shop::AddressBook", "can get an address book");
is($session->db->quickScalar("select count(*) from cartItem where cartId=?",[$cart->getId]), 0, "Items are removed from cart.");
my $session2 = WebGUI::Session->open(WebGUI::Test->root, WebGUI::Test->file);
$session2->user({userId => 3});
my $cart2 = WebGUI::Shop::Cart->newBySession($session2);
refaddr $cart->getAddressBook,
refaddr $cart2->getAddressBook,
'Different carts with different sessions have different AddressBooks'
my $cart3 = WebGUI::Shop::Cart->newBySession($session);
refaddr $cart->getAddressBook,
refaddr $cart3->getAddressBook,
'Different carts with same sessions have same AddressBooks'
is($cart->delete, undef, "Can destroy cart.");
# Cleanup
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