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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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projections for fun
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<!--[if lte IE 8]>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<!-- Menu wrapper from -->
<div class="menu-wrapper">
<div id="map"></div>
<div id="proj"></div>
<!-- include cartodb.js library -->
<script src=""></script>
function main() {
$('.menu-wrapper').on('click', function() {
if(window.location.hash) {
var proj = window.location.hash.substring(1);
} else {
var proj = 42303;
window.location.hash = proj;
// set sql api client
var sql = cartodb.SQL({ user: 'andrew' });
// create leaflet map
var map ='map', {
zoomControl: false,
center: [43, 0],
zoom: 3
var conf = {
'42303': {table: 'us_states', srid: 42303, id: 'PROJCS: NAD83 / Albers NorthAm', link: ''},
'102005': {table: 'us_states_contiguous', srid: 102005, id: 'USA Contiguous Equidistant Conic', link: ''},
'102031': {table: 'ne_adm0_europe', srid: 102031, id: 'Europe Equidistant Conic', link: ''},
'102029': {table: 'asia_adm0', srid: 102029, id: 'Asia South Equidistant Conic', link: ''},
'102023': {table: 'africa_adm0', srid: 102023, id: 'Africa Equidistant Conic', link: ''},
'102032': {table: 'samerica_adm0', srid: 102032, id: 'South America Equidistant Conic', link: ''},
'102016': {table: 'world_borders_no_antarctica', srid: 102016, id: 'North Pole Azimuthal Equidistant', link: ''},
'102019': {table: 'world_borders', srid: 102019, id: 'South Pole Azimuthal Equidistant', link: ''},
'3577': {table: 'australian_albers', srid: 3577, id: 'Australian Albers', link: ''}
function redirect(srid){
for (a in conf){
$("<a href=\"#"+a+"\"><i class=\"fa fa-times\"></i> <span>"+conf[a].id+"</span></a>")
$('nav a').click(function(){
$('#proj').html("<a target=_blank href='"+conf[proj].link+"'>"+conf[proj].id+"</a>")
var bsql = 'SELECT ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(st_transform(the_geom_webmercator, '+conf[proj].srid+'),3857),4326) the_geom FROM '+conf[proj].table;
sql.getBounds(bsql).done(function(bounds) {
// add cartodb layer with one sublayer
cartodb.createLayer(map, {
user_name: 'andrew',
type: 'cartodb',
sublayers: [{
sql: 'SELECT cartodb_id, st_transform(the_geom_webmercator, '+conf[proj].srid+') the_geom_webmercator FROM '+conf[proj].table,
cartocss: '#'+conf[proj].table+'::blur { polygon-fill: #7af; polygon-opacity: 1; polygon-clip: false; image-filters: agg-stack-blur(15,15);} #'+conf[proj].table+' { polygon-fill: #85D8CE; polygon-opacity: 1; line-width: 0; polygon-clip: false;}',
interactivity: 'cartodb_id'
.done(function(layer) {
cartodb.createLayer(map, {
type: "torque",
order: 1,
options: {
query: 'SELECT pop_max, cartodb_id, st_transform(the_geom_webmercator, '+conf[proj].srid+') the_geom_webmercator FROM populated_places p WHERE 0<(SELECT count(cartodb_id) FROM '+conf[proj].table+' c WHERE p.the_geom && c.the_geom LIMIT 1)',
table_name: "populated_places",
user_name: "andrew",
tile_style: 'Map { -torque-frame-count:256; -torque-animation-duration:10; -torque-time-attribute:"cartodb_id"; -torque-aggregation-function:"count(cartodb_id)"; -torque-resolution:2; -torque-data-aggregation:linear; } #populated_places{ comp-op: lighter; marker-fill-opacity: 0.9; marker-line-color: #FFF; marker-line-width: 0; marker-line-opacity: 1; marker-type: ellipse; marker-width: 1; marker-fill: #FF77AA; } #populated_places[frame-offset=1] { marker-width:3; marker-fill-opacity:0.45; } #populated_places[frame-offset=2] { marker-width:5; marker-fill-opacity:0.225; } #populated_places[frame-offset=3] { marker-width:7; marker-fill-opacity:0.1; }'
}).done(function(layer) {
window.onload = main;
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