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Last active September 24, 2015 21:17
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class LazyList {
private Closure list
private LazyList(list) {
this.list = list
static LazyList nil() {
new LazyList( {-> []} )
LazyList cons(head) {
new LazyList( {-> [head, list]} )
def car() {
def lst =
lst ? lst[0] : null
def cdr() {
def lst =
lst ? new LazyList(lst[1]) : nil()
def methodMissing(String name, args) {
def matcher = name =~ /^c([ad]+)r$/
if (matcher) {
matcher[0][1].reverse().toList().inject(this) {
del, cr -> del."c${cr}r"()
} else {
throw new MissingMethodException(name, this.class, args)
boolean isEmpty() { == []
def fold(n, acc, f) {
n == 0 || isEmpty() ? acc : cdr().fold(n-1,, car()), f)
def foldAll(acc, f) {
isEmpty() ? acc : cdr().foldAll(, car()), f)
def take(n) {
fold(n, []) {acc, item -> acc << item}
def takeAll() {
foldAll([]) {acc, item -> acc << item}
def toList() {
def map(f) {
isEmpty() ? nil() : new LazyList( {-> [, cdr().map(f).list]} )
// doesn't work for infinite lists
//isEmpty() ? nil() : cdr().map(f).cons(
def filter(p) {
isEmpty() ? nil() : ? new LazyList( {-> [car(), cdr().filter(p).list]} ) : cdr().filter(p)
private static sequence(int n) {
{-> [n, sequence(n+1)]}
static LazyList integers(int n) {
new LazyList(sequence(n))
static LazyList naturals() {
static def zipWith(alist, blist, f) {
alist.isEmpty() || blist.isEmpty() ? nil() : new LazyList( {-> [,, zipWith(alist.cdr(), blist.cdr(), f).list]} )
def lazylist = LazyList.nil().cons(4).cons(3).cons(2).cons(1)
assert == 1
assert lazylist.cdr().car() == 2
assert lazylist.caddr() == 3
def lmn = LazyList.nil().cons('N').cons('M').cons('L')
def almnz = LazyList.nil().cons('Z').cons(lmn).cons('A')
assert almnz.cadadr() == 'M'
ArrayList.metaClass.lazy = {
-> delegate.reverse().inject(LazyList.nil()) {list, item -> list.cons(item)}
def lazyfied = ['A', ['L','M','N'].lazy(), 'Z'].lazy()
assert lazyfied.cadadr() == 'M'
assert [1,2,3,4,5].lazy().foldAll(0){ acc, i -> acc + i } == 15
assert [1,2,3,4,5].lazy().fold(3, 1){ acc, i -> acc * i } == 6
assert [1,2,3,4,5].lazy().takeAll() == [1,2,3,4,5]
assert [1,2,3,4,5].lazy().take(3) == [1,2,3]
assert [1,2,3,4,5].lazy().map{ 2 * it }.take(3) == [2,4,6]
assert [1,2,3,4,5].lazy().filter{ 2 < it }.take(2) == [3,4]
assert [1,2,3,0,6].lazy().map{ 6 / it }.take(3) == [6,3,2]
try {
[1,2,3,0,6].lazy().map{ 6 / it }.takeAll()
catch (Exception e) {
assert e instanceof ArithmeticException
def naturals = LazyList.naturals()
assert naturals.take(3) == [1,2,3]
def evens = { 2 * it }
assert evens.take(3) == [2,4,6]
def odds = naturals.filter { it % 2 == 1 }
assert odds.take(3) == [1,3,5]
assert naturals.cadddddddddr() == 10
def nonnegatives = naturals.cons(0)
assert nonnegatives.cadr() == 1
assert LazyList.zipWith(evens, odds){ x, y -> x * y }.take(4) == [2,12,30,56]
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