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Created March 17, 2009 16:42
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# vim:syntax=perl
# WebGUI is Copyright 2001-2008 Plain Black Corporation.
# Please read the legal notices (docs/legal.txt) and the license
# (docs/license.txt) that came with this distribution before using
# this software.
# This script tests the creation, sending, and queuing of mail messages
# TODO: There is plenty left to do in this script.
use FindBin;
use strict;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
use JSON qw( from_json to_json );
use Test::More;
use File::Spec;
use Data::Dumper;
use WebGUI::Test;
use WebGUI::Mail::Send;
use WebGUI::User;
# Init
my $session = WebGUI::Test->session;
my $mail; # The WebGUI::Mail::Send object
my $mime; # for getMimeEntity
# Load Net::SMTP::Server
my $hasServer; # This is true if we have a Net::SMTP::Server module
eval { require Net::SMTP::Server; require Net::SMTP::Server::Client; };
$hasServer = 1 unless $@;
# See if we have an SMTP server to use
my ( $smtpd, %oldSettings );
my $SMTP_HOST = 'localhost';
my $SMTP_PORT = '54921';
if ($hasServer) {
$oldSettings{ smtpServer } = $session->setting->get('smtpServer');
$session->setting->set( 'smtpServer', $SMTP_HOST . ':' . $SMTP_PORT );
my $smtpd = File::Spec->catfile( WebGUI::Test->root, 't', '' );
open MAIL, "perl $smtpd $SMTP_HOST $SMTP_PORT 2|"
or die "Could not open pipe to SMTPD: $!";
sleep 1; # Give the smtpd time to establish itself
# Tests
plan tests => 6; # Increment this number for each test you create
# Test create
$mail = WebGUI::Mail::Send->create( $session );
isa_ok( $mail, 'WebGUI::Mail::Send',
"WebGUI::Mail::Send->create returns a WebGUI::Mail::Send object",
# Test that getMimeEntity works
$mime = $mail->getMimeEntity;
isa_ok( $mime, 'MIME::Entity',
# Test that create gets the appropriate defaults
# Test addText
$mail = WebGUI::Mail::Send->create( $session );
my $text = <<'EOF';
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu lacus ut ligula fringilla elementum. Cras condimentum, velit commodo pretium semper, odio ante accumsan orci, a ultrices risus justo a nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat.
$mime = $mail->getMimeEntity;
# addText should add newlines after 78 characters
my $newlines = length $text / 78;
is( $mime->parts(0)->as_string =~ m/\n/, $newlines,
"addText should add newlines after 78 characters",
# Test addHtml
$mail = WebGUI::Mail::Send->create( $session );
$text = <<'EOF';
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu lacus ut ligula fringilla elementum. Cras condimentum, velit commodo pretium semper, odio ante accumsan orci, a ultrices risus justo a nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat.
$mime = $mail->getMimeEntity;
# TODO: Test that addHtml creates an HTML wrapper if no html or body tag exists
# TODO: Test that addHtml creates a body with the right content type
# addHtml should add newlines after 78 characters
$newlines = length $text / 78;
is( $mime->parts(0)->as_string =~ m/\n/, $newlines,
"addHtml should add newlines after 78 characters",
# TODO: Test that addHtml does not create an HTML wrapper if html or body tag exist
# Test addHtmlRaw
$mail = WebGUI::Mail::Send->create( $session );
$text = <<'EOF';
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Suspendisse eu lacus ut ligula fringilla elementum. Cras condimentum, velit commodo pretium semper, odio ante accumsan orci, a ultrices risus justo a nulla. Aliquam erat volutpat.
$mime = $mail->getMimeEntity;
# TODO: Test that addHtmlRaw doesn't add an HTML wrapper
# addHtmlRaw should add newlines after 78 characters
$newlines = length $text / 78;
is( $mime->parts(0)->as_string =~ m/\n/, $newlines,
"addHtmlRaw should add newlines after 78 characters",
# TODO: Test that addHtml creates a body with the right content type
my $smtpServerOk = 0;
# Test emailOverride
my $numtests = 1; # Number of tests in this block
# Must be able to write the config, or we'll die
if ( !-w File::Spec->catfile( WebGUI::Test::root, 'etc', WebGUI::Test::file() ) ) {
skip "Cannot test emailOverride: Can't write new configuration value", $numtests;
# Must have an SMTP server, or it's pointless
if ( !$hasServer ) {
skip "Cannot test emailOverride: Module Net::SMTP::Server not loaded!", $numtests;
$smtpServerOk = 1;
# Override the emailOverride
my $oldEmailOverride = $session->config->get('emailOverride');
$session->config->set( 'emailOverride', 'dufresne@localhost' );
my $oldEmailToLog = $session->config->get('emailToLog');
$session->config->set( 'emailToLog', 0 );
# Send the mail
my $mail
= WebGUI::Mail::Send->create( $session, {
to => 'norton@localhost',
} );
$mail->addText( 'His judgement cometh and that right soon.' );
my $received = sendToServer( $mail );
if (!$received) {
skip "Cannot test emailOverride: No response received from smtpd", $numtests;
# Test the mail
like( $received->{to}->[0], qr/dufresne\@localhost/,
"Email TO: address is overridden",
# Restore the emailOverride
$session->config->set( 'emailOverride', $oldEmailOverride );
$session->config->set( 'emailToLog', $oldEmailToLog );
# Test sending an Inbox message to a user who has various notifications configured
my $inboxUser = WebGUI::User->create($session);
$inboxUser->profileField('receiveInboxEmailNotifications', 0);
$inboxUser->profileField('receiveInboxSmsNotifications', 0);
$oldSettings{smsGateway} = $session->setting->get('smsGateway');
$session->setting->set('smsGateway', '');
my $numtests = 1; # Number of tests in this block
# Must be able to write the config, or we'll die
skip "Cannot test email notifications", $numtests unless $smtpServerOk;
# Send the mail
my $mail = WebGUI::Mail::Send->create( $session, {
toUser => $inboxUser->userId,
$mail->addText( 'to address should be empty' );
my $received = sendToServer( $mail ) ;
diag Dumper $received;
# Test the mail
like( $received->{to}->[0], qr/dufresne\@localhost/,
"Email TO: address is overridden",
# TODO: Test the emailToLog config setting
# Cleanup
for my $name ( keys %oldSettings ) {
$session->setting->set( $name, $oldSettings{ $name } );
close MAIL
or die "Could not close pipe to SMTPD: $!";
sleep 1;
# sendToServer ( mail )
# Spawns a server (using t/, sends the mail, and grabs it from the
# child
# The child process builds a Net::SMTP::Server and listens for the parent to
# send the mail. The entire result is returned as a hash reference with the
# following keys:
# to - who the mail was to
# from - who the mail was from
# contents - The complete contents of the message, suitable to be parsed
# by a MIME::Entity parser
sub sendToServer {
my $mail = shift;
my $json = <MAIL>;
return from_json( $json );
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