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Created March 17, 2009 15:07
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# vim: noet
capitals = {
"England" => "london",
"France" => "paris",
"Germany" => "berlin",
"Spain" => "madrid",
"Italy" => "rome",
def normalize(items)
# calculate the total of all weights
total = (items.inject(0) do |total, item|
total += item[1]
# create a new array with the
# weights replaced with ratios
items.collect do |str, weight|
[str, (weight/total)]
# Returns a random string from an
# array of [string, weight] pairs
def pick(items)
choice = rand
normalize(items).each do |str, weight|
return str if choice <= weight
choice -= weight
# build a separate array to keep track of weights for each country,
# so we can prioritize questions that the user often gets wrong
weights = capitals.keys.collect do |country|
[country, 1]
# keep playing until this script
# is terminated (with ctrl+c)
while true
choice = pick(weights)
# ask a question, get an answer
print "What is the capital of #{choice.upcase}? "
if gets.strip.downcase == capitals[choice].downcase
puts "Correct!"
# correct answer; increase the weight of all others,
# causing this country to appear less frequently
weights.each_index do |n|
weights[n][1] += 1 unless\
weights[n][0] == choice
puts "The answer is: #{capitals[choice].upcase}"
# wrong answer, so increase the weight of
# this country, so it appears more often
weights.each_index do |n|
weights[n][1] += 1 if\
weights[n][0] == choice
puts "Weights are now: #{weights.inspect}"
puts # blank line
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